
See Statistics for general information on statistics in cvc5.

Class cvc5.Statistics represents a mapping from statistic names to statistic values

By default, iterating over a Statistics object shows all statistics, including internal and unchanged ones. The inclusion of internal and defaulted statistics can be configured via Boolean parameters internal and defaulted of function cvc5.Statistics.get() .

class cvc5. Statistics

The cvc5 Statistics.

Wrapper class for cvc5::Statistics .

Obtain a single statistic value using stats["name"] and a dictionary with, configurably all (including internal and unchanged) statistics using Statistics.get() .

Iterate over all (including internal and unchanged) statistics via (the standard iterable functions) __iter__() and __next__() .

__getitem__ ( )

Get the statistics information for the statistic called name .

Parameters :

name – The name of the statistic to get.

__iter__ ( )

Iterate over all statistics (including internal and unchanged statistics).

__next__ ( )

Get next statistic as a pair [name, <dict: name -> value>] .

get ( )

Get all statistics as a dictionary.

Parameters :
  • internal – True to also inclue internal statistics.

  • defaulted – True to also include unchanged statistics.

Returns :

A dictionary with all available statistics.