
Every Cvc5Term has an associated kind, represented as enum Cvc5Kind. This kind distinguishes if the term is a value, constant, variable or operator, and what kind of each. For example, a bit-vector value has kind CVC5_KIND_CONST_BITVECTOR, a free constant symbol has kind CVC5_KIND_CONSTANT, an equality over terms of any sort has kind CVC5_KIND_EQUAL, and a universally quantified formula has kind CVC5_KIND_FORALL.

enum Cvc5Kind

The kind of a cvc5 Term.



Internal kind.

This kind serves as an abstraction for internal kinds that are not exposed via the API but may appear in terms returned by API functions, e.g., when querying the simplified form of a term.


Should never be created via the API.


Undefined kind.


Should never be exposed or created via the API.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_NULL_TERM

Null kind.

The kind of a null term (Term::Term()).


May not be explicitly created via API functions other than Term::Term().


The value of an uninterpreted constant.


May be returned as the result of an API call, but terms of this kind may not be created explicitly via the API and may not appear in assertions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_EQUAL

Equality, chainable.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of the same Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const



  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of the same Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Free constant symbol.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkConst(const Sort&, const std::string&) const

    • Solver::mkConst(const Sort&) const


Not permitted in bindings (e.g., FORALL, EXISTS).


(Bound) variable.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkVar(const Sort&, const std::string&) const


Only permitted in bindings and in lambda and quantifier bodies.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SKOLEM

A Skolem.

skolem is available via the calls Solver::getSkolemId and Solver::getSkolemIndices.


Represents an internally generated term. Information on the

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEXPR

Symbolic expression.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms with same sorts

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_LAMBDA

Lambda expression.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of kind :cpp:enumerator:VARIABLE_LIST

    • 2: Term of any Sort (the body of the lambda)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_WITNESS


The syntax of a witness term is similar to a quantified formula except that only one variable is allowed. For example, the term

(witness ((x S)) F)

returns an element \(x\) of Sort \(S\) and asserts formula \(F\).

The witness operator behaves like the description operator (see if there is no \(x\) that satisfies \(F\). But if such \(x\) exists, the witness operator does not enforce the following axiom which ensures uniqueness up to logical equivalence:

\[\forall x. F \equiv G \Rightarrow witness~x. F = witness~x. G\]

For example, if there are two elements of Sort \(S\) that satisfy formula \(F\), then the following formula is satisfiable:

   (witness ((x Int)) F)
   (witness ((x Int)) F))

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of kind :cpp:enumerator:VARIABLE_LIST

    • 2: Term of Sort Bool (the body of the witness)

    • 3: (optional) Term of kind :cpp:enumerator:INST_PATTERN_LIST

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is primarily used internally, but may be returned in models (e.g., for arithmetic terms in non-linear queries). However, it is not supported by the parser. Moreover, the user of the API should be cautious when using this operator. In general, all witness terms (witness ((x Int)) F) should be such that (exists ((x Int)) F) is a valid formula. If this is not the case, then the semantics in formulas that use witness terms may be unintuitive. For example, the following formula is unsatisfiable: (or (= (witness ((x Int)) false) 0) (not (= (witness ((x Int)) false) 0)), whereas notice that (or (= z 0) (not (= z 0))) is true for any \(z\).


Boolean constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTrue() const

    • Solver::mkFalse() const

    • Solver::mkBoolean(bool) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_NOT

Logical negation.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Bool

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_AND

Logical conjunction.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Bool

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_IMPLIES

Logical implication.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Bool

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_OR

Logical disjunction.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Bool

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_XOR

Logical exclusive disjunction, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Bool

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_ITE


  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort Bool

    • 2: The ‘then’ term, Term of any Sort

    • 3: The ‘else’ term, Term of the same sort as second argument

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_APPLY_UF

Application of an uninterpreted function.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1: Function Term

    • 2..n: Function argument instantiation Terms of any first-class Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Cardinality constraint on uninterpreted sort.

Interpreted as a predicate that is true when the cardinality of uinterpreted Sort \(S\) is less than or equal to an upper bound.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkCardinalityConstraint(const Sort&, uint32_t) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_HO_APPLY

Higher-order applicative encoding of function application, left associative.

  • Arity: n = 2

    • 1: Function Term

    • 2: Argument Term of the domain Sort of the function

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_ADD

Arithmetic addition.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_MULT

Arithmetic multiplication.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_IAND

Integer and.

Operator for bit-wise AND over integers, parameterized by a (positive) bit-width \(k\).

