Package io.github.cvc5
Enum ProofRewriteRule
- java.lang.Object
- java.lang.Enum<ProofRewriteRule>
- io.github.cvc5.ProofRewriteRule
- All Implemented Interfaces:
public enum ProofRewriteRule extends java.lang.Enum<ProofRewriteRule>
Enum Constant Summary
Enum Constants Enum Constant Description ARITH_ABS_ELIM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-elim-intARITH_ABS_ELIM_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-elim-realARITH_ABS_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-eqARITH_ABS_INT_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-int-gtARITH_ABS_REAL_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-real-gtARITH_COSECENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cosecent-elimARITH_COSINE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cosine-elimARITH_COTANGENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cotangent-elimARITH_DIV_ELIM_TO_REAL1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real1ARITH_DIV_ELIM_TO_REAL2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real2ARITH_DIV_TOTAL_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-intARITH_DIV_TOTAL_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-realARITH_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-zero-intARITH_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-zero-realARITH_ELIM_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-gtARITH_ELIM_INT_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-gtARITH_ELIM_INT_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-ltARITH_ELIM_LEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-leqARITH_ELIM_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-ltARITH_EQ_ELIM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-eq-elim-intARITH_EQ_ELIM_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-eq-elim-realARITH_GEQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-ite-liftARITH_GEQ_NORM1_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm1-intARITH_GEQ_NORM1_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm1-realARITH_GEQ_NORM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm2ARITH_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-tightenARITH_GT_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-gt-ite-liftARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-totalARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-negARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-oneARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-zeroARITH_INT_EQ_CONFLICT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-eq-conflictARITH_INT_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-geq-tightenARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-totalARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-negARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-oneARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-zeroARITH_LEQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-leq-ite-liftARITH_LEQ_NORM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-leq-normARITH_LT_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-lt-ite-liftARITH_MAX_GEQ1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-max-geq1ARITH_MAX_GEQ2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-max-geq2ARITH_MIN_LT1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-min-lt1ARITH_MIN_LT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-min-lt2ARITH_MOD_OVER_MOD
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mod-over-modARITH_MULT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mult-flattenARITH_PI_NOT_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-pi-not-intARITH_PLUS_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-flattenARITH_POW_ELIM
Arithmetic – power elimination \[ (x ^ c) = (x \cdot \ldots \cdot x) \] where \(c\) is a non-negative integer.ARITH_REFL_GEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-geqARITH_REFL_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-gtARITH_REFL_LEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-leqARITH_REFL_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-ltARITH_SECENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-secent-elimARITH_SINE_PI2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-sine-pi2ARITH_SINE_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-sine-zeroARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (>= n 0) = true \] Where \(n\) can be shown to be greater than or equal to \(0\) by reasoning about string length being positive and basic properties of addition and multiplication.ARITH_STRING_PRED_SAFE_APPROX
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (>= n 0) = (>= m 0) \] Where \(m\) is a safe under-approximation of \(n\), namely we have that \((>= n m)\) and \((>= m 0)\).ARITH_TANGENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-tangent-elimARITH_TO_INT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-int-elimARITH_TO_INT_ELIM_TO_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-int-elim-to-realARITH_TO_REAL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-real-elimARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-writeARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE_SPLIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write-splitARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write2ARRAY_STORE_OVERWRITE
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-overwriteARRAY_STORE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-selfARRAY_STORE_SWAP
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-swapARRAYS_EQ_RANGE_EXPAND
Arrays – Expansion of array range equality \[ \mathit{eqrange}(a,b,i,j)= \forall x.\> i \leq x \leq j \rightarrow \mathit{select}(a,x)=\mathit{select}(b,x) \]ARRAYS_SELECT_CONST
Arrays – Constant array select \[ (select A x) = c \] where \(A\) is a constant array storing element \(c\).BETA_REDUCE
Equality – Beta reduction \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1 \ldots t_n) = t\{x_1 \mapsto t_1, \ldots, x_n \mapsto t_n\} \] or alternatively \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1) = (\lambda x_2 \ldots x_n.\> t)\{x_1 \mapsto t_1\} \] In the former case, the left hand side may either be a term of kind `cvc5.Kind.APPLY_UF` or `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`.BOOL_AND_CONF
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-confBOOL_AND_CONF2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-conf2BOOL_AND_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-de-morganBOOL_AND_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-falseBOOL_AND_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-flattenBOOL_DOUBLE_NOT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-double-not-elimBOOL_DUAL_IMPL_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-dual-impl-eqBOOL_EQ_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-falseBOOL_EQ_NREFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-nreflBOOL_EQ_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-trueBOOL_IMPL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-elimBOOL_IMPL_FALSE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false1BOOL_IMPL_FALSE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false2BOOL_IMPL_TRUE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true1BOOL_IMPL_TRUE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true2BOOL_IMPLIES_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-implies-de-morganBOOL_IMPLIES_OR_DISTRIB
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-implies-or-distribBOOL_NOT_EQ_ELIM1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-eq-elim1BOOL_NOT_EQ_ELIM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-eq-elim2BOOL_NOT_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-falseBOOL_NOT_ITE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-ite-elimBOOL_NOT_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-trueBOOL_NOT_XOR_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-xor-elimBOOL_OR_AND_DISTRIB
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-and-distribBOOL_OR_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-de-morganBOOL_OR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-flattenBOOL_OR_TAUT
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-tautBOOL_OR_TAUT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-taut2BOOL_OR_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-trueBOOL_XOR_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-commBOOL_XOR_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-elimBOOL_XOR_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-falseBOOL_XOR_NREFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-nreflBOOL_XOR_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-reflBOOL_XOR_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-trueBV_ADD_COMBINE_LIKE_TERMS
Bitvectors – Combine like terms during addition by counting termsBV_ADD_TWO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-twoBV_ADD_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-zeroBV_AND_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-concat-pullupBV_AND_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-flattenBV_AND_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-oneBV_AND_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-1BV_AND_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-2BV_AND_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-zeroBV_ASHR_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--0BV_ASHR_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--1BV_ASHR_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--2BV_ASHR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-zeroBV_BITWISE_IDEMP_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-1BV_BITWISE_IDEMP_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-2BV_BITWISE_NOT_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-andBV_BITWISE_NOT_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-orBV_BITWISE_SLICING
Bitvectors – Extract continuous substrings of bitvectors \[ bvand(a,\ c) = concat(bvand(a[i_0:j_0],\ c_0) ...BV_COMMUTATIVE_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-addBV_COMMUTATIVE_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-andBV_COMMUTATIVE_MUL
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-mulBV_COMMUTATIVE_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-orBV_COMMUTATIVE_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-xorBV_COMP_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-comp-eliminateBV_CONCAT_EXTRACT_MERGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-extract-mergeBV_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-flattenBV_CONCAT_MERGE_CONST
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-merge-BV_CONCAT_TO_MULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-to-multBV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim1BV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim2BV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim3BV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-andBV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-orBV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-xorBV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-1BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-2BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-3BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_4
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-4BV_EXTRACT_EXTRACT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-extractBV_EXTRACT_MULT_LEADING_BIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-mult-leading-bitBV_EXTRACT_NOT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-notBV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-1BV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-2BV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-3BV_EXTRACT_WHOLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-wholeBV_ITE_CONST_CHILDREN_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-1BV_ITE_CONST_CHILDREN_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-2BV_ITE_EQUAL_CHILDREN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-childrenBV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-1BV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-2BV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-3BV_ITE_MERGE_ELSE_ELSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-elseBV_ITE_MERGE_ELSE_IF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-ifBV_ITE_MERGE_THEN_ELSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-elseBV_ITE_MERGE_THEN_IF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-ifBV_LSHR_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--0BV_LSHR_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--1BV_LSHR_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--2BV_LSHR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-zeroBV_LT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lt-selfBV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-1BV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-2BV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-3BV_MUL_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-flattenBV_MUL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-oneBV_MUL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-zeroBV_MULT_DISTRIB_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-1BV_MULT_DISTRIB_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-2BV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--addBV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--negBV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_SUB
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--subBV_MULT_POW2_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-1BV_MULT_POW2_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2BV_MULT_POW2_2B
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2bBV_MULT_SIMPLIFY
