
Some API functions require a configuration mode argument, e.g., cvc5::Solver::blockModel(). The following enum classes define such configuration modes.

enum class cvc5::modes::BlockModelsMode

Mode for blocking models.

Specifies how models are blocked in Solver::blockModel and Solver::blockModelValues.


enumerator LITERALS

Block models based on the SAT skeleton.

enumerator VALUES

Block models based on the concrete model values for the free variables.

std::ostream &cvc5::modes::operator<<(std::ostream &out, BlockModelsMode mode)

Serialize a BlockModelsMode to given stream.

  • out – The output stream

  • mode – The mode.


The output stream

std::string std::to_string(cvc5::modes::BlockModelsMode mode)

enum class cvc5::modes::LearnedLitType

Types of learned literals.

Specifies categories of literals learned for the method Solver::getLearnedLiterals.

Note that a literal may conceptually belong to multiple categories. We classify literals based on the first criteria in this list that they meet.



An equality that was turned into a substitution during preprocessing.

In particular, literals in this category are of the form (= x t) where x does not occur in t.

enumerator PREPROCESS

A top-level literal (unit clause) from the preprocessed set of input formulas.

enumerator INPUT

A literal from the preprocessed set of input formulas that does not occur at top-level after preprocessing.

Typically), this is the most interesting category of literals to learn.

enumerator SOLVABLE

An internal literal that is solvable for an input variable.

In particular, literals in this category are of the form (= x t) where x does not occur in t, the preprocessed set of input formulas contains the term x, but not the literal (= x t).

Note that solvable literals can be turned into substitutions during preprocessing.

enumerator CONSTANT_PROP

An internal literal that can be made into a constant propagation for an input term.

In particular, literals in this category are of the form (= t c) where c is a constant, the preprocessed set of input formulas contains the term t, but not the literal (= t c).

enumerator INTERNAL

Any internal literal that does not fall into the above categories.

enumerator UNKNOWN

Special case for when produce-learned-literals is not set.

std::ostream &cvc5::modes::operator<<(std::ostream &out, LearnedLitType type)

Serialize a LearnedLitType to given stream.

  • out – The output stream

  • type – The learned literal type.


The output stream

std::string std::to_string(cvc5::modes::LearnedLitType type)

enum class cvc5::modes::ProofComponent

Components to include in a proof.



Proofs of G1 … Gn whose free assumptions are a subset of F1, … Fm, where:

  • G1, … Gn are the preprocessed input formulas,

  • F1, … Fm are the input formulas.

Note that G1 … Gn may be arbitrary formulas, not necessarily clauses.

enumerator PREPROCESS

Proofs of Gu1 … Gun whose free assumptions are Fu1, … Fum, where:

  • Gu1, … Gun are clauses corresponding to input formulas used in the SAT proof,

  • Fu1, … Fum is the subset of the input formulas that are used in the SAT proof (i.e. the unsat core).

Note that Gu1 … Gun are clauses that are added to the SAT solver before its main search.

Only valid immediately after an unsat response.

enumerator SAT

A proof of false whose free assumptions are Gu1, … Gun, L1 … Lk, where:

  • Gu1, … Gun, is a set of clauses corresponding to input formulas,

  • L1, …, Lk is a set of clauses corresponding to theory lemmas.

Only valid immediately after an unsat response.

enumerator THEORY_LEMMAS

Proofs of L1 … Lk where:

  • L1, …, Lk are clauses corresponding to theory lemmas used in the SAT proof.

In contrast to proofs given for preprocess, L1 … Lk are clauses that are added to the SAT solver after its main search.

Only valid immediately after an unsat response.

enumerator FULL

A proof of false whose free assumptions are a subset of the input formulas F1), … Fm.

Only valid immediately after an unsat response.

std::ostream &cvc5::modes::operator<<(std::ostream &out, ProofComponent pc)

Serialize a ProofComponent to given stream.

  • out – The output stream

  • pc – The proof component.


The output stream

std::string std::to_string(cvc5::modes::ProofComponent pc)

enum class cvc5::modes::ProofFormat

Proof format used for proof printing.


enumerator NONE

Do not translate proof output.

enumerator DOT

Output DOT proof.

enumerator LFSC

Output LFSC proof.

enumerator ALETHE

Output Alethe proof.

enumerator CPC

Output Cooperating Proof Calculus proof based on Eunoia signatures.

enumerator DEFAULT

Use the proof format mode set in the solver options.

std::ostream &cvc5::modes::operator<<(std::ostream &out, ProofFormat format)

Serialize a FindSynthTarget to given stream.

  • out – The output stream

  • format – The proof format.


The output stream

std::string std::to_string(cvc5::modes::ProofFormat format)

enum class cvc5::modes::FindSynthTarget

Find synthesis targets, used as an argument to Solver::findSynth. These specify various kinds of terms that can be found by this method.


enumerator ENUM

Find the next term in the enumeration of the target grammar.

enumerator REWRITE

Find a pair of terms (t,s) in the target grammar which are equivalent but do not rewrite to the same term in the given rewriter (&#8212;sygus-rewrite=MODE). If so, the equality (= t s) is returned by findSynth.

This can be used to synthesize rewrite rules. Note if the rewriter is set to none (&#8212;sygus-rewrite=none), this indicates a possible rewrite when implementing a rewriter from scratch.


Find a term t in the target grammar which rewrites to a term s that is not equivalent to it. If so, the equality (= t s) is returned by findSynth.

This can be used to test the correctness of the given rewriter. Any returned rewrite indicates an unsoundness in the given rewriter.

enumerator REWRITE_INPUT

Find a rewrite between pairs of terms (t,s) that are matchable with terms in the input assertions where t and s are equivalent but do not rewrite to the same term in the given rewriter (&#8212;sygus-rewrite=MODE).

This can be used to synthesize rewrite rules that apply to the current problem.

enumerator QUERY

Find a query over the given grammar. If the given grammar generates terms that are not Boolean, we consider equalities over terms from the given grammar.

The algorithm for determining which queries to generate is configured by &#8212;sygus-query-gen=MODE. Queries that are internally solved can be filtered by the option &#8212;sygus-query-gen-filter-solved.

std::ostream &cvc5::modes::operator<<(std::ostream &out, FindSynthTarget target)

Serialize a FindSynthTarget to given stream.

  • out – The output stream

  • target – The synthesis find target.


The output stream

std::string std::to_string(cvc5::modes::FindSynthTarget target)