((_ iand k) i_1 i_2)

is equivalent to

((_ iand k) i_1 i_2)
(bv2int (bvand ((_ int2bv k) i_1) ((_ int2bv k) i_2)))

for all integers i_1, i_2.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of Sort Int

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: Bit-width \(k\)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_POW2

Power of two.

Operator for raising 2 to a non-negative integer power.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SUB

Arithmetic subtraction, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_NEG

Arithmetic negation.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int or Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Real division, division by 0 undefined, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Real division, division by 0 defined to be 0, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Integer division, division by 0 undefined, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Integer division, division by 0 defined to be 0, left associative.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Integer modulus, modulus by 0 undefined.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

    • 2: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Integer modulus, t modulus by 0 defined to be t.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

    • 2: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_ABS

Absolute value.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int or Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_POW

Arithmetic power.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Term of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Exponential function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SINE

Sine function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_COSINE

Cosine function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_TANGENT

Tangent function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Cosecant function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SECANT

Secant function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Cotangent function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_ARCSINE

Arc sine function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arc cosine function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arc tangent function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arc cosecant function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arc secant function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arc cotangent function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SQRT

Square root.

If the argument x is non-negative, then this returns a non-negative value y such that y * y = x.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Operator for the divisibility-by-\(k\) predicate.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The integer \(k\) to divide by.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Arbitrary-precision rational constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkReal(const std::string&) const

    • Solver::mkReal(int64_t) const

    • Solver::mkReal(int64_t, int64_t) const


Arbitrary-precision integer constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkInteger(const std::string&) const

    • Solver::mkInteger(int64_t) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_LT

Less than, chainable.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_LEQ

Less than or equal, chainable.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_GT

Greater than, chainable.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_GEQ

Greater than or equal, chainable.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Int or Real (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Is-integer predicate.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int or Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Convert Term of sort Int or Real to Int via the floor function.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int or Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_TO_REAL

Convert Term of Sort Int or Real to Real.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int or Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_PI

Pi constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkPi() const


PI is considered a special symbol of Sort Real, but is not a Real value, i.e., Term::isRealValue() will return false.


Fixed-size bit-vector constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkBitVector(uint32_t, uint64_t) const

    • Solver::mkBitVector(uint32_t, const std::string&, uint32_t) const


Concatenation of two or more bit-vectors.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise and.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise or.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise xor.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise negation.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise nand.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise nor.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-wise xnor, left associative.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Equality comparison (returns bit-vector of size 1).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Multiplication of two or more bit-vectors.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Addition of two or more bit-vectors.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Subtraction of two bit-vectors.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Negation of a bit-vector (two’s complement).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Unsigned bit-vector division.

Truncates towards 0. If the divisor is zero, the result is all ones.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Unsigned bit-vector remainder.

Remainder from unsigned bit-vector division. If the modulus is zero, the result is the dividend.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Signed bit-vector division.

Two’s complement signed division of two bit-vectors. If the divisor is zero and the dividend is positive, the result is all ones. If the divisor is zero and the dividend is negative, the result is one.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Signed bit-vector remainder (sign follows dividend).

Two’s complement signed remainder of two bit-vectors where the sign follows the dividend. If the modulus is zero, the result is the dividend.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Signed bit-vector remainder (sign follows divisor).

Two’s complement signed remainder where the sign follows the divisor. If the modulus is zero, the result is the dividend.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector shift left.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector logical shift right.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector arithmetic shift right.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned less than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned less than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned greater than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned greater than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed less than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed less than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed greater than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed greater than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned less than returning a bit-vector of size 1.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed less than returning a bit-vector of size 1.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector if-then-else.

Same semantics as regular ITE, but condition is bit-vector of size 1.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort of size 1

    • 1..3: Terms of bit-vector sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector redor.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector redand.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector negation overflow detection.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned addition overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed addition overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned multiplication overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed multiplication overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector unsigned subtraction overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed subtraction overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector signed division overflow detection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bit-vector Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector extract.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The upper bit index.

    • 2: The lower bit index.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector repeat.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of times to repeat the given term.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector zero extension.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of zeroes to extend the given term with.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector sign extension.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of bits (of the value of the sign bit) to extend the given term with.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector rotate left.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of bits to rotate the given term left.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector rotate right.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of bits to rotate the given term right.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion from Int to bit-vector.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The size of the bit-vector to convert to.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bit-vector conversion to (non-negative) integer.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Converts a list of Bool terms to a bit-vector.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort Bool


May be returned as the result of an API call, but terms of this kind may not be created explicitly via the API and may not appear in assertions.