Bitvectors – Extract negations from multiplicands \[ bvmul(bvneg(a),\ b,\ c) = bvneg(bvmul(a,\ b,\ c)) \]BV_MULT_SLT_MULT_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-1BV_MULT_SLT_MULT_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-2BV_NAND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nand-eliminateBV_NEG_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-addBV_NEG_IDEMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-idempBV_NEG_MULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-multBV_NEG_SUB
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-subBV_NOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nor-eliminateBV_NOT_IDEMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-idempBV_NOT_NEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-neqBV_NOT_SLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-sleBV_NOT_ULE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-uleBV_NOT_ULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-ultBV_NOT_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-xorBV_OR_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-concat-pullupBV_OR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-flattenBV_OR_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-oneBV_OR_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-1BV_OR_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-2BV_OR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-zeroBV_REDAND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redand-eliminateBV_REDOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redor-eliminateBV_REPEAT_ELIM
Bitvectors – Extract continuous substrings of bitvectors \[ repeat(n,\ t) = concat(t ...BV_ROTATE_LEFT_ELIMINATE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-1BV_ROTATE_LEFT_ELIMINATE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-2BV_ROTATE_RIGHT_ELIMINATE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-1BV_ROTATE_RIGHT_ELIMINATE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-2BV_SADDO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-saddo-eliminateBV_SDIV_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminateBV_SDIV_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-opsBV_SDIVO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdivo-eliminateBV_SGE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sge-eliminateBV_SGT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sgt-eliminateBV_SHL_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--0BV_SHL_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--1BV_SHL_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--2BV_SHL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-zeroBV_SIGN_EXTEND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminateBV_SIGN_EXTEND_ELIMINATE_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminate-0BV_SIGN_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--1BV_SIGN_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--2BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--1BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--2BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--3BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_4
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--4BV_SLE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-eliminateBV_SLE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-selfBV_SLT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-eliminateBV_SLT_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-zeroBV_SMOD_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminateBV_SMOD_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-opsBV_SMULO_ELIMINATE
Bitvectors – Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination See M.Gok, M.J.BV_SREM_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminateBV_SREM_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-opsBV_SSUBO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ssubo-eliminateBV_SUB_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sub-eliminateBV_TO_NAT_ELIM
UF – Bitvector to natural elimination \[ \texttt{bv2nat}(t) = t_1 + \ldots + t_n \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(t_i\) is \(\texttt{ite}(x[i-1, i-1] = 1, 2^i, 0)\).BV_UADDO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uaddo-eliminateBV_UDIV_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-oneBV_UDIV_POW2_NOT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-pow2-not-oneBV_UDIV_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-zeroBV_UGE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uge-eliminateBV_UGT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-eliminateBV_UGT_UREM
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-uremBV_ULE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-eliminateBV_ULE_MAX
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-maxBV_ULE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-selfBV_ULE_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-zeroBV_ULT_ADD_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-add-oneBV_ULT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-oneBV_ULT_ONES
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-onesBV_ULT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-selfBV_ULT_ZERO_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-1BV_ULT_ZERO_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-2BV_UMULO_ELIMINATE
Bitvectors – Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination See M.Gok, M.J.BV_UREM_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-oneBV_UREM_POW2_NOT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-pow2-not-oneBV_UREM_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-selfBV_USUBO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-usubo-eliminateBV_XNOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xnor-eliminateBV_XOR_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-concat-pullupBV_XOR_DUPLICATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-duplicateBV_XOR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-flattenBV_XOR_NOT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-notBV_XOR_ONES
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-onesBV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-1BV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-2BV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-3BV_XOR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-zeroBV_ZERO_EXTEND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminateBV_ZERO_EXTEND_ELIMINATE_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminate-0BV_ZERO_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--1BV_ZERO_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--2BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--1BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--2BV_ZERO_ULE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-uleDISTINCT_BINARY_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule distinct-binary-elimDISTINCT_CARD_CONFLICT
Builtin – Distinct cardinality conflict \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, \ldots, tn) = \bot \] where \(n\) is greater than the cardinality of the type of \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\).DISTINCT_ELIM
Builtin – Distinct elimination \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, t_2) = \neg (t_1 = t2) \] if \(n = 2\), or \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, \ldots, tn) = \bigwedge_{i=1}^n \bigwedge_{j=i+1}^n t_i \neq t_j \] if \(n > 2\)DT_COLLAPSE_SELECTOR
Datatypes – collapse selector \[ s_i(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = t_i \] where \(s_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) selector for constructor \(c\).DT_COLLAPSE_TESTER
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ \mathit{is}_c(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = true \] or alternatively \[ \mathit{is}_c(d(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = false \] where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.DT_COLLAPSE_TESTER_SINGLETON
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ \mathit{is}_c(t) = true \] where \(c\) is the only constructor of its associated datatype.DT_COLLAPSE_UPDATER
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ u_{c,i}(c(t_1, \ldots, t_i, \ldots, t_n), s) = c(t_1, \ldots, s, \ldots, t_n) \] or alternatively \[ u_{c,i}(d(t_1, \ldots, t_n), s) = d(t_1, \ldots, t_n) \] where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.DT_CONS_EQ
Datatypes – constructor equality \[ (c(t_1, \ldots, t_n) = c(s_1, \ldots, s_n)) = (t_1 = s_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = s_n) \] where \(c\) is a constructor.DT_CONS_EQ_CLASH
Datatypes – constructor equality clash \[ (t = s) = false \] where \(t\) and \(s\) have subterms that occur in the same position (beneath constructor applications) that are distinct constructor applications.DT_CYCLE
Datatypes – cycle \[ (x = t[x]) = \bot \] where all terms on the path to \(x\) in \(t[x]\) are applications of constructors, and this path is non-empty.DT_INST
Datatypes – Instantiation \[ \mathit{is}_C(t) = (t = C(\mathit{sel}_1(t),\dots,\mathit{sel}_n(t))) \] where \(C\) is the \(n^{\mathit{th}}\) constructor of the type of \(t\), and \(\mathit{is}_C\) is the discriminator (tester) for \(C\).DT_MATCH_ELIM
Datatypes – match elimination \[ \texttt{match}(t ((p_1 c_1) \ldots (p_n c_n))) = \texttt{ite}(F_1, r_1, \texttt{ite}( \ldots, r_n)) \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(F_1\) is a formula that holds iff \(t\) matches \(p_i\) and \(r_i\) is the result of a substitution on \(c_i\) based on this match.DT_UPDATER_ELIM
Datatypes - updater elimination \[ u_{c,i}(t, s) = ite(\mathit{is}_c(t), c(s_0(t), \ldots, s, \ldots s_n(t)), t) \] where \(s_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) selector for constructor \(c\).EQ_COND_DEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-cond-deqEQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-ite-liftEQ_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-reflEQ_SYMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-symmEXISTS_ELIM
Quantifiers – Exists elimination \[ \exists x_1\dots x_n.\> F = \neg \forall x_1\dots x_n.\> \neg F \]INT_TO_BV_ELIM
UF – Integer to bitvector elimination \[ \texttt{int2bv}_n(t) = (bvconcat t_1 \ldots t_n) \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(t_i\) is \(\texttt{ite}(\texttt{mod}(t,2^n) \geq 2^{n-1}, 1, 0)\).ITE_ELSE_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-falseITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookaheadITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD_NOT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead-not-selfITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead-selfITE_ELSE_NEG_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-neg-lookaheadITE_ELSE_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-trueITE_EQ_BRANCH
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-eq-branchITE_EXPAND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-expandITE_FALSE_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-false-condITE_NEG_BRANCH
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-neg-branchITE_NOT_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-not-condITE_THEN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-falseITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookaheadITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD_NOT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead-not-selfITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead-selfITE_THEN_NEG_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-neg-lookaheadITE_THEN_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-trueITE_TRUE_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-true-condLAMBDA_ELIM
Equality – Lambda elimination \[ (\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> f(x_1 \ldots x_n)) = f \]MACRO_ARITH_INT_EQ_CONFLICT
Arithmetic – Integer equality conflict \[ (t=s) = \bot \] where \(t=s\) is equivalent (via ARITH_POLY_NORM <cvc5.ProofRule.ARITH_POLY_NORM
>) to \((r = c)\) where \(r\) is an integral term and \(c\) is a non-integral constant.MACRO_ARITH_INT_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Arithmetic – Integer inequality tightening \[ (t \geq s) = ( r \geq \lceil c \rceil) \] or \[ (t \geq s) = \neg( r \geq \lceil c \rceil) \] where \(t \geq s\) is equivalent (via ARITH_POLY_NORM <cvc5.ProofRule.ARITH_POLY_NORM
>) to the right hand side where \(r\) is an integral term and \(c\) is a non-integral constant.MACRO_ARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (= s t) = c \] \[ (>= s t) = c \] where \(c\) is a Boolean constant.MACRO_ARRAYS_NORMALIZE_CONSTANT
Arrays – Macro normalize constant \[ A = B \] where \(B\) is the result of normalizing the array value \(A\) into a canonical form, using the internal method TheoryArraysRewriter.normalizeConstant.MACRO_ARRAYS_NORMALIZE_OP
Arrays – Macro normalize operation \[ A = B \] where \(B\) is the result of normalizing the array operation \(A\) into a canonical form, based on commutativity of disjoint indices.MACRO_BOOL_NNF_NORM
Booleans – Negation Normal Form with normalization \[ F = G \] where \(G\) is the result of applying negation normal form to \(F\) with additional normalizations, see TheoryBoolRewriter.computeNnfNorm.MACRO_BV_EQ_SOLVE
Bitvectors – Extract negations from multiplicands \[ (a = b) = \bot \] where \(bvsub(a,b)\) normalizes to a non-zero constant, or alternatively \[ (a = b) = \top \] where \(bvsub(a,b)\) normalizes to zero.MACRO_DT_CONS_EQ
Datatypes – Macro constructor equality \[ (t = s) = (t_1 = s_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = s_n) \] where \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\) and \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) are subterms of \(t\) and \(s\) that occur at the same position respectively (beneath constructor applications), or alternatively \[ (t = s) = false \] where \(t\) and \(s\) have subterms that occur in the same position (beneath constructor applications) that are distinct.MACRO_LAMBDA_CAPTURE_AVOID
