Enum SkolemId

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<SkolemId>

    public enum SkolemId
    extends java.lang.Enum<SkolemId>
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      The array diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (select A k) (select B k)))).
      An uninterpreted function for bag.card operator: To compute (bag.card A), we need a function that counts multiplicities of distinct elements.
      An interpreted function uf for bag.choose operator: (bag.choose A) is replaced by (uf A) along with the inference that (>= (bag.count (uf A) A) 1) when A is non-empty.
      The bag diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (bag.count k A) (bag.count k B)))).
      An uninterpreted function for distinct elements of a bag A, which returns the n^th distinct element of the bag.
      A skolem variable for the size of the distinct elements of a bag A.
      An uninterpreted function for the union of distinct elements in a bag (Bag T).
      An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need to guess the cardinality n of bag A using a skolem function with BAGS_FOLD_CARD id.
      An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function that accumulates intermidiate values.
      An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A.
      An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A which is given by elements defined in BAGS_FOLD_ELEMENTS.
      A skolem variable for the index that is unique per terms (bag.map f A), y, e where: f: (-> E T), A: (Bag E), y: T, e: E Number of skolem indices: 5 1: a map term of the form (bag.map f A).
      A skolem for the preimage of an element y in (bag.map f A) such that (= (f x) y) where f: (-> E T) is an injective function.
      An uninterpreted function for bag.map operator: If bag A is {uf(1), ..., uf(n)} (see BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS}, then the multiplicity of an element y in a bag (bag.map f A) is sum(n), where sum: (-> Int Int) is a skolem function such that: sum(0) = 0 sum(i) = sum (i-1) + (bag.count (uf i) A) Number of skolem indices: 3 1: the function f of type (-> E T).
      The empty bitvector.
      A skolem function introduced by the int-blaster.
      The function for division by zero.
      A skolem function that is unique per floating-point sort, introduced for the undefined zero case of fp.max.
      A skolem function that is unique per floating-point sort, introduced for the undefined zero case of fp.min.
      A skolem function introduced for the undefined of fp.to_real that is unique per floating-point sort.
      A skolem function introduced for the undefined out-ouf-bounds case of fp.to_sbv that is unique per floating-point sort and sort of the arguments to the operator.
      A skolem function introduced for the undefined out-ouf-bounds case of fp.to_ubv that is unique per floating-point sort and sort of the arguments to the operator.
      An arbitrary ground term of a given sort.
      The higher-roder diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (A k1 ... kn) (B k1 ... kn)))).
      The function for integer division by zero.
      The identifier of the skolem is not exported.
      The function for integer modulus by zero.
      Indicates this is not a skolem.
      The purification skolem for a term.
      The n^th skolem for the negation of universally quantified formula Q.
      For string a and regular expression R, this skolem is the string that the first, shortest match of R was matched to in a.
      For string a and regular expression R, this skolem is the remainder of a after the first, shortest match of R in a.
      The next three skolems are used to decompose the match of a regular expression in string.
      Regular expression unfold component: if (str.in_re a R), where R is (re.++ R0 ... Rn), then the RE_UNFOLD_POS_COMPONENT for indices (a,R,i) is a string ki such that (= a (str.++ k0 ... kn)) and (str.in_re k0 R0) for i = 0, ..., n.
      Given a group term ((_ rel.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Set (Relation T)) this skolem maps elements of A to their parts in the resulting partition.
      Given a group term ((_ rel.group n1 ...
      An interpreted function for set.choose operator, where (set.choose A) is expanded to (uf A) along with the inference (set.member (uf A) A)) when A is non-empty, where uf: (-> (Set E) E) is this skolem function, and E is the type of elements of A.
      The set diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (set.member k A) (set.member k B)))).
      An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need to guess the cardinality n of set A using a skolem function with SETS_FOLD_CARD id.
      An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function that accumulates intermidiate values.
      An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A.
      An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A which is given by elements defined in SETS_FOLD_ELEMENTS.
      A skolem variable that is unique per terms (set.map f A), y which is an element in (set.map f A).
      A shared datatype selector, see Reynolds et.
      Difference index for string disequalities, such that k is the witness for the inference (=> (not (= a b)) (not (= (substr a k 1) (substr b k 1)))) where note that `k` may be out of bounds for at most of a,b.
      A function used to define intermediate results of str.from_int applications.
      An integer corresponding to the number of times a string occurs in another string.
      Analogous to STRINGS_NUM_OCCUR, but for regular expressions.
      A function k such that for x = 0...n, (k x) is the end index of the x^th occurrence of a string b in string a, where n is the number of occurrences of b in a, and (= (k 0) 0).
      Analogous to STRINGS_OCCUR_INDEX, but for regular expressions.
      A function k where for x = 0...n, (k x) is the length of the x^th occurrence of R in a (excluding matches of empty strings) where R is a regular expression, n is the number of occurrences of R in a, and (= (k 0) 0).
      A function used to define intermediate results of str.replace_all and str.replace_re_all applications.
      A position containing a non-digit in a string, used when (str.to_int a) is equal to -1.
      A function used to define intermediate results of str.from_int applications.
      Given a group term ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Bag (Table T)), this skolem maps elements of A to their parts in the resulting partition.
      Given a group term ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Bag (Table T)) and a part B of type (Table T), this function returns a skolem element that is a member of B if B is not empty.
      A function introduced to eliminate extended trancendental functions.
      Argument used to purify trancendental function app (f x).
      Argument used to reason about the phase shift of arguments to sine.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static SkolemId fromInt​(int value)  
      int getValue()  
      static SkolemId valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static SkolemId[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • INTERNAL