Retrieves the bit at the given index from a bit-vector as a Bool term.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The bit index


May be returned as the result of an API call, but terms of this kind may not be created explicitly via the API and may not appear in assertions.


Finite field constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkFiniteFieldElem(const std::string&, const Sort&, uint32_t base) const


Negation of a finite field element (additive inverse).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of finite field Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Addition of two or more finite field elements.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of finite field Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bitsum of two or more finite field elements: x + 2y + 4z + …

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of finite field Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


Multiplication of two or more finite field elements.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of finite field Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point constant, created from IEEE-754 bit-vector representation of the floating-point value.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkFloatingPoint(uint32_t, uint32_t, Term) const


RoundingMode constant.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkRoundingMode(RoundingMode) const


Create floating-point literal from bit-vector triple.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort of size 1 (sign bit)

    • 2: Term of bit-vector Sort of exponent size (exponent)

    • 3: Term of bit-vector Sort of significand size - 1 (significand without hidden bit)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point equality.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point absolute value.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point negation.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point addition.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2..3: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point sutraction.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2..3: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point multiply.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2..3: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point division.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2..3: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point fused multiply and add.

  • Arity: 4

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2..4: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point square root.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point remainder.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point round to integral.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point minimum.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point maximum.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point less than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point less than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point greater than or equal.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point greater than.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of floating-point Sort (sorts must match)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is normal tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is sub-normal tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is zero tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is infinite tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is NaN tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is negative tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Floating-point is positive tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to floating-point from IEEE-754 bit-vector.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The exponent size

    • 2: The significand size

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to floating-point from floating-point.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The exponent size

    • 2: The significand size

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to floating-point from Real.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of Sort Real

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The exponent size

    • 2: The significand size

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to floating-point from signed bit-vector.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The exponent size

    • 2: The significand size

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to floating-point from unsigned bit-vector.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of bit-vector Sort

  • Indices: 2

    • 1: The exponent size

    • 2: The significand size

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to unsigned bit-vector from floating-point.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The size of the bit-vector to convert to.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to signed bit-vector from floating-point.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort RoundingMode

    • 2: Term of floating-point Sort

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The size of the bit-vector to convert to.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion to Real from floating-point.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Real

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SELECT

Array select.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of array Sort

    • 2: Term of array index Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_STORE

Array store.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of array Sort

    • 2: Term of array index Sort

    • 3: Term of array element Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Constant array.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of array Sort

    • 2: Term of array element Sort (value)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_EQ_RANGE

Equality over arrays \(a\) and \(b\) over a given range \([i,j]\), i.e.,

\[\forall k . i \leq k \leq j \Rightarrow a[k] = b[k]\]

  • Arity: 4

    • 1: Term of array Sort (first array)

    • 2: Term of array Sort (second array)

    • 3: Term of array index Sort (lower bound of range, inclusive)

    • 4: Term of array index Sort (upper bound of range, inclusive)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


We currently support the creation of array equalities over index Sorts bit-vector, floating-point, Int and Real. Requires to enable option arrays-exp.


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Datatype constructor application.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1: DatatypeConstructor Term (see DatatypeConstructor::getTerm() const)

    • 2..n: Terms of the Sorts of the selectors of the constructor (the arguments to the constructor)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Datatype selector application.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: DatatypeSelector Term (see DatatypeSelector::getTerm() const)

    • 2: Term of the codomain Sort of the selector

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Undefined if misapplied.


Datatype tester application.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Datatype tester Term (see DatatypeConstructor::getTesterTerm() const)

    • 2: Term of Datatype Sort (DatatypeConstructor must belong to this Datatype Sort)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Datatype update application.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Datatype updater Term (see DatatypeSelector::getUpdaterTerm() const)

    • 2: Term of Datatype Sort (DatatypeSelector of the updater must belong to a constructor of this Datatype Sort)

    • 3: Term of the codomain Sort of the selector (the Term to update the field of the datatype term with)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Does not change the datatype argument if misapplied.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_MATCH

Match expression.

This kind is primarily used in the parser to support the SMT-LIBv2 match expression.

For example, the SMT-LIBv2 syntax for the following match term

(match l (((cons h t) h) (nil 0)))

is represented by the AST

    (MATCH_BIND_CASE (VARIABLE_LIST h t) (cons h t) h)
    (MATCH_CASE nil 0))

Terms of kind MATCH_CASE are constant case expressions, which are used for nullary constructors. Kind MATCH_BIND_CASE is used for constructors with selectors and variable match patterns. If not all constructors are covered, at least one catch-all variable pattern must be included.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of kind MATCH_CASE and MATCH_BIND_CASE

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Match case for nullary constructors.