Equality – Macro lambda application capture avoid \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1 \ldots t_n) = ((\lambda y_1 \ldots y_n.\> t') \ t_1 \ldots t_n) \] The terms may either be of kind `cvc5.Kind.APPLY_UF` or `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`.MACRO_QUANT_MERGE_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Macro merge prenex \[ \forall X_1.\> \ldots \forall X_n.\> F = \forall X.\> F \] where \(X_1 \ldots X_n\) are lists of variables and \(X\) is the result of removing duplicates from \(X_1 \ldots X_n\).MACRO_QUANT_MINISCOPE
Quantifiers – Macro miniscoping \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge F_n = G_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge G_n \] where each \(G_i\) is semantically equivalent to \(\forall X.\> F_i\), or alternatively \[ \forall X.\> \ite{C}{F_1}{F_2} = \ite{C}{G_1}{G_2} \] where \(C\) does not have any free variable in \(X\).MACRO_QUANT_PARTITION_CONNECTED_FV
Quantifiers – Macro connected free variable partitioning \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \vee \ldots \vee F_n = (\forall X_1.\> F_{1,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{1,k_1}) \vee \ldots \vee (\forall X_m.\> F_{m,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{m,k_m}) \] where \(X_1, \ldots, X_m\) is a partition of \(X\).MACRO_QUANT_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Macro prenex \[ (\forall X.\> F_1 \vee \cdots \vee (\forall Y.\> F_i) \vee \cdots \vee F_n) = (\forall X Z.\> F_1 \vee \cdots \vee F_i\{ Y \mapsto Z \} \vee \cdots \vee F_n) \]MACRO_QUANT_REWRITE_BODY
Quantifiers – Macro quantifiers rewrite body \[ \forall X.\> F = \forall X.\> G \] where \(G\) is semantically equivalent to \(F\).MACRO_QUANT_VAR_ELIM_EQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination equality \[ \forall x Y.\> F = \forall Y.\> F \{ x \mapsto t \} \] where \(\neg F\) entails \(x = t\).MACRO_QUANT_VAR_ELIM_INEQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination inequality \[ \forall x Y.\> F = \forall Y.\> G \] where \(F\) is a disjunction and where \(G\) is the result of dropping all literals containing \(x\).MACRO_RE_INTER_UNION_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression intersection/union inclusion \[ \mathit{re.inter}(R) = \mathit{re.inter}(\mathit{re.none}, R_0) \] where \(R\) is a list of regular expressions containing `r_1`, `re.comp(r_2)` and the list \(R_0\) where `r_2` is a superset of `r_1`.MACRO_SETS_INTER_EVAL
Sets – sets intersection evaluate \[ \mathit{set.inter}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are set values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for both, and where \(t\) is an intersection of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).MACRO_SETS_MINUS_EVAL
Sets – sets minus evaluate \[ \mathit{set.minus}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are set values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for both, and where \(t\) is the difference of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).MACRO_STR_EQ_LEN_UNIFY
Strings – String equality length unify \[ (\mathit{str}.\text{++}(s_1, \ldots, s_n) = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots, t_m)) = (r_1 = u_1 \wedge \ldots r_k = u_k) \] where for each \(i = 1, \ldots, k\), we can show the length of \(r_i\) and \(u_i\) are equal, \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) is \(r_1, \ldots, r_k\), and \(t_1, \ldots, t_m\) is \(u_1, \ldots, u_k\).MACRO_STR_EQ_LEN_UNIFY_PREFIX
Strings – String equality length unify prefix \[ (s = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = (s = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots t_i)) \wedge t_{i+1} = \epsilon \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = \epsilon \] where we can show \(s\) has a length that is at least the length of \(\text{++}(t_1, \ldots t_i)\).MACRO_STR_SPLIT_CTN
Strings – Macro string split contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(t, s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_1, s) \vee \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are substrings of \(t\).MACRO_STR_STRIP_ENDPOINTS
Strings – Macro string strip endpoints One of the following forms: \[ \mathit{str.contains}(t, s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] \[ \mathit{str.indexof}(t, s, n) = \mathit{str.indexof}(t_2, s, n) \] \[ \mathit{str.replace}(t, s, r) = \mathit{str.++}(t_1, \mathit{str.replace}(t_2, s, r) t_3) \] where in each case we reason about removing portions of \(t\) that are irrelevant to the evaluation of the term.MACRO_SUBSTR_STRIP_SYM_LENGTH
Strings – strings substring strip symbolic length \[ str.substr(s, n, m) = t \] where \(t\) is obtained by fully or partially stripping components of \(s\) based on \(n\) and \(m\).NONE
This enumeration represents the rewrite rules used in a rewrite proof.QUANT_DT_SPLIT
Quantifiers – Datatypes Split \[ (\forall x Y.\> F) = (\forall X_1 Y.QUANT_MERGE_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Merge prenex \[ \forall X_1.\> \ldots \forall X_n.\> F = \forall X_1 \ldots X_n.\> F \] where \(X_1 \ldots X_n\) are lists of variables.QUANT_MINISCOPE_AND
Quantifiers – Miniscoping and \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge F_n = (\forall X.\> F_1) \wedge \ldots \wedge (\forall X.\> F_n) \]QUANT_MINISCOPE_ITE
Quantifiers – Miniscoping ite \[ \forall X.\> \ite{C}{F_1}{F_2} = \ite{C}{\forall X.\> F_1}{\forall X.\> F_2} \] where \(C\) does not have any free variable in \(X\).QUANT_MINISCOPE_OR
Quantifiers – Miniscoping or \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \vee \ldots \vee F_n = (\forall X_1.\> F_1) \vee \ldots \vee (\forall X_n.\> F_n) \] where \(X = X_1 \ldots X_n\), and the right hand side does not have any free variable in \(X\).QUANT_UNUSED_VARS
Quantifiers – Unused variables \[ \forall X.\> F = \forall X_1.\> F \] where \(X_1\) is the subset of \(X\) that appear free in \(F\) and \(X_1\) does not contain duplicate variables.QUANT_VAR_ELIM_EQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination equality ..RE_ALL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-all-elimRE_CONCAT_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-empRE_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-flattenRE_CONCAT_MERGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-mergeRE_CONCAT_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-noneRE_CONCAT_STAR_REPEAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-repeatRE_CONCAT_STAR_SUBSUME1
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-subsume1RE_CONCAT_STAR_SUBSUME2
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-subsume2RE_CONCAT_STAR_SWAP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-swapRE_DIFF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-diff-elimRE_IN_COMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-compRE_IN_CSTRING
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-cstringRE_IN_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-emptyRE_IN_SIGMA
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigmaRE_IN_SIGMA_STAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigma-starRE_INTER_ALL
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-allRE_INTER_CSTRING
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstringRE_INTER_CSTRING_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstring-negRE_INTER_DUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-dupRE_INTER_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-flattenRE_INTER_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression intersection inclusion \[ \mathit{re.inter}(r_1, re.comp(r_2)) = \mathit{re.none} \] where \(r_2\) is a superset of \(r_1\).RE_INTER_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-noneRE_LOOP_ELIM
Strings – regular expression loop elimination \[ re.loop_{l,u}(R) = re.union(R^l, \ldots, R^u) \] where \(u \geq l\).RE_LOOP_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-loop-negRE_OPT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-opt-elimRE_PLUS_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-plus-elimRE_STAR_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-empRE_STAR_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-noneRE_STAR_STAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-starRE_STAR_UNION_DROP_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-union-drop-empRE_UNION_ALL
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-allRE_UNION_DUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-dupRE_UNION_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-flattenRE_UNION_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression union inclusion \[ \mathit{re.union}(r_1, re.comp(r_2)) = \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}) \] where \(r_1\) is a superset of \(r_2\).RE_UNION_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-noneSEQ_EVAL_OP
Strings – Sequence evaluate operator \[ f(s_1, \ldots, s_n) = t \] where \(f\) is an operator over sequences and \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) are values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for each, and \(t\) is the result of evaluating \(f\) on them.SEQ_LEN_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-emptySEQ_LEN_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-revSEQ_LEN_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-unitSEQ_NTH_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-nth-unitSEQ_REV_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-concatSEQ_REV_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-revSEQ_REV_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-unitSETS_CARD_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-empSETS_CARD_MINUS
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-minusSETS_CARD_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-singletonSETS_CARD_UNION
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-unionSETS_CHOOSE_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-choose-singletonSETS_EQ_SINGLETON_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-eq-singleton-empSETS_INSERT_ELIM
Sets – sets insert elimination \[ \mathit{sets.insert}(t_1, \ldots, t_n, S) = \texttt{set.union}(\texttt{sets.singleton}(t_1), \ldots, \texttt{sets.singleton}(t_n), S) \]SETS_INTER_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-commSETS_INTER_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp1SETS_INTER_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp2SETS_INTER_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-memberSETS_IS_EMPTY_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-is-empty-elimSETS_IS_EMPTY_EVAL
Sets – empty tester evaluation \[ \mathit{\_empty}(\epsilon) = \top \] where \(\epsilon\) is the empty set, or alternatively: \[ \mathit{\_empty}(c) = \bot \] where \(c\) is a constant set that is not the empty set.SETS_MEMBER_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-empSETS_MEMBER_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-singletonSETS_MINUS_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp1SETS_MINUS_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp2SETS_MINUS_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-memberSETS_MINUS_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-selfSETS_SUBSET_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-subset-elimSETS_UNION_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-commSETS_UNION_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp1SETS_UNION_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp2SETS_UNION_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-memberSETS_UNION_NORM
Sets – sets union normalize \[ \mathit{set.union}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t\) is a union of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).STR_AT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-at-elimSTR_CONCAT_CLASH
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clashSTR_CONCAT_CLASH_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-charSTR_CONCAT_CLASH_CHAR_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-char-revSTR_CONCAT_CLASH_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-revSTR_CONCAT_CLASH2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2STR_CONCAT_CLASH2_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2-revSTR_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flattenSTR_CONCAT_FLATTEN_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eqSTR_CONCAT_FLATTEN_EQ_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eq-revSTR_CONCAT_UNIFY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unifySTR_CONCAT_UNIFY_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-baseSTR_CONCAT_UNIFY_BASE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-base-revSTR_CONCAT_UNIFY_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-revSTR_CONTAINS_CONCAT_FIND
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-concat-findSTR_CONTAINS_CONCAT_FIND_CONTRA
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-concat-find-contraSTR_CONTAINS_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-empSTR_CONTAINS_IS_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-is-empSTR_CONTAINS_LEQ_LEN_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-leq-len-eqSTR_CONTAINS_LT_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-lt-lenSTR_CONTAINS_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-reflSTR_CONTAINS_SPLIT_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-split-charSTR_CTN_MULTISET_SUBSET
Strings – String contains multiset subset \[ contains(s,t) = \bot \] where the multiset overapproximation of \(s\) can be shown to not contain the multiset abstraction of \(t\) based on the reasoning described in the paper Reynolds et al, CAV 2019, "High-Level Abstractions for Simplifying Extended String Constraints in SMT".STR_EQ_CTN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-falseSTR_EQ_CTN_FULL_FALSE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false1STR_EQ_CTN_FULL_FALSE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false2STR_EQ_LEN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-len-falseSTR_EQ_REPL_LEN_ONE_EMP_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-len-one-emp-prefixSTR_EQ_REPL_NO_CHANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-no-changeSTR_EQ_REPL_SELF_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-self-empSTR_FROM_INT_NO_CTN_NONDIGIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-from-int-no-ctn-nondigitSTR_IN_RE_CONCAT_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-concat-empSTR_IN_RE_CONCAT_STAR_CHAR
Strings – string in regular expression concatenation star character \[ \mathit{\_re}(\mathit{str}.\text{++}(s_1, \ldots, s_n), \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) =\\ \mathit{\_re}(s_1, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) \wedge \ldots \wedge \mathit{\_re}(s_n, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) \] where all strings in \(R\) have length one.STR_IN_RE_CONSUME
Strings – regular expression membership consume \[ \mathit{str.in_re}(s, R) = b \] where \(b\) is either \(false\) or the result of stripping entailed prefixes and suffixes off of \(s\) and \(R\).STR_IN_RE_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-containsSTR_IN_RE_EVAL
Strings – regular expression membership evaluation \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, R) = c \] where \(s\) is a constant string, \(R\) is a constant regular expression and \(c\) is true or false.STR_IN_RE_INTER_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-inter-elimSTR_IN_RE_RANGE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-range-elimSTR_IN_RE_REQ_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfoldSTR_IN_RE_REQ_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfold-revSTR_IN_RE_SIGMA
Strings – string in regular expression sigma \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar})) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) = n) \] or alternatively: \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ge n) \]STR_IN_RE_SIGMA_STAR
Strings – string in regular expression sigma star \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ \% \ n = 0) \] where \(n\) is the number of \(\mathit{re.allchar}\) arguments to \(\mathit{re}.\text{++}\).STR_IN_RE_SKIP_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfoldSTR_IN_RE_SKIP_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfold-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-charSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-singleSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-single-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefixSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-baseSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-singleSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-singleSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-singleSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-singleSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-negSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-neg-revSTR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-revSTR_IN_RE_TEST_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfoldSTR_IN_RE_TEST_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfold-revSTR_IN_RE_UNION_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-union-elimSTR_INDEXOF_CONTAINS_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-contains-preSTR_INDEXOF_FIND
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-findSTR_INDEXOF_FIND_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-find-empSTR_INDEXOF_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-no-containsSTR_INDEXOF_RE_EVAL
Strings – string indexof regex evaluation \[ str.indexof\_re(s,r,n) = m \] where \(s\) is a string values, \(n\) is an integer value, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(m\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.STR_INDEXOF_RE_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-re-noneSTR_INDEXOF_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-selfSTR_LEN_CONCAT_REC
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-concat-recSTR_LEN_REPLACE_ALL_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-replace-all-invSTR_LEN_REPLACE_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-replace-invSTR_LEN_SUBSTR_IN_RANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-in-rangeSTR_LEN_SUBSTR_UB1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub1STR_LEN_SUBSTR_UB2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub2STR_LEN_UPDATE_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-update-invSTR_LEQ_CONCAT_BASE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-base-1STR_LEQ_CONCAT_BASE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-base-2STR_LEQ_CONCAT_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-falseSTR_LEQ_CONCAT_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-trueSTR_LEQ_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-emptySTR_LEQ_EMPTY_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-empty-eqSTR_LT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-lt-elimSTR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_CTN
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2, s_3)`, \(t_1\) has no forward overlap with \(s_1\) and \(t_3\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_3\).STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_INDEXOF
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints indexof \[ \mathit{str.indexof}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2), s, n) = \mathit{str.indexof}(t_1, s, n) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2)` and \(t_2\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_2\).STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_REPLACE
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints replace \[ \mathit{str.replace}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s, r) = \mathit{str.++}(t_1, \mathit{str.replace}(t_2, s, r) t_3) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2, s_3)`, \(t_1\) has no forward overlap with \(s_1\) and \(t_3\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_3\).STR_OVERLAP_SPLIT_CTN
Strings – Strings overlap split contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_1, s) \vee \mathit{str.contains}(t_3, s) \] \(t_2\) has no forward overlap with \(s\) and \(s\) has no forward overlap with \(t_2\).STR_PREFIXOF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-elimSTR_PREFIXOF_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-oneSTR_REPLACE_ALL_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-all-no-containsSTR_REPLACE_CONTAINS_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-contains-preSTR_REPLACE_DUAL_CTN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-dual-ctnSTR_REPLACE_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-emptySTR_REPLACE_FIND_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-find-baseSTR_REPLACE_FIND_FIRST_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-find-first-concatSTR_REPLACE_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-no-containsSTR_REPLACE_ONE_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-one-preSTR_REPLACE_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-prefixSTR_REPLACE_RE_ALL_EVAL
Strings – string replace regex all evaluation \[ str.replace\_re\_all(s,r,t) = u \] where \(s,t\) are string values, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(u\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.STR_REPLACE_RE_ALL_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-re-all-noneSTR_REPLACE_RE_EVAL
Strings – string replace regex evaluation \[ str.replace\_re(s,r,t) = u \] where \(s,t\) are string values, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(u\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.STR_REPLACE_RE_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-re-noneSTR_REPLACE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-selfSTR_SUBSTR_COMBINE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine1STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine2STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE3
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine3STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE4
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine4STR_SUBSTR_CONCAT1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat1STR_SUBSTR_CONCAT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat2STR_SUBSTR_CTN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-ctnSTR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_RANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-rangeSTR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_START
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-startSTR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_START_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-start-negSTR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_STR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-strSTR_SUBSTR_EQ_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-eq-emptySTR_SUBSTR_FULL
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-fullSTR_SUBSTR_FULL_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-full-eqSTR_SUBSTR_LEN_INCLUDE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-includeSTR_SUBSTR_LEN_INCLUDE_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-include-preSTR_SUBSTR_LEN_NORM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-normSTR_SUBSTR_LEN_SKIP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-skipSTR_SUFFIXOF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-elimSTR_SUFFIXOF_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-oneSTR_TO_INT_CONCAT_NEG_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-int-concat-neg-oneSTR_TO_LOWER_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-concatSTR_TO_LOWER_FROM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-from-intSTR_TO_LOWER_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-lenSTR_TO_LOWER_UPPER
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-upperSTR_TO_UPPER_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-concatSTR_TO_UPPER_FROM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-from-intSTR_TO_UPPER_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-lenSTR_TO_UPPER_LOWER
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-lowerSTR_UPDATE_IN_FIRST_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-update-in-first-concatUF_BV2NAT_GEQ_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-geq-elimUF_BV2NAT_INT2BV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bvUF_BV2NAT_INT2BV_EXTEND
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bv-extendUF_BV2NAT_INT2BV_EXTRACT
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bv-extractUF_INT2BV_BV2NAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bv2natUF_INT2BV_BVULE_EQUIV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bvule-equivUF_INT2BV_BVULT_EQUIV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bvult-equiv
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description static ProofRewriteRule
fromInt(int value)
static ProofRewriteRule
valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.static ProofRewriteRule[]
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Enum Constant Detail
public static final ProofRewriteRule NONE
This enumeration represents the rewrite rules used in a rewrite proof. Some of the rules are internal ad-hoc rewrites, while others are rewrites specified by the RARE DSL. This enumeration is used as the first argument to the DSL_REWRITE <cvc5.ProofRule.DSL_REWRITE
> proof rule and the THEORY_REWRITE <cvc5.ProofRule.THEORY_REWRITE
> proof rule.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DISTINCT_ELIM
Builtin – Distinct elimination \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, t_2) = \neg (t_1 = t2) \] if \(n = 2\), or \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, \ldots, tn) = \bigwedge_{i=1}^n \bigwedge_{j=i+1}^n t_i \neq t_j \] if \(n > 2\)
public static final ProofRewriteRule DISTINCT_CARD_CONFLICT
Builtin – Distinct cardinality conflict \[ \texttt{distinct}(t_1, \ldots, tn) = \bot \] where \(n\) is greater than the cardinality of the type of \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_TO_NAT_ELIM
UF – Bitvector to natural elimination \[ \texttt{bv2nat}(t) = t_1 + \ldots + t_n \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(t_i\) is \(\texttt{ite}(x[i-1, i-1] = 1, 2^i, 0)\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule INT_TO_BV_ELIM
UF – Integer to bitvector elimination \[ \texttt{int2bv}_n(t) = (bvconcat t_1 \ldots t_n) \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(t_i\) is \(\texttt{ite}(\texttt{mod}(t,2^n) \geq 2^{n-1}, 1, 0)\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_BOOL_NNF_NORM
Booleans – Negation Normal Form with normalization \[ F = G \] where \(G\) is the result of applying negation normal form to \(F\) with additional normalizations, see TheoryBoolRewriter.computeNnfNorm.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_ARITH_INT_EQ_CONFLICT
Arithmetic – Integer equality conflict \[ (t=s) = \bot \] where \(t=s\) is equivalent (via ARITH_POLY_NORM <cvc5.ProofRule.ARITH_POLY_NORM
>) to \((r = c)\) where \(r\) is an integral term and \(c\) is a non-integral constant.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_ARITH_INT_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Arithmetic – Integer inequality tightening \[ (t \geq s) = ( r \geq \lceil c \rceil) \] or \[ (t \geq s) = \neg( r \geq \lceil c \rceil) \] where \(t \geq s\) is equivalent (via ARITH_POLY_NORM <cvc5.ProofRule.ARITH_POLY_NORM
>) to the right hand side where \(r\) is an integral term and \(c\) is a non-integral constant. Note that we end up with a negation if the leading coefficient in \(t\) is negative.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_ARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (= s t) = c \] \[ (>= s t) = c \] where \(c\) is a Boolean constant. This macro is elaborated by applications of EVALUATE <cvc5.ProofRule.EVALUATE
>, ARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.ARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL>, ARITH_STRING_PRED_SAFE_APPROX <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.ARITH_STRING_PRED_SAFE_APPROX>, as well as other rewrites for normalizing arithmetic predicates.