        public static final SkolemId INTERNAL
        The identifier of the skolem is not exported. These skolems should not appear in any user-level API calls.
      • PURIFY

        public static final SkolemId PURIFY
        The purification skolem for a term. This is a variable that is semantically equivalent to the indexed term t.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The term t that this skolem purifies.
        • Sort: The sort of t.

        public static final SkolemId GROUND_TERM
        An arbitrary ground term of a given sort.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: A term that represents the sort of the term.
        • Sort: The sort given by the index.

        public static final SkolemId ARRAY_DEQ_DIFF
        The array diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (select A k) (select B k)))).
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first array of sort (Array T1 T2).
          • 2: The second array of sort (Array T1 T2).
        • Sort: T1
      • BV_EMPTY

        public static final SkolemId BV_EMPTY
        The empty bitvector.
        • Number of skolem indices: 0
        • Type: (_ BitVec 0)
      • DIV_BY_ZERO

        public static final SkolemId DIV_BY_ZERO
        The function for division by zero. This is semantically equivalent to the SMT-LIB term (lambda ((x Real)) (/ x 0.0)).
        • Number of skolem indices: 0
        • Sort: (-> Real Real)

        public static final SkolemId INT_DIV_BY_ZERO
        The function for integer division by zero. This is semantically equivalent to the SMT-LIB term (lambda ((x Int)) (div x 0)).
        • Number of skolem indices: 0
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)
      • MOD_BY_ZERO

        public static final SkolemId MOD_BY_ZERO
        The function for integer modulus by zero. This is semantically equivalent to the SMT-LIB term (lambda ((x Int)) (mod x 0)).
        • Number of skolem indices: 0
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId TRANSCENDENTAL_PURIFY
        A function introduced to eliminate extended trancendental functions. Transcendental functions like sqrt, arccos, arcsin, etc. are replaced during processing with uninterpreted functions that are unique to each function.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: A lambda corresponding to the function, e.g.,
        `(lambda ((x Real)) (sqrt x))`.
        • Sort: (-> Real Real)

        public static final SkolemId TRANSCENDENTAL_PURIFY_ARG
        Argument used to purify trancendental function app (f x). For (sin x), this is a variable that is assumed to be in phase with x that is between -pi and pi.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The application of a trancendental function.
        • Sort: Real