A (constant) case expression to be used within a match expression.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of kind APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR (the pattern to match against)

    • 2: Term of any Sort (the term the match term evaluates to)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Match case with binders, for constructors with selectors and variable patterns.

A (non-constant) case expression to be used within a match expression.

  • Arity: 3

    • For variable patterns:

      • 1: Term of kind VARIABLE_LIST (containing the free variable of the case)

      • 2: Term of kind VARIABLE (the pattern expression, the free variable of the case)

      • 3: Term of any Sort (the term the pattern evaluates to)

    • For constructors with selectors:

      • 1: Term of kind VARIABLE_LIST (containing the free variable of the case)

      • 2: Term of kind APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR (the pattern expression, applying the set of variables to the constructor)

      • 3: Term of any Sort (the term the match term evaluates to)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Tuple projection.

This operator takes a tuple as an argument and returns a tuple obtained by concatenating components of its argument at the provided indices.

For example,

((_ tuple.project 1 2 2 3 1) (tuple 10 20 30 40))


(tuple 20 30 30 40 20)

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of tuple Sort

  • Indices: n

    • 1..n: The tuple indices to project

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Lifting operator for nullable terms. This operator lifts a built-in operator or a user-defined function to nullable terms. For built-in kinds use mkNullableLift. For user-defined functions use mkTerm.

  • Arity: n > 1

  • 1..n: Terms of nullable sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkNullableLift(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEP_NIL

Separation logic nil.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkSepNil(const Sort&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEP_EMP

Separation logic empty heap.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkSepEmp() const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEP_PTO

Separation logic points-to relation.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term denoting the location of the points-to constraint

    • 2: Term denoting the data of the points-to constraint

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEP_STAR

Separation logic star.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of sort Bool (the child constraints that hold in disjoint (separated) heaps)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEP_WAND

Separation logic magic wand.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Terms of Sort Bool (the antecendant of the magic wand constraint)

    • 2: Terms of Sort Bool (conclusion of the magic wand constraint, which is asserted to hold in all heaps that are disjoint extensions of the antecedent)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_EMPTY

Empty set.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkEmptySet(const Sort&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_UNION

Set union.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_INTER

Set intersection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_MINUS

Set subtraction.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Subset predicate.

Determines if the first set is a subset of the second set.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Set membership predicate.

Determines if the given set element is a member of the second set.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of any Sort (must match the element Sort of the given set Term)

    • 2: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Singleton set.

Construct a singleton set from an element given as a parameter. The returned set has the same Sort as the element.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of any Sort (the set element)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


The set obtained by inserting elements;

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n-1: Terms of any Sort (must match the element sort of the given set Term)

    • n: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_CARD

Set cardinality.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Set complement with respect to finite universe.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Finite universe set.

All set variables must be interpreted as subsets of it.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkUniverseSet(const Sort&) const


SET_UNIVERSE is considered a special symbol of the theory of sets and is not considered as a set value, i.e., Term::isSetValue() will return false.


Set comprehension

A set comprehension is specified by a variable list \(x_1 ... x_n\), a predicate \(P[x_1...x_n]\), and a term \(t[x_1...x_n]\). A comprehension \(C\) with the above form has members given by the following semantics:

\[\forall y. ( \exists x_1...x_n. P[x_1...x_n] \wedge t[x_1...x_n] = y ) \Leftrightarrow (set.member \; y \; C)\]

where \(y\) ranges over the element Sort of the (set) Sort of the comprehension. If \(t[x_1..x_n]\) is not provided, it is equivalent to \(y\) in the above formula.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Kind VARIABLE_LIST

    • 2: Term of sort Bool (the predicate of the comprehension)

    • 3: (optional) Term denoting the generator for the comprehension

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Set choose.

Select an element from a given set. For a set \(A = \{x\}\), the term (set.choose \(A\)) is equivalent to the term \(x_1\). For an empty set, it is an arbitrary value. For a set with cardinality > 1, it will deterministically return an element in \(A\).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Set is empty tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Set is singleton tester.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of set Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_MAP

Set map.

This operator applies the first argument, a function of Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2)\), to every element of the second argument, a set of Sort (Set \(S_1\)), and returns a set of Sort (Set \(S_2\)).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2)\)

    • 2: Term of set Sort (Set \(S_1\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Set filter.

This operator filters the elements of a set. (set.filter \(p \; A\)) takes a predicate \(p\) of Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\) as a first argument, and a set \(A\) of Sort (Set \(T\)) as a second argument, and returns a subset of Sort (Set \(T\)) that includes all elements of \(A\) that satisfy \(p\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Set \(T\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_ALL

Set all.