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_STRING_PRED_ENTAIL
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (>= n 0) = true \] Where \(n\) can be shown to be greater than or equal to \(0\) by reasoning about string length being positive and basic properties of addition and multiplication.
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_STRING_PRED_SAFE_APPROX
Arithmetic – strings predicate entailment \[ (>= n 0) = (>= m 0) \] Where \(m\) is a safe under-approximation of \(n\), namely we have that \((>= n m)\) and \((>= m 0)\). In detail, subterms of \(n\) may be replaced with other terms to obtain \(m\) based on the reasoning described in the paper Reynolds et al, CAV 2019, "High-Level Abstractions for Simplifying Extended String Constraints in SMT".
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_POW_ELIM
Arithmetic – power elimination \[ (x ^ c) = (x \cdot \ldots \cdot x) \] where \(c\) is a non-negative integer.
public static final ProofRewriteRule BETA_REDUCE
Equality – Beta reduction \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1 \ldots t_n) = t\{x_1 \mapsto t_1, \ldots, x_n \mapsto t_n\} \] or alternatively \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1) = (\lambda x_2 \ldots x_n.\> t)\{x_1 \mapsto t_1\} \] In the former case, the left hand side may either be a term of kind `cvc5.Kind.APPLY_UF` or `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`. The latter case is used only if the term has kind `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`. In either case, the right hand side of the equality in the conclusion is computed using standard substitution viaNode.substitute
public static final ProofRewriteRule LAMBDA_ELIM
Equality – Lambda elimination \[ (\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> f(x_1 \ldots x_n)) = f \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_LAMBDA_CAPTURE_AVOID
Equality – Macro lambda application capture avoid \[ ((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t) \ t_1 \ldots t_n) = ((\lambda y_1 \ldots y_n.\> t') \ t_1 \ldots t_n) \] The terms may either be of kind `cvc5.Kind.APPLY_UF` or `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`. This rule ensures that the free variables of \(y_1, \ldots, y_n, t_1 \ldots t_n\) do not occur in binders within \(t'\), and \((\lambda x_1 \ldots x_n.\> t)\) is alpha-equivalent to \((\lambda y_1 \ldots y_n.\> t')\). This rule is applied prior to beta reduction to ensure there is no variable capturing.
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAYS_SELECT_CONST
Arrays – Constant array select \[ (select A x) = c \] where \(A\) is a constant array storing element \(c\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_ARRAYS_NORMALIZE_OP
Arrays – Macro normalize operation \[ A = B \] where \(B\) is the result of normalizing the array operation \(A\) into a canonical form, based on commutativity of disjoint indices.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_ARRAYS_NORMALIZE_CONSTANT
Arrays – Macro normalize constant \[ A = B \] where \(B\) is the result of normalizing the array value \(A\) into a canonical form, using the internal method TheoryArraysRewriter.normalizeConstant.
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAYS_EQ_RANGE_EXPAND
Arrays – Expansion of array range equality \[ \mathit{eqrange}(a,b,i,j)= \forall x.\> i \leq x \leq j \rightarrow \mathit{select}(a,x)=\mathit{select}(b,x) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule EXISTS_ELIM
Quantifiers – Exists elimination \[ \exists x_1\dots x_n.\> F = \neg \forall x_1\dots x_n.\> \neg F \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_UNUSED_VARS
Quantifiers – Unused variables \[ \forall X.\> F = \forall X_1.\> F \] where \(X_1\) is the subset of \(X\) that appear free in \(F\) and \(X_1\) does not contain duplicate variables.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_MERGE_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Macro merge prenex \[ \forall X_1.\> \ldots \forall X_n.\> F = \forall X.\> F \] where \(X_1 \ldots X_n\) are lists of variables and \(X\) is the result of removing duplicates from \(X_1 \ldots X_n\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_MERGE_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Merge prenex \[ \forall X_1.\> \ldots \forall X_n.\> F = \forall X_1 \ldots X_n.\> F \] where \(X_1 \ldots X_n\) are lists of variables.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_PRENEX
Quantifiers – Macro prenex \[ (\forall X.\> F_1 \vee \cdots \vee (\forall Y.\> F_i) \vee \cdots \vee F_n) = (\forall X Z.\> F_1 \vee \cdots \vee F_i\{ Y \mapsto Z \} \vee \cdots \vee F_n) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_MINISCOPE
Quantifiers – Macro miniscoping \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge F_n = G_1 \wedge \cdots \wedge G_n \] where each \(G_i\) is semantically equivalent to \(\forall X.\> F_i\), or alternatively \[ \forall X.\> \ite{C}{F_1}{F_2} = \ite{C}{G_1}{G_2} \] where \(C\) does not have any free variable in \(X\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_MINISCOPE_AND
Quantifiers – Miniscoping and \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge F_n = (\forall X.\> F_1) \wedge \ldots \wedge (\forall X.\> F_n) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_MINISCOPE_OR
Quantifiers – Miniscoping or \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \vee \ldots \vee F_n = (\forall X_1.\> F_1) \vee \ldots \vee (\forall X_n.\> F_n) \] where \(X = X_1 \ldots X_n\), and the right hand side does not have any free variable in \(X\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_MINISCOPE_ITE
Quantifiers – Miniscoping ite \[ \forall X.\> \ite{C}{F_1}{F_2} = \ite{C}{\forall X.\> F_1}{\forall X.\> F_2} \] where \(C\) does not have any free variable in \(X\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_DT_SPLIT
Quantifiers – Datatypes Split \[ (\forall x Y.\> F) = (\forall X_1 Y. F_1) \vee \cdots \vee (\forall X_n Y. F_n) \] where \(x\) is of a datatype type with constructors \(C_1, \ldots, C_n\), where for each \(i = 1, \ldots, n\), \(F_i\) is \(F \{ x \mapsto C_i(X_i) \}\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_PARTITION_CONNECTED_FV
Quantifiers – Macro connected free variable partitioning \[ \forall X.\> F_1 \vee \ldots \vee F_n = (\forall X_1.\> F_{1,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{1,k_1}) \vee \ldots \vee (\forall X_m.\> F_{m,1} \vee \ldots \vee F_{m,k_m}) \] where \(X_1, \ldots, X_m\) is a partition of \(X\). This is determined by computing the connected components when considering two variables in \(X\) to be connected if they occur in the same \(F_i\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_VAR_ELIM_EQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination equality \[ \forall x Y.\> F = \forall Y.\> F \{ x \mapsto t \} \] where \(\neg F\) entails \(x = t\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule QUANT_VAR_ELIM_EQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination equality .. math. (\forall x.\> x \neq t \vee F) = F \{ x \mapsto t \} or alternatively .. math. (\forall x.\> x \neq t) = \bot
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_VAR_ELIM_INEQ
Quantifiers – Macro variable elimination inequality \[ \forall x Y.\> F = \forall Y.\> G \] where \(F\) is a disjunction and where \(G\) is the result of dropping all literals containing \(x\). This is applied only when all such literals are lower (resp. upper) bounds for integer or real variable \(x\). Note that \(G\) may be false, and \(Y\) may be empty in which case it is omitted.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_QUANT_REWRITE_BODY
Quantifiers – Macro quantifiers rewrite body \[ \forall X.\> F = \forall X.\> G \] where \(G\) is semantically equivalent to \(F\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_INST
Datatypes – Instantiation \[ \mathit{is}_C(t) = (t = C(\mathit{sel}_1(t),\dots,\mathit{sel}_n(t))) \] where \(C\) is the \(n^{\mathit{th}}\) constructor of the type of \(t\), and \(\mathit{is}_C\) is the discriminator (tester) for \(C\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_COLLAPSE_SELECTOR
Datatypes – collapse selector \[ s_i(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = t_i \] where \(s_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) selector for constructor \(c\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_COLLAPSE_TESTER
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ \mathit{is}_c(c(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = true \] or alternatively \[ \mathit{is}_c(d(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = false \] where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_COLLAPSE_TESTER_SINGLETON
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ \mathit{is}_c(t) = true \] where \(c\) is the only constructor of its associated datatype.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_DT_CONS_EQ
Datatypes – Macro constructor equality \[ (t = s) = (t_1 = s_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = s_n) \] where \(t_1, \ldots, t_n\) and \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) are subterms of \(t\) and \(s\) that occur at the same position respectively (beneath constructor applications), or alternatively \[ (t = s) = false \] where \(t\) and \(s\) have subterms that occur in the same position (beneath constructor applications) that are distinct.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_CONS_EQ
Datatypes – constructor equality \[ (c(t_1, \ldots, t_n) = c(s_1, \ldots, s_n)) = (t_1 = s_1 \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = s_n) \] where \(c\) is a constructor.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_CONS_EQ_CLASH
Datatypes – constructor equality clash \[ (t = s) = false \] where \(t\) and \(s\) have subterms that occur in the same position (beneath constructor applications) that are distinct constructor applications.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_CYCLE
Datatypes – cycle \[ (x = t[x]) = \bot \] where all terms on the path to \(x\) in \(t[x]\) are applications of constructors, and this path is non-empty.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_COLLAPSE_UPDATER
Datatypes – collapse tester \[ u_{c,i}(c(t_1, \ldots, t_i, \ldots, t_n), s) = c(t_1, \ldots, s, \ldots, t_n) \] or alternatively \[ u_{c,i}(d(t_1, \ldots, t_n), s) = d(t_1, \ldots, t_n) \] where \(c\) and \(d\) are distinct constructors.