        public static final SkolemId TRANSCENDENTAL_SINE_PHASE_SHIFT
        Argument used to reason about the phase shift of arguments to sine. In particular, this is an integral rational indicating the number of times \(2\pi\) is added to a real value between \(-\pi\) and \(\pi\) to obtain the value of argument to sine.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The argument to sine.
        • Sort: Real

        public static final SkolemId SHARED_SELECTOR
        A shared datatype selector, see Reynolds et. al. "Datatypes with Shared Selectors", IJCAR 2018. Represents a selector that can extract fields of multiple constructors.
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: A term that represents the datatype we are extracting from.
          • 2: A term that represents the sort of field we are extracting.
          • 3: An integer n such that this shared selector returns the n^th subfield term of the given sort.
        • Sort: A selector sort whose domain is given by first index, and whose codomain is the given by the second index.
      • HO_DEQ_DIFF

        public static final SkolemId HO_DEQ_DIFF
        The higher-roder diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (A k1 ... kn) (B k1 ... kn)))).
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first function of sort (-> T1 ... Tn T).
          • 2: The second function of sort (-> T1 ... Tn T).
          • 3: The argument index i.
        • Sort: Ti

        public static final SkolemId QUANTIFIERS_SKOLEMIZE
        The n^th skolem for the negation of universally quantified formula Q.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The quantified formula Q.
          • 2: The index of the variable in the binder of Q to skolemize.
        • Sort: The type of the variable referenced by the second index.

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_NUM_OCCUR
        An integer corresponding to the number of times a string occurs in another string. This is used to reason about str.replace_all.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first string.
          • 2: The second string.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_OCCUR_INDEX
        A function k such that for x = 0...n, (k x) is the end index of the x^th occurrence of a string b in string a, where n is the number of occurrences of b in a, and (= (k 0) 0). This is used to reason about str.replace_all.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first string.
          • 2: The second string.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_NUM_OCCUR_RE
        Analogous to STRINGS_NUM_OCCUR, but for regular expressions. An integer corresponding to the number of times a regular expression can be matched in a string. This is used to reason about str.replace_all_re.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string to match.
          • 2: The regular expression to find.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_OCCUR_INDEX_RE
        Analogous to STRINGS_OCCUR_INDEX, but for regular expressions. A function k such that for x = 0...n, (k x) is the end index of the x^th occurrence of a regular expression R in string a, where n is the number of occurrences of R in a, and (= (k 0) 0). This is used to reason about str.replace_all_re.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string to match.
          • 2: The regular expression to find.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_OCCUR_LEN_RE
        A function k where for x = 0...n, (k x) is the length of the x^th occurrence of R in a (excluding matches of empty strings) where R is a regular expression, n is the number of occurrences of R in a, and (= (k 0) 0).
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string to match.
          • 2: The regular expression to find.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_DEQ_DIFF
        Difference index for string disequalities, such that k is the witness for the inference (=> (not (= a b)) (not (= (substr a k 1) (substr b k 1)))) where note that `k` may be out of bounds for at most of a,b.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first string.
          • 2: The second string.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_REPLACE_ALL_RESULT
        A function used to define intermediate results of str.replace_all and str.replace_re_all applications. This denotes a function that denotes the result of processing the string or sequence after processing the n^th occurrence of string or match of the regular expression in the given replace_all term.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The application of replace_all or replace_all_re.
        • Sort: (-> Int S) where S is either String or (Seq T) for
        some T.

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_ITOS_RESULT
        A function used to define intermediate results of str.from_int applications. This is a function k denoting the result of processing the first n digits of the argument.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The argument to str.from_int.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_STOI_RESULT
        A function used to define intermediate results of str.from_int applications. This is a function k of type (-> Int String) denoting the result of processing the first n characters of the argument.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The argument to str.to_int.
        • Sort: (-> Int String)