This operator checks whether all elements of a set satisfy a predicate. (set.all \(p \; A\)) takes a predicate \(p\) of Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\) as a first argument, and a set \(A\) of Sort (Set \(T\)) as a second argument, and returns true iff all elements of \(A\) satisfy predicate \(p\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Set \(T\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_SOME

Set some.

This operator checks whether at least one element of a set satisfies a predicate. (set.some \(p \; A\)) takes a predicate \(p\) of Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\) as a first argument, and a set \(A\) of Sort (Set \(T\)) as a second argument, and returns true iff at least one element of \(A\) satisfies predicate \(p\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Set \(T\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SET_FOLD

Set fold.

This operator combines elements of a set into a single value. (set.fold \(f \; t \; A\)) folds the elements of set \(A\) starting with Term \(t\) and using the combining function \(f\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2 \; S_2)\)

    • 2: Term of Sort \(S_2\) (the initial value)

    • 3: Term of bag Sort (Set \(S_1\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation join.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Table join operator for relations has the form \(((\_ \; rel.table\_join \; m_1 \; n_1 \; \dots \; m_k \; n_k) \; A \; B)\) where \(m_1 \; n_1 \; \dots \; m_k \; n_k\) are natural numbers, and \(A, B\) are relations. This operator filters the product of two sets based on the equality of projected tuples using indices \(m_1, \dots, m_k\) in relation \(A\), and indices \(n_1, \dots, n_k\) in relation \(B\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of relation Sort

    • 2: Term of relation Sort

  • Indices: n - 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation cartesian product.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Relation transpose.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Relation transitive closure.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Relation join image.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation identity.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of relation Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation group

\(((\_ \; \; n_1 \; \dots \; n_k) \; A)\) partitions tuples of relation \(A\) such that tuples that have the same projection with indices \(n_1 \; \dots \; n_k\) are in the same part. It returns a set of relations of type \((Set \; T)\) where \(T\) is the type of \(A\).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of relation sort

  • Indices: n

    • 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation aggregate operator has the form \(((\_ \; rel.aggr \; n_1 ... n_k) \; f \; i \; A)\) where \(n_1, ..., n_k\) are natural numbers, \(f\) is a function of type \((\rightarrow (Tuple \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\; T \; T)\), \(i\) has the type \(T\), and \(A\) has type \((Relation \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\). The returned type is \((Set \; T)\).

This operator aggregates elements in A that have the same tuple projection with indices n_1, …, n_k using the combining function \(f\), and initial value \(i\).

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sort \((\rightarrow (Tuple \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\; T \; T)\)

    • 2: Term of Sort \(T\)

    • 3: Term of relation sort \(Relation T_1 ... T_j\)

  • Indices: n - 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Relation projection operator extends tuple projection operator to sets.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of relation Sort

  • Indices: n

    • 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_EMPTY

Empty bag.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkEmptyBag(const Sort&) const


Bag max union.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bag disjoint union (sum).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bag intersection (min).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bag difference subtract.

Subtracts multiplicities of the second from the first.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bag difference remove.

Removes shared elements in the two bags.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Bag inclusion predicate.

Determine if multiplicities of the first bag are less than or equal to multiplicities of the second bag.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_COUNT

Bag element multiplicity.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const Term&, const Term&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const


Bag membership predicate.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of any Sort (must match the element Sort of the given bag Term)

    • 2: Terms of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_SETOF

Bag setof.

Eliminate duplicates in a given bag. The returned bag contains exactly the same elements in the given bag, but with multiplicity one.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_MAKE

Bag make.

Construct a bag with the given element and given multiplicity.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of any Sort (the bag element)

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (the multiplicity of the element)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_CARD

Bag cardinality.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Bag choose.

Select an element from a given bag.

For a bag \(A = \{(x,n)\}\) where \(n\) is the multiplicity, then the term (choose \(A\)) is equivalent to the term \(x\). For an empty bag, then it is an arbitrary value. For a bag that contains distinct elements, it will deterministically return an element in \(A\).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of bag Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_MAP

Bag map.

This operator applies the first argument, a function of Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2)\), to every element of the second argument, a set of Sort (Bag \(S_1\)), and returns a set of Sort (Bag \(S_2\)).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Bag \(S_1\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Bag filter.

This operator filters the elements of a bag. (bag.filter \(p \; B\)) takes a predicate \(p\) of Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\) as a first argument, and a bag \(B\) of Sort (Bag \(T\)) as a second argument, and returns a subbag of Sort (Bag \(T\)) that includes all elements of \(B\) that satisfy \(p\) with the same multiplicity.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow T \; Bool)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Bag \(T\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_BAG_FOLD

Bag fold.

This operator combines elements of a bag into a single value. (bag.fold \(f \; t \; B\)) folds the elements of bag \(B\) starting with Term \(t\) and using the combining function \(f\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow S_1 \; S_2 \; S_2)\)

    • 2: Term of Sort \(S_2\) (the initial value)

    • 3: Term of bag Sort (Bag \(S_1\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Bag partition.

This operator partitions of a bag of elements into disjoint bags. (bag.partition \(r \; B\)) partitions the elements of bag \(B\) of type \((Bag \; E)\) based on the equivalence relations \(r\) of type \((\rightarrow \; E \; E \; Bool)\). It returns a bag of bags of type \((Bag \; (Bag \; E))\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of function Sort \((\rightarrow \; E \; E \; Bool)\)

    • 2: Term of bag Sort (Bag \(E\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Table cross product.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of table Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Table projection operator extends tuple projection operator to tables.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of table Sort

  • Indices: n

    • 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Table aggregate operator has the form \(((\_ \; table.aggr \; n_1 ... n_k) \; f \; i \; A)\) where \(n_1, ..., n_k\) are natural numbers, \(f\) is a function of type \((\rightarrow (Tuple \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\; T \; T)\), \(i\) has the type \(T\), and \(A\) has type \((Table \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\). The returned type is \((Bag \; T)\).

This operator aggregates elements in A that have the same tuple projection with indices n_1, …, n_k using the combining function \(f\), and initial value \(i\).

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sort \((\rightarrow (Tuple \; T_1 \; ... \; T_j)\; T \; T)\)

    • 2: Term of Sort \(T\)

    • 3: Term of table sort \(Table T_1 ... T_j\)

  • Indices: n - 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Table join operator has the form \(((\_ \; table.join \; m_1 \; n_1 \; \dots \; m_k \; n_k) \; A \; B)\) where \(m_1 \; n_1 \; \dots \; m_k \; n_k\) are natural numbers, and \(A, B\) are tables. This operator filters the product of two bags based on the equality of projected tuples using indices \(m_1, \dots, m_k\) in table \(A\), and indices \(n_1, \dots, n_k\) in table \(B\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of table Sort

    • 2: Term of table Sort

  • Indices: n - 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Table group

\(((\_ \; \; n_1 \; \dots \; n_k) \; A)\) partitions tuples of table \(A\) such that tuples that have the same projection with indices \(n_1 \; \dots \; n_k\) are in the same part. It returns a bag of tables of type \((Bag \; T)\) where \(T\) is the type of \(A\).

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of table sort

  • Indices: n

    • 1..n: Indices of the projection

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


String concat.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String membership.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String

    • 2: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String length.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String substring.

Extracts a substring, starting at index \(i\) and of length \(l\), from a string \(s\). If the start index is negative, the start index is greater than the length of the string, or the length is negative, the result is the empty string.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Int (length \(l\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String update.

Updates a string \(s\) by replacing its context starting at an index with string \(t\). If the start index is negative, the start index is greater than the length of the string, the result is \(s\). Otherwise, the length of the original string is preserved.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Strong (replacement string \(t\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String character at.

Returns the character at index \(i\) from a string \(s\). If the index is negative or the index is greater than the length of the string, the result is the empty string. Otherwise the result is a string of length 1.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (string \(s\))

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String contains.

Determines whether a string \(s_1\) contains another string \(s_2\). If \(s_2\) is empty, the result is always true.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (the string \(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (the string \(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String index-of.

Returns the index of a substring \(s_2\) in a string \(s_1\) starting at index \(i\). If the index is negative or greater than the length of string \(s_1\) or the substring \(s_2\) does not appear in string \(s_1\) after index \(i\), the result is -1.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (substring \(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (substring \(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String index-of regular expression match.

Returns the first match of a regular expression \(r\) in a string \(s\). If the index is negative or greater than the length of string \(s_1\), or \(r\) does not match a substring in \(s\) after index \(i\), the result is -1.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String (string \(s\))

    • 2: Term of Sort RegLan (regular expression \(r\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String replace.

Replaces a string \(s_2\) in a string \(s_1\) with string \(s_3\). If \(s_2\) does not appear in \(s_1\), \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String (string \(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (string \(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of Sort String (string \(s_3\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String replace all.

Replaces all occurrences of a string \(s_2\) in a string \(s_1\) with string \(s_3\). If \(s_2\) does not appear in \(s_1\), \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of Sort String (\(s_3\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String replace regular expression match.

Replaces the first match of a regular expression \(r\) in string \(s_1\) with string \(s_2\). If \(r\) does not match a substring of \(s_1\), \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort RegLan

    • 3: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String replace all regular expression matches.

Replaces all matches of a regular expression \(r\) in string \(s_1\) with string \(s_2\). If \(r\) does not match a substring of \(s_1\), string \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort RegLan

    • 3: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String to lower case.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String to upper case.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String reverse.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String to code.

Returns the code point of a string if it has length one, or returns -1 otherwise.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String from code.

Returns a string containing a single character whose code point matches the argument to this function, or the empty string if the argument is out-of-bounds.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_STRING_LT

String less than.

Returns true if string \(s_1\) is (strictly) less than \(s_2\) based on a lexiographic ordering over code points.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String less than or equal.

Returns true if string \(s_1\) is less than or equal to \(s_2\) based on a lexiographic ordering over code points.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String prefix-of.

Determines whether a string \(s_1\) is a prefix of string \(s_2\). If string s1 is empty, this operator returns true.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String suffix-of.

Determines whether a string \(s_1\) is a suffix of the second string. If string \(s_1\) is empty, this operator returns true.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of Sort String (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String is-digit.

Returns true if given string is a digit (it is one of "0", …, "9").

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Conversion from Int to String.

If the integer is negative this operator returns the empty string.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


String to integer (total function).

If the string does not contain an integer or the integer is negative, the operator returns -1.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort Int

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Constant string.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkString(const std::string&, bool) const

    • Solver::mkString(const std::wstring&) const


Conversion from string to regexp.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort String

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression concatenation.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression union.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression intersection.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression difference.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1..2: Terms of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression *.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression +.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression ?.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression range.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of Sort String (lower bound character for the range)

    • 2: Term of Sort String (upper bound character for the range)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Operator for regular expression repeat.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The number of repetitions

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression loop.

Regular expression loop from lower bound to upper bound number of repetitions.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Indices: 1

    • 1: The lower bound

    • 2: The upper bound

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Regular expression none.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkRegexpNone() const


Regular expression all.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkRegexpAll() const


Regular expression all characters.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkRegexpAllchar() const


Regular expression complement.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of Sort RegLan

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence concat.

  • Arity: n > 1

    • 1..n: Terms of sequence Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence length.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence extract.

Extracts a subsequence, starting at index \(i\) and of length \(l\), from a sequence \(s\). If the start index is negative, the start index is greater than the length of the sequence, or the length is negative, the result is the empty sequence.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Int (length \(l\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence update.

Updates a sequence \(s\) by replacing its context starting at an index with string \(t\). If the start index is negative, the start index is greater than the length of the sequence, the result is \(s\). Otherwise, the length of the original sequence is preserved.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

    • 3: Term of sequence Sort (replacement sequence \(t\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEQ_AT

Sequence element at.

Returns the element at index \(i\) from a sequence \(s\). If the index is negative or the index is greater or equal to the length of the sequence, the result is the empty sequence. Otherwise the result is a sequence of length 1.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (index \(i\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence contains.

Checks whether a sequence \(s_1\) contains another sequence \(s_2\). If \(s_2\) is empty, the result is always true.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence index-of.

Returns the index of a subsequence \(s_2\) in a sequence \(s_1\) starting at index \(i\). If the index is negative or greater than the length of sequence \(s_1\) or the subsequence \(s_2\) does not appear in sequence \(s_1\) after index \(i\), the result is -1.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of Sort Int (\(i\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence replace.

Replaces the first occurrence of a sequence \(s_2\) in a sequence \(s_1\) with sequence \(s_3\). If \(s_2\) does not appear in \(s_1\), \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_3\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence replace all.

Replaces all occurrences of a sequence \(s_2\) in a sequence \(s_1\) with sequence \(s_3\). If \(s_2\) does not appear in \(s_1\), sequence \(s_1\) is returned unmodified.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

    • 3: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_3\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEQ_REV

Sequence reverse.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence prefix-of.

Checks whether a sequence \(s_1\) is a prefix of sequence \(s_2\). If sequence \(s_1\) is empty, this operator returns true.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Sequence suffix-of.

Checks whether a sequence \(s_1\) is a suffix of sequence \(s_2\). If sequence \(s_1\) is empty, this operator returns true.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_1\))

    • 2: Term of sequence Sort (\(s_2\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Constant sequence.

A constant sequence is a term that is equivalent to:

(seq.++ (seq.unit c1) ... (seq.unit cn))

where \(n \leq 0\) and \(c_1, ..., c_n\) are constants of some sort. The elements can be extracted with Term::getSequenceValue().

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkEmptySequence(const Sort&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEQ_UNIT

Sequence unit.

Corresponds to a sequence of length one with the given term.

  • Arity: 1

    • 1: Term of any Sort (the element term)

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_SEQ_NTH

Sequence nth.

Corresponds to the nth element of a sequence.

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: Term of sequence Sort

    • 2: Term of Sort Int (\(n\))

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_FORALL

Universally quantified formula.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Kind VARIABLE_LIST

    • 2: Term of Sort Bool (the quantifier body)

    • 3: (optional) Term of Kind INST_PATTERN

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_EXISTS

Existentially quantified formula.

  • Arity: 3

    • 1: Term of Kind VARIABLE_LIST

    • 2: Term of Sort Bool (the quantifier body)

    • 3: (optional) Term of Kind INST_PATTERN

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Variable list.

A list of variables (used to bind variables under a quantifier)

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms of Kind VARIABLE

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Instantiation pattern.

Specifies a (list of) terms to be used as a pattern for quantifier instantiation.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms of any Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.


Instantiation no-pattern.

Specifies a (list of) terms that should not be used as a pattern for quantifier instantiation.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms of any Sort

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.

enumerator CVC5_KIND_INST_POOL

Instantiation pool annotation.

Specifies an annotation for pool based instantiation.

In detail, pool symbols can be declared via the method

  • Solver::declarePool(const std::string&, const Sort&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

A pool symbol represents a set of terms of a given sort. An instantiation pool annotation should either: (1) have child sets matching the types of the quantified formula, (2) have a child set of tuple type whose component types match the types of the quantified formula.

For an example of (1), for a quantified formula:


if \(x\) and \(y\) have Sorts \(S_1\) and \(S_2\), then pool symbols \(p\) and \(q\) should have Sorts (Set \(S_1\)) and (Set \(S_2\)), respectively. This annotation specifies that the quantified formula above should be instantiated with the product of all terms that occur in the sets \(p\) and \(q\).

Alternatively, as an example of (2), for a quantified formula:


\(s\) should have Sort (Set (Tuple \(S_1\) \(S_2\))). This annotation specifies that the quantified formula above should be instantiated with the pairs of values in \(s\).

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1..n: Terms that comprise the pools, which are one-to-one with the variables of the quantified formula to be instantiated

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


A instantantiation-add-to-pool annotation.

An instantantiation-add-to-pool annotation indicates that when a quantified formula is instantiated, the instantiated version of a term should be added to the given pool.

For example, consider a quantified formula:


where assume that \(x\) has type Int. When this quantified formula is instantiated with, e.g., the term \(t\), the term (ADD t 1) is added to pool \(p\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: The Term whose free variables are bound by the quantified formula.

    • 2: The pool to add to, whose Sort should be a set of elements that match the Sort of the first argument.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


A skolemization-add-to-pool annotation.

An skolemization-add-to-pool annotation indicates that when a quantified formula is skolemized, the skolemized version of a term should be added to the given pool.

For example, consider a quantified formula:


where assume that \(x\) has type Int. When this quantified formula is skolemized, e.g., with \(k\) of type Int, then the term (ADD k 1) is added to the pool \(p\).

  • Arity: 2

    • 1: The Term whose free variables are bound by the quantified formula.

    • 2: The pool to add to, whose Sort should be a set of elements that match the Sort of the first argument.

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.


This kind is experimental and may be changed or removed in future versions.


Instantiation attribute.

Specifies a custom property for a quantified formula given by a term that is ascribed a user attribute.

  • Arity: n > 0

    • 1: Term of Kind :cpp:enumerator:CONST_STRING (the keyword of the attribute)

    • 2...n: Terms representing the values of the attribute

  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const


Should only be used as a child of INST_PATTERN_LIST.


A list of instantiation patterns, attributes or annotations.

  • Arity: n > 1


  • Create Term of this Kind with:

    • Solver::mkTerm(Kind, const std::vector<Term>&) const

    • Solver::mkTerm(const Op&, const std::vector<Term>&) const

  • Create Op of this kind with:

    • Solver::mkOp(Kind, const std::vector<uint32_t>&) const

enumerator CVC5_KIND_LAST_KIND

Marks the upper-bound of this enumeration.

const char *cvc5_kind_to_string(Cvc5Kind kind)

Get a string representation of a Cvc5Kind.


kind – The kind.


The string representation.

size_t cvc5_kind_hash(Cvc5Kind kind)

Hash function for Cvc5Kinds.


kind – The kind.


The hash value.