
class SynthResult

Encapsulation of a solver synth result.

This is the return value of the API functions:

which we call “synthesis queries”. This class indicates whether the synthesis query has a solution, has no solution, or is unknown.

Public Functions

SynthResult ( )


bool isNull ( ) const

Determine if a given synthesis result is empty (a nullary result) and not an actual result returned from a synthesis query.

Returns :

True if SynthResult is null, i.e., not a SynthResult returned from a synthesis query.

bool hasSolution ( ) const
Returns :

True if the synthesis query has a solution.

bool hasNoSolution ( ) const
Returns :

True if the synthesis query has no solution. In this case, it was determined that there was no solution.

bool isUnknown ( ) const
Returns :

True if the result of the synthesis query could not be determined.

std :: string toString ( ) const
Returns :

A string representation of this synthesis result.