        public static final SkolemId STRINGS_STOI_NON_DIGIT
        A position containing a non-digit in a string, used when (str.to_int a) is equal to -1. This is an integer that returns a position for which the argument string is not a digit if one exists, or is unconstrained otherwise.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The argument to str.to_int.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId RE_FIRST_MATCH_PRE
        The next three skolems are used to decompose the match of a regular expression in string. For string a and regular expression R, this skolem is the prefix of string a before the first, shortest match of R in a. Formally, if (str.in_re a (re.++ (re.* re.allchar) R (re.* re.allchar))), then there exists strings k_pre, k_match, k_post such that: (= a (str.++ k_pre k_match k_post)) and (= (len k_pre) (indexof_re a R 0)) and ``(forall ((l Int)) (=> (< 0 l (len k_match)) (not (str.in_re (substr k_match 0 l) R))))`` and (str.in_re k_match R) This skolem is k_pre, and the proceeding two skolems are k_match and k_post.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string.
          • 2: The regular expression to match.
        • Sort: String

        public static final SkolemId RE_FIRST_MATCH
        For string a and regular expression R, this skolem is the string that the first, shortest match of R was matched to in a.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string.
          • 2: The regular expression to match.
        • Sort: String

        public static final SkolemId RE_FIRST_MATCH_POST
        For string a and regular expression R, this skolem is the remainder of a after the first, shortest match of R in a.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The string.
          • 2: The regular expression to match.
        • Sort: String

        public static final SkolemId RE_UNFOLD_POS_COMPONENT
        Regular expression unfold component: if (str.in_re a R), where R is (re.++ R0 ... Rn), then the RE_UNFOLD_POS_COMPONENT for indices (a,R,i) is a string ki such that (= a (str.++ k0 ... kn)) and (str.in_re k0 R0) for i = 0, ..., n.
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: The string.
          • 2: The regular expression.
          • 3: The index of the skolem.
        • Sort: String

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_CARD_COMBINE
        An uninterpreted function for bag.card operator: To compute (bag.card A), we need a function that counts multiplicities of distinct elements. We call this function combine of type Int -> Int where: combine(0) = 0. combine(i) = m(elements(i), A) + combine(i-1) for 1 <= i <= n. elements: a skolem function for (bag.fold f t A). See BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS. n: is the number of distinct elements in A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS_UNION_DISJOINT
        An uninterpreted function for the union of distinct elements in a bag (Bag T). To compute operators like bag.card, we need a function for distinct elements in A of type (-> Int T) (see BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS). We also need to restrict the range [1, n] to only elements in the bag as follows: unionDisjoint(0) = bag.empty. unionDisjoint(i) = disjoint union of {<elements(i), m(elements(i), A)>} and unionDisjoint(i-1). unionDisjoint(n) = A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A of type (Bag T).
        • Sort: (-> Int (Bag T))

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_FOLD_CARD
        An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need to guess the cardinality n of bag A using a skolem function with BAGS_FOLD_CARD id.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_FOLD_COMBINE
        An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function that accumulates intermidiate values. We call this function combine of type Int -> T2 where: combine(0) = t combine(i) = f(elements(i), combine(i - 1)) for 1 <= i <= n. elements: a skolem function for (bag.fold f t A) see BAGS_FOLD_ELEMENTS. n: is the cardinality of A. T2: is the type of initial value t.
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: the function f of type (-> T1 T2).
          • 2: the initial value t of type T2.
          • 3: the bag argument A of type (Bag T1).
        • Sort: (-> Int T2)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_FOLD_ELEMENTS
        An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A. We call this function elements of type (-> Int T1) where T1 is the type of elements of A. If the cardinality of A is n, then A is the disjoint union of {elements(i)} for 1 <= i <= n. See BAGS_FOLD_UNION_DISJOINT.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a bag argument A of type (Bag T1)
        • Sort: (-> Int T1)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_FOLD_UNION_DISJOINT
        An uninterpreted function for bag.fold operator: To compute (bag.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A which is given by elements defined in BAGS_FOLD_ELEMENTS. We also need unionDisjoint: (-> Int (Bag T1)) to compute the disjoint union such that: unionDisjoint(0) = bag.empty. unionDisjoint(i) = disjoint union of {elements(i)} and unionDisjoint (i-1). unionDisjoint(n) = A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A of type (Bag T1).
        • Sort: (-> Int (Bag T1))