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_UPDATER_ELIM
Datatypes - updater elimination \[ u_{c,i}(t, s) = ite(\mathit{is}_c(t), c(s_0(t), \ldots, s, \ldots s_n(t)), t) \] where \(s_i\) is the \(i^{th}\) selector for constructor \(c\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule DT_MATCH_ELIM
Datatypes – match elimination \[ \texttt{match}(t ((p_1 c_1) \ldots (p_n c_n))) = \texttt{ite}(F_1, r_1, \texttt{ite}( \ldots, r_n)) \] where for \(i=1, \ldots, n\), \(F_1\) is a formula that holds iff \(t\) matches \(p_i\) and \(r_i\) is the result of a substitution on \(c_i\) based on this match.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_BV_EQ_SOLVE
Bitvectors – Extract negations from multiplicands \[ (a = b) = \bot \] where \(bvsub(a,b)\) normalizes to a non-zero constant, or alternatively \[ (a = b) = \top \] where \(bvsub(a,b)\) normalizes to zero.
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UMULO_ELIMINATE
Bitvectors – Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination See M.Gok, M.J. Schulte, P.I. Balzola, "Efficient integer multiplication overflow detection circuits", 2001. http:
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SMULO_ELIMINATE
Bitvectors – Unsigned multiplication overflow detection elimination See M.Gok, M.J. Schulte, P.I. Balzola, "Efficient integer multiplication overflow detection circuits", 2001. http:
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ADD_COMBINE_LIKE_TERMS
Bitvectors – Combine like terms during addition by counting terms
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_SIMPLIFY
Bitvectors – Extract negations from multiplicands \[ bvmul(bvneg(a),\ b,\ c) = bvneg(bvmul(a,\ b,\ c)) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_BITWISE_SLICING
Bitvectors – Extract continuous substrings of bitvectors \[ bvand(a,\ c) = concat(bvand(a[i_0:j_0],\ c_0) ... bvand(a[i_n:j_n],\ c_n)) \] where c0,..., cn are maximally continuous substrings of 0 or 1 in the constant c
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_REPEAT_ELIM
Bitvectors – Extract continuous substrings of bitvectors \[ repeat(n,\ t) = concat(t ... t) \] where \(t\) is repeated \(n\) times.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CTN_MULTISET_SUBSET
Strings – String contains multiset subset \[ contains(s,t) = \bot \] where the multiset overapproximation of \(s\) can be shown to not contain the multiset abstraction of \(t\) based on the reasoning described in the paper Reynolds et al, CAV 2019, "High-Level Abstractions for Simplifying Extended String Constraints in SMT".
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_STR_EQ_LEN_UNIFY_PREFIX
Strings – String equality length unify prefix \[ (s = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots, t_n)) = (s = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots t_i)) \wedge t_{i+1} = \epsilon \wedge \ldots \wedge t_n = \epsilon \] where we can show \(s\) has a length that is at least the length of \(\text{++}(t_1, \ldots t_i)\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_STR_EQ_LEN_UNIFY
Strings – String equality length unify \[ (\mathit{str}.\text{++}(s_1, \ldots, s_n) = \mathit{str}.\text{++}(t_1, \ldots, t_m)) = (r_1 = u_1 \wedge \ldots r_k = u_k) \] where for each \(i = 1, \ldots, k\), we can show the length of \(r_i\) and \(u_i\) are equal, \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) is \(r_1, \ldots, r_k\), and \(t_1, \ldots, t_m\) is \(u_1, \ldots, u_k\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_STR_SPLIT_CTN
Strings – Macro string split contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(t, s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_1, s) \vee \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are substrings of \(t\). This rule is elaborated using STR_OVERLAP_SPLIT_CTN <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.STR_OVERLAP_SPLIT_CTN>.
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_STR_STRIP_ENDPOINTS
Strings – Macro string strip endpoints One of the following forms: \[ \mathit{str.contains}(t, s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] \[ \mathit{str.indexof}(t, s, n) = \mathit{str.indexof}(t_2, s, n) \] \[ \mathit{str.replace}(t, s, r) = \mathit{str.++}(t_1, \mathit{str.replace}(t_2, s, r) t_3) \] where in each case we reason about removing portions of \(t\) that are irrelevant to the evaluation of the term. This rule is elaborated using STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_CTN <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_CTN>, STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_INDEXOF <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_INDEXOF> and STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_REPLACE <cvc5.ProofRewriteRule.STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_REPLACE>.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_OVERLAP_SPLIT_CTN
Strings – Strings overlap split contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_1, s) \vee \mathit{str.contains}(t_3, s) \] \(t_2\) has no forward overlap with \(s\) and \(s\) has no forward overlap with \(t_2\). For details see \(\texttt{Word::hasOverlap}\) in :cvc5src:`theory/strings/word.h`.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_CTN
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints contains \[ \mathit{str.contains}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s) = \mathit{str.contains}(t_2, s) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2, s_3)`, \(t_1\) has no forward overlap with \(s_1\) and \(t_3\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_3\). For details see \(\texttt{Word::hasOverlap}\) in :cvc5src:`theory/strings/word.h`.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_INDEXOF
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints indexof \[ \mathit{str.indexof}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2), s, n) = \mathit{str.indexof}(t_1, s, n) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2)` and \(t_2\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_2\). For details see \(\texttt{Word::hasOverlap}\) in :cvc5src:`theory/strings/word.h`.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_OVERLAP_ENDPOINTS_REPLACE
Strings – Strings overlap endpoints replace \[ \mathit{str.replace}(\mathit{str.++}(t_1, t_2, t_3), s, r) = \mathit{str.++}(t_1, \mathit{str.replace}(t_2, s, r) t_3) \] where \(s\) is `:math:\mathit{str.++}(s_1, s_2, s_3)`, \(t_1\) has no forward overlap with \(s_1\) and \(t_3\) has no reverse overlap with \(s_3\). For details see \(\texttt{Word::hasOverlap}\) in :cvc5src:`theory/strings/word.h`.
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_EVAL_OP
Strings – Sequence evaluate operator \[ f(s_1, \ldots, s_n) = t \] where \(f\) is an operator over sequences and \(s_1, \ldots, s_n\) are values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for each, and \(t\) is the result of evaluating \(f\) on them.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_RE_EVAL
Strings – string indexof regex evaluation \[ str.indexof\_re(s,r,n) = m \] where \(s\) is a string values, \(n\) is an integer value, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(m\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_RE_EVAL
Strings – string replace regex evaluation \[ str.replace\_re(s,r,t) = u \] where \(s,t\) are string values, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(u\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_RE_ALL_EVAL
Strings – string replace regex all evaluation \[ str.replace\_re\_all(s,r,t) = u \] where \(s,t\) are string values, \(r\) is a ground regular expression and \(u\) is the result of evaluating the left hand side.
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_LOOP_ELIM
Strings – regular expression loop elimination \[ re.loop_{l,u}(R) = re.union(R^l, \ldots, R^u) \] where \(u \geq l\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_RE_INTER_UNION_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression intersection/union inclusion \[ \mathit{re.inter}(R) = \mathit{re.inter}(\mathit{re.none}, R_0) \] where \(R\) is a list of regular expressions containing `r_1`, `re.comp(r_2)` and the list \(R_0\) where `r_2` is a superset of `r_1`. or alternatively: \[ \mathit{re.union}(R) = \mathit{re.union}(\mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}),\ R_0) \] where \(R\) is a list of regular expressions containing `r_1`, `re.comp(r_2)` and the list \(R_0\), where `r_1` is a superset of `r_2`.
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression intersection inclusion \[ \mathit{re.inter}(r_1, re.comp(r_2)) = \mathit{re.none} \] where \(r_2\) is a superset of \(r_1\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_UNION_INCLUSION
Strings – regular expression union inclusion \[ \mathit{re.union}(r_1, re.comp(r_2)) = \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}) \] where \(r_1\) is a superset of \(r_2\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_EVAL
Strings – regular expression membership evaluation \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, R) = c \] where \(s\) is a constant string, \(R\) is a constant regular expression and \(c\) is true or false.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_CONSUME
Strings – regular expression membership consume \[ \mathit{str.in_re}(s, R) = b \] where \(b\) is either \(false\) or the result of stripping entailed prefixes and suffixes off of \(s\) and \(R\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_CONCAT_STAR_CHAR
Strings – string in regular expression concatenation star character \[ \mathit{\_re}(\mathit{str}.\text{++}(s_1, \ldots, s_n), \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) =\\ \mathit{\_re}(s_1, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) \wedge \ldots \wedge \mathit{\_re}(s_n, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(R)) \] where all strings in \(R\) have length one.
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_SIGMA
Strings – string in regular expression sigma \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar})) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) = n) \] or alternatively: \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ge n) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_SIGMA_STAR
Strings – string in regular expression sigma star \[ \mathit{\_re}(s, \mathit{re}.\text{*}(\mathit{re}.\text{++}(\mathit{re.allchar}, \ldots, \mathit{re.allchar}))) = (\mathit{str.len}(s) \ \% \ n = 0) \] where \(n\) is the number of \(\mathit{re.allchar}\) arguments to \(\mathit{re}.\text{++}\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_SUBSTR_STRIP_SYM_LENGTH
Strings – strings substring strip symbolic length \[ str.substr(s, n, m) = t \] where \(t\) is obtained by fully or partially stripping components of \(s\) based on \(n\) and \(m\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_SETS_INTER_EVAL
Sets – sets intersection evaluate \[ \mathit{set.inter}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are set values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for both, and where \(t\) is an intersection of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule MACRO_SETS_MINUS_EVAL
Sets – sets minus evaluate \[ \mathit{set.minus}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are set values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for both, and where \(t\) is the difference of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\).
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_UNION_NORM
Sets – sets union normalize \[ \mathit{set.union}(t_1, t_2) = t \] where \(t\) is a union of the component elements of \(t_1\) and \(t_2\). Note we use this rule only when \(t_1\) and \(t_2\) are set values, that is, the Node.isConst method returns true for both.
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_IS_EMPTY_EVAL
Sets – empty tester evaluation \[ \mathit{\_empty}(\epsilon) = \top \] where \(\epsilon\) is the empty set, or alternatively: \[ \mathit{\_empty}(c) = \bot \] where \(c\) is a constant set that is not the empty set.
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_INSERT_ELIM
Sets – sets insert elimination \[ \mathit{sets.insert}(t_1, \ldots, t_n, S) = \texttt{set.union}(\texttt{sets.singleton}(t_1), \ldots, \texttt{sets.singleton}(t_n), S) \]
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_TOTAL_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_TOTAL_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-zero-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-total-zero-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_DIV_TOTAL_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-div-total-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_MOD_TOTAL_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-mod-total-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ELIM_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-gt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ELIM_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-lt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ELIM_INT_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-gt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ELIM_INT_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-int-lt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ELIM_LEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-elim-leq
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_LEQ_NORM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-leq-norm
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-tighten
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GEQ_NORM1_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm1-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GEQ_NORM1_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm1-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GEQ_NORM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-norm2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_REFL_LEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-leq
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_REFL_LT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-lt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_REFL_GEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-geq
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_REFL_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-refl-gt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_EQ_ELIM_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-eq-elim-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_EQ_ELIM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-eq-elim-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_PLUS_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-plus-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MULT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mult-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ABS_ELIM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-elim-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ABS_ELIM_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-elim-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_TO_REAL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-real-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_TO_INT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-int-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_TO_INT_ELIM_TO_REAL
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-to-int-elim-to-real
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_ELIM_TO_REAL1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real1
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_DIV_ELIM_TO_REAL2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-div-elim-to-real2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MOD_OVER_MOD
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-mod-over-mod
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_EQ_CONFLICT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-eq-conflict
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_INT_GEQ_TIGHTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-int-geq-tighten
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ABS_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ABS_INT_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-int-gt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_ABS_REAL_GT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-abs-real-gt
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GEQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-geq-ite-lift
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_GT_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-gt-ite-lift
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_LEQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-leq-ite-lift
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_LT_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-lt-ite-lift
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MIN_LT1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-min-lt1
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MIN_LT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-min-lt2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MAX_GEQ1
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-max-geq1
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_MAX_GEQ2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-max-geq2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_STORE_OVERWRITE
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-overwrite
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_STORE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_READ_OVER_WRITE_SPLIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-read-over-write-split
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARRAY_STORE_SWAP
Auto-generated from RARE rule array-store-swap
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_DOUBLE_NOT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-double-not-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_EQ_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_EQ_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_EQ_NREFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-eq-nrefl
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPL_FALSE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPL_FALSE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-false2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPL_TRUE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPL_TRUE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-true2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-impl-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_DUAL_IMPL_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-dual-impl-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_AND_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_AND_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_AND_CONF
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-conf
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_AND_CONF2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-conf2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_TAUT
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-taut
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_TAUT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-taut2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-de-morgan
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPLIES_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-implies-de-morgan
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_AND_DE_MORGAN
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-and-de-morgan
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_OR_AND_DISTRIB
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-or-and-distrib
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_IMPLIES_OR_DISTRIB
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-implies-or-distrib
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-refl
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_NREFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-nrefl
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-comm
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_XOR_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-xor-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_XOR_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-xor-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_EQ_ELIM1
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-eq-elim1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_EQ_ELIM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-eq-elim2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_NEG_BRANCH
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-neg-branch
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD_NOT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead-not-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD_NOT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead-not-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_EXPAND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-expand
public static final ProofRewriteRule BOOL_NOT_ITE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule boolean-not-ite-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_TRUE_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-true-cond
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_FALSE_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-false-cond
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_NOT_COND
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-not-cond
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_EQ_BRANCH
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-eq-branch
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-lookahead
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-lookahead
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_THEN_NEG_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-then-neg-lookahead
public static final ProofRewriteRule ITE_ELSE_NEG_LOOKAHEAD
Auto-generated from RARE rule ite-else-neg-lookahead
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_CONCAT_EXTRACT_MERGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-extract-merge
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_EXTRACT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-extract
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_WHOLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-whole
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_CONCAT_4
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-concat-4
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EQ_EXTRACT_ELIM3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-eq-extract-elim3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-and
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-or
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_BITWISE_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-bitwise-xor
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_NOT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-not
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_SIGN_EXTEND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-sign-extend-3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NEG_MULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-mult
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NEG_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-add
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--add
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_DISTRIB_CONST_SUB
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib--sub
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_DISTRIB_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_DISTRIB_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-distrib-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-xor
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-simplify-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-simplify-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_SIMPLIFY_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-simplify-3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_ADD_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-add-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_CONCAT_TO_MULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-to-mult
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_SLT_MULT_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_SLT_MULT_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-slt-mult-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMMUTATIVE_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-and
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMMUTATIVE_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-or
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMMUTATIVE_XOR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-xor
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMMUTATIVE_MUL
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-mul
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MUL_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MUL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ADD_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ADD_TWO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-add-two
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ELIMINATE_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminate-0
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ELIMINATE_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminate-0
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_NEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-neq
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_ONES
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-ones
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MUL_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mul-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_CONCAT_MERGE_CONST
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-concat-merge-
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMMUTATIVE_ADD
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-commutative-add
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NEG_SUB
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-sub
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NEG_IDEMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-neg-idemp
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SUB_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sub-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UGT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UGE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uge-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SGT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sgt-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SGE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sge-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SLT_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SLE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_REDOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redor-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_REDAND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-redand-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULE_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_COMP_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-comp-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ROTATE_LEFT_ELIMINATE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ROTATE_LEFT_ELIMINATE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-left-eliminate-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ROTATE_RIGHT_ELIMINATE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ROTATE_RIGHT_ELIMINATE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-rotate-right-eliminate-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NAND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nand-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-nor-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XNOR_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xnor-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SDIV_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SDIV_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdiv-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UADDO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-uaddo-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SADDO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-saddo-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SDIVO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sdivo-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SMOD_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SMOD_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-smod-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SREM_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SREM_ELIMINATE_FEWER_BITWISE_OPS
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-srem-eliminate-fewer-bitwise-ops
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_USUBO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-usubo-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SSUBO_ELIMINATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ssubo-eliminate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_EQUAL_CHILDREN
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-children
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_CONST_CHILDREN_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_CONST_CHILDREN_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite--children-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_EQUAL_COND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-equal-cond-3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_MERGE_THEN_IF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-if
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_MERGE_ELSE_IF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-if
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_MERGE_THEN_ELSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-then-else
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ITE_MERGE_ELSE_ELSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ite-merge-else-else
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SHL_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--0
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SHL_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SHL_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-by--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_LSHR_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--0
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_LSHR_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_LSHR_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-by--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ASHR_BY_CONST_0
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--0
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ASHR_BY_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ASHR_BY_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-by--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-concat-pullup
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-concat-pullup
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_CONCAT_PULLUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-concat-pullup
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_BITWISE_IDEMP_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_BITWISE_IDEMP_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-idemp-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_AND_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-and-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_OR_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-or-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_DUPLICATE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-duplicate
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_ONES
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-ones
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_BITWISE_NOT_AND
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-and
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_BITWISE_NOT_OR
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-bitwise-not-or
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_XOR_NOT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-xor-not
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_IDEMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-idemp
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_ZERO_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_ZERO_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-zero-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_LT_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lt-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULE_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_ULE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-ule
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SLE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sle-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULE_MAX
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ule-max
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_ULT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-ult
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_ULE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-ule
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_NOT_SLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-not-sle
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_POW2_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_POW2_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MULT_POW2_2B
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-mult-pow2-2b
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_EXTRACT_MULT_LEADING_BIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-extract-mult-leading-bit
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UDIV_POW2_NOT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-pow2-not-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UDIV_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UDIV_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-udiv-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UREM_POW2_NOT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-pow2-not-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UREM_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UREM_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-urem-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SHL_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-shl-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_LSHR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-lshr-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ASHR_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ashr-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_UGT_UREM
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ugt-urem
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ULT_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-ult-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SLT_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-slt-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_MERGE_SIGN_EXTEND_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-merge-sign-extend-3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-eq--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_EQ_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-eq--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_ZERO_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-zero-extend-ult--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--1
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--2
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_3
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--3
public static final ProofRewriteRule BV_SIGN_EXTEND_ULT_CONST_4
Auto-generated from RARE rule bv-sign-extend-ult--4
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_EQ_SINGLETON_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-eq-singleton-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MEMBER_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-singleton
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MEMBER_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-member-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_SUBSET_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-subset-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_UNION_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-comm
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_INTER_COMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-comm
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_INTER_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp1
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_INTER_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-emp2
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MINUS_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp1
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MINUS_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-emp2
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_UNION_EMP1
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp1
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_UNION_EMP2
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-emp2
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_INTER_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-inter-member
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MINUS_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-member
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_UNION_MEMBER
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-union-member
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_CHOOSE_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-choose-singleton
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_MINUS_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-minus-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_IS_EMPTY_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-is-empty-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_CTN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_CTN_FULL_FALSE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false1
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_CTN_FULL_FALSE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-ctn-full-false2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_LEN_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-len-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_FLATTEN_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_FLATTEN_EQ_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-flatten-eq-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_STR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-str
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_RANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-range
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_START
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-start
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_EMPTY_START_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-empty-start-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_EQ_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-eq-empty
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_REPLACE_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-replace-inv
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_REPLACE_ALL_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-replace-all-inv
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_UPDATE_INV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-update-inv
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_UPDATE_IN_FIRST_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-update-in-first-concat
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_SUBSTR_IN_RANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-in-range
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_SUBSTR_UB1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub1
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_SUBSTR_UB2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-substr-ub2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH2_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash2-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_UNIFY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_UNIFY_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_UNIFY_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-base
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_UNIFY_BASE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-unify-base-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-char
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONCAT_CLASH_CHAR_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-concat-clash-char-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_PREFIXOF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUFFIXOF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_PREFIXOF_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-prefixof-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUFFIXOF_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-suffixof-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine1
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE3
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine3
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_COMBINE4
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-combine4
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_CONCAT1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat1
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_CONCAT2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-concat2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_FULL
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-full
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_FULL_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-full-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-refl
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_CONCAT_FIND
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-concat-find
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_CONCAT_FIND_CONTRA
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-concat-find-contra
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_SPLIT_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-split-char
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_LT_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-lt-len
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_LEQ_LEN_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-leq-len-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_CONTAINS_IS_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-contains-is-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_AT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-at-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-prefix
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-no-contains
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_FIND_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-find-base
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_FIND_FIRST_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-find-first-concat
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-empty
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_CONTAINS_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-contains-pre
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_ONE_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-one-pre
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_ALL_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-all-no-contains
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_RE_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-re-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_RE_ALL_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-re-all-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEN_CONCAT_REC
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-len-concat-rec
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_SELF
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-self
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_NO_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-no-contains
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_CONTAINS_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-contains-pre
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_FIND
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-find
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_FIND_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-find-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_INDEXOF_RE_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-indexof-re-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_LOWER_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-concat
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_UPPER_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-concat
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_LOWER_UPPER
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-upper
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_UPPER_LOWER
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-lower
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_LOWER_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-len
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_UPPER_LEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-len
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_LOWER_FROM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-lower-from-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_UPPER_FROM_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-upper-from-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_TO_INT_CONCAT_NEG_ONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-to-int-concat-neg-one
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-empty
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_EMPTY_EQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-empty-eq
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_CONCAT_FALSE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-false
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_CONCAT_TRUE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-true
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_CONCAT_BASE_1
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-base-1
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LEQ_CONCAT_BASE_2
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-leq-concat-base-2
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_LT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-lt-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_FROM_INT_NO_CTN_NONDIGIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-from-int-no-ctn-nondigit
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_CTN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-ctn
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_REPLACE_DUAL_CTN
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-replace-dual-ctn
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_ALL_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-all-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_OPT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-opt-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_DIFF_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-diff-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_PLUS_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-plus-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_STAR_SWAP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-swap
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_STAR_REPEAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-repeat
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_STAR_SUBSUME1
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-subsume1
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_STAR_SUBSUME2
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-star-subsume2
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_CONCAT_MERGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-concat-merge
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_UNION_ALL
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-all
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_UNION_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_UNION_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_UNION_DUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-union-dup
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_ALL
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-all
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_FLATTEN
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-flatten
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_DUP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-dup
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_STAR_NONE
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-none
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_STAR_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_STAR_STAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-star
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_STAR_UNION_DROP_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-star-union-drop-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_LOOP_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-loop-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_CSTRING
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstring
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_INTER_CSTRING_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-inter-cstring-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_LEN_INCLUDE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-include
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_LEN_INCLUDE_PRE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-include-pre
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_LEN_SKIP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-skip
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_SUBSTR_LEN_NORM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-substr-len-norm
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_LEN_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_REV_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_REV_CONCAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-concat
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_REPL_SELF_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-self-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_REPL_NO_CHANGE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-no-change
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_EQ_REPL_LEN_ONE_EMP_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-eq-repl-len-one-emp-prefix
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_LEN_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-unit
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_NTH_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-nth-unit
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_REV_UNIT
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-rev-unit
public static final ProofRewriteRule SEQ_LEN_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule seq-len-empty
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_IN_EMPTY
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-empty
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_IN_SIGMA
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigma
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_IN_SIGMA_STAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-sigma-star
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_IN_CSTRING
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-cstring
public static final ProofRewriteRule RE_IN_COMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule re-in-comp
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_UNION_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-union-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_INTER_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-inter-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_RANGE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-range-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_CONTAINS
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-contains
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_NEG
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-neg
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_S_SINGLE
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-single
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SR_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-sr-single-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_SRS_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-srs-single-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_S_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-s-single-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_PREFIX_BASE_S_SINGLE_NEG_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-prefix-base-s-single-neg-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_STRIP_CHAR_S_SINGLE_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-strip-char-s-single-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_REQ_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfold
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_REQ_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-req-unfold-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_SKIP_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfold
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_SKIP_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-skip-unfold-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_TEST_UNFOLD
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfold
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_TEST_UNFOLD_REV
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-test-unfold-rev
public static final ProofRewriteRule STR_IN_RE_CONCAT_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule str-in-re-concat-emp
public static final ProofRewriteRule EQ_REFL
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-refl
public static final ProofRewriteRule EQ_SYMM
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-symm
public static final ProofRewriteRule EQ_COND_DEQ
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-cond-deq
public static final ProofRewriteRule EQ_ITE_LIFT
Auto-generated from RARE rule eq-ite-lift
public static final ProofRewriteRule DISTINCT_BINARY_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule distinct-binary-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_BV2NAT_INT2BV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bv
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_BV2NAT_INT2BV_EXTEND
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bv-extend
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_BV2NAT_INT2BV_EXTRACT
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-int2bv-extract
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_INT2BV_BV2NAT
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bv2nat
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_BV2NAT_GEQ_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-bv2nat-geq-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_INT2BV_BVULT_EQUIV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bvult-equiv
public static final ProofRewriteRule UF_INT2BV_BVULE_EQUIV
Auto-generated from RARE rule uf-int2bv-bvule-equiv
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_SINE_ZERO
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-sine-zero
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_SINE_PI2
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-sine-pi2
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_COSINE_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cosine-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_TANGENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-tangent-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_SECENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-secent-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_COSECENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cosecent-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_COTANGENT_ELIM
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-cotangent-elim
public static final ProofRewriteRule ARITH_PI_NOT_INT
Auto-generated from RARE rule arith-pi-not-int
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_CARD_SINGLETON
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-singleton
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_CARD_UNION
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-union
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_CARD_MINUS
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-minus
public static final ProofRewriteRule SETS_CARD_EMP
Auto-generated from RARE rule sets-card-emp
Method Detail
public static ProofRewriteRule[] values()
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:for (ProofRewriteRule c : ProofRewriteRule.values()) System.out.println(c);
- Returns:
- an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
public static ProofRewriteRule valueOf(java.lang.String name)
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)- Parameters:
- the name of the enum constant to be returned.- Returns:
- the enum constant with the specified name
- Throws:
- if this enum type has no constant with the specified namejava.lang.NullPointerException
- if the argument is null
public static ProofRewriteRule fromInt(int value) throws CVC5ApiException
- Throws:
public int getValue()