Class DatatypeDecl

  • public class DatatypeDecl
    extends java.lang.Object
    A cvc5 datatype declaration. A datatype declaration is not itself a datatype (see Datatype), but a specification for creating a datatype sort. The interface for a datatype declaration coincides with the syntax for the SMT-LIB 2.6 command declare-datatype, or a single datatype within the declare-datatypes command. Datatype sorts can be constructed from DatatypeDecl using the methods: - Solver.mkDatatypeSort(DatatypeDecl) - Solver.mkDatatypeSorts(DatatypeDecl[])
    • Field Detail

      • pointer

        protected long pointer
    • Constructor Detail

      • DatatypeDecl

        public DatatypeDecl()
        Null datatypeDecl
    • Method Detail

      • deletePointer

        protected void deletePointer​(long pointer)
      • getPointer

        public long getPointer()
      • addConstructor

        public void addConstructor​(DatatypeConstructorDecl ctor)
        Add datatype constructor declaration.
        ctor - The datatype constructor declaration to add.
      • getNumConstructors

        public int getNumConstructors()
        Get the number of constructors (so far) for this Datatype declaration.
      • isParametric

        public boolean isParametric()
        True if this DatatypeDecl is parametric.
        This method is experimental and may change in future versions.
      • isNull

        public boolean isNull()
        True if this DatatypeDecl is a null object.
      • toString

        protected java.lang.String toString​(long pointer)
        A string representation of this datatype declaration.
      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        The name of this datatype declaration.
      • deletePointer

        public void deletePointer()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object