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_CHOOSE
        An interpreted function uf for bag.choose operator: (bag.choose A) is replaced by (uf A) along with the inference that (>= (bag.count (uf A) A) 1) when A is non-empty. where T is the type of elements of A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag to chose from, of type (Bag T).
        • Sort: (-> (Bag T) T)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS
        An uninterpreted function for distinct elements of a bag A, which returns the n^th distinct element of the bag. See BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS_UNION_DISJOINT.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A of type (Bag T).
        • Sort: (-> Int T)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS_SIZE
        A skolem variable for the size of the distinct elements of a bag A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the bag argument A.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_MAP_PREIMAGE_INJECTIVE
        A skolem for the preimage of an element y in (bag.map f A) such that (= (f x) y) where f: (-> E T) is an injective function.
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: the function f of type (-> E T).
          • 2: the bag argument A of (Bag E).
          • 3: the element argument y type T.
        • Sort: E

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_MAP_INDEX
        A skolem variable for the index that is unique per terms (bag.map f A), y, e where: f: (-> E T), A: (Bag E), y: T, e: E
        • Number of skolem indices: 5
          • 1: a map term of the form (bag.map f A).
          • 2: a skolem function with id BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS.
          • 3: a skolem function with id BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS_SIZE.
          • 4: an element y of type T representing the mapped value.
          • 5: an element x of type E.
        • Sort: Int
      • BAGS_MAP_SUM

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_MAP_SUM
        An uninterpreted function for bag.map operator: If bag A is {uf(1), ..., uf(n)} (see BAGS_DISTINCT_ELEMENTS}, then the multiplicity of an element y in a bag (bag.map f A) is sum(n), where sum: (-> Int Int) is a skolem function such that: sum(0) = 0 sum(i) = sum (i-1) + (bag.count (uf i) A)
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: the function f of type (-> E T).
          • 2: the bag argument A of (Bag E).
          • 3: the element argument e type E.
        • Sort: (-> Int Int)

        public static final SkolemId BAGS_DEQ_DIFF
        The bag diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (bag.count k A) (bag.count k B)))).
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first bag of type (Bag T).
          • 2: The second bag of type (Bag T).
        • Sort: T

        public static final SkolemId TABLES_GROUP_PART
        Given a group term ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Bag (Table T)), this skolem maps elements of A to their parts in the resulting partition.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a group term of the form ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A).
        • Sort: (-> T (Table T))

        public static final SkolemId TABLES_GROUP_PART_ELEMENT
        Given a group term ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Bag (Table T)) and a part B of type (Table T), this function returns a skolem element that is a member of B if B is not empty.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: a group term of the form ((_ table.group n1 ... nk) A).
          • 2: a table B of type (Table T).
        • Sort: T

        public static final SkolemId RELATIONS_GROUP_PART
        Given a group term ((_ rel.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Set (Relation T)) this skolem maps elements of A to their parts in the resulting partition.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a relation of the form ((_ rel.group n1 ... nk) A).
        • Sort: (-> T (Relation T))

        public static final SkolemId RELATIONS_GROUP_PART_ELEMENT
        Given a group term ((_ rel.group n1 ... nk) A) of type (Set (Relation T)) and a part B of type (Relation T), this function returns a skolem element that is a member of B if B is not empty.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: a group term of the form ((_ rel.group n1 ... nk) A).
          • 2: a relation B of type (Relation T).
        • Sort: T

        public static final SkolemId SETS_CHOOSE
        An interpreted function for set.choose operator, where (set.choose A) is expanded to (uf A) along with the inference (set.member (uf A) A)) when A is non-empty, where uf: (-> (Set E) E) is this skolem function, and E is the type of elements of A.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a ground value for the type (Set E).
        • Sort: (-> (Set E) E)

        public static final SkolemId SETS_DEQ_DIFF
        The set diff skolem, which is the witness k for the inference (=> (not (= A B)) (not (= (set.member k A) (set.member k B)))).
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The first set of type (Set E).
          • 2: The second set of type (Set E).
        • Sort: E

        public static final SkolemId SETS_FOLD_CARD
        An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need to guess the cardinality n of set A using a skolem function with SETS_FOLD_CARD id.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the set argument A.
        • Sort: Int

        public static final SkolemId SETS_FOLD_COMBINE
        An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function that accumulates intermidiate values. We call this function combine of type Int -> T2 where: combine(0) = t combine(i) = f(elements(i), combine(i - 1)) for 1 <= i <= n elements: a skolem function for (set.fold f t A) see SETS_FOLD_ELEMENTS n: is the cardinality of A T2: is the type of initial value t
        • Number of skolem indices: 3
          • 1: the function f of type (-> T1 T2).
          • 2: the initial value t of type T2.
          • 3: the set argument A of type (Set T1).
        • Sort: (-> Int T2)

        public static final SkolemId SETS_FOLD_ELEMENTS
        An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A. We call this function elements of type (-> Int T) where T is the type of elements of A. If the cardinality of A is n, then A is the union of {elements(i)} for 1 <= i <= n. See SETS_FOLD_UNION_DISJOINT.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a set argument A of type (Set T).
        • Sort: (-> Int T)

        public static final SkolemId SETS_FOLD_UNION
        An uninterpreted function for set.fold operator: To compute (set.fold f t A), we need a function for elements of A which is given by elements defined in SETS_FOLD_ELEMENTS. We also need unionFn: (-> Int (Set E)) to compute the union such that: unionFn(0) = set.empty unionFn(i) = union of {elements(i)} and unionFn (i-1) unionFn(n) = A
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: a set argument A of type (Set E).
        • Sort: (-> Int (Set E))

        public static final SkolemId SETS_MAP_DOWN_ELEMENT
        A skolem variable that is unique per terms (set.map f A), y which is an element in (set.map f A). The skolem is constrained to be an element in A, and it is mapped to y by f.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: a map term of the form (set.map f A) where A of type (Set E)
          • 2: the element argument y.
        • Sort: E
      • FP_MIN_ZERO

        public static final SkolemId FP_MIN_ZERO
        A skolem function that is unique per floating-point sort, introduced for the undefined zero case of fp.min.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The floating-point sort FP of the fp.min operator.
        • Sort: (-> FP FP (_ BitVec 1))
      • FP_MAX_ZERO

        public static final SkolemId FP_MAX_ZERO
        A skolem function that is unique per floating-point sort, introduced for the undefined zero case of fp.max.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The floating-point sort FP of the fp.max operator.
        • Sort: (-> FP FP (_ BitVec 1))
      • FP_TO_UBV

        public static final SkolemId FP_TO_UBV
        A skolem function introduced for the undefined out-ouf-bounds case of fp.to_ubv that is unique per floating-point sort and sort of the arguments to the operator.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The floating-point sort FP of operand of fp.to_ubv.
          • 2: The bit-vector sort BV to convert to.
        • Sort: (-> RoundingMode FP BV)
      • FP_TO_SBV

        public static final SkolemId FP_TO_SBV
        A skolem function introduced for the undefined out-ouf-bounds case of fp.to_sbv that is unique per floating-point sort and sort of the arguments to the operator.
        • Number of skolem indices: 2
          • 1: The floating-point sort FP of operand of fp.to_sbv.
          • 2: The bit-vector sort BV to convert to.
        • Sort: (-> RoundingMode FP BV)
      • FP_TO_REAL

        public static final SkolemId FP_TO_REAL
        A skolem function introduced for the undefined of fp.to_real that is unique per floating-point sort.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: The floating-point sort FP of the operand of fp.to_real.
        • Sort: (-> FP Real)
      • BV_TO_INT_UF

        public static final SkolemId BV_TO_INT_UF
        A skolem function introduced by the int-blaster. Given a function f with argument and/or return types that include bit-vectors, we get a function that replaces them by integer types. For example, if the original function is from BV and Strings to Strings, the resulting function is from Ints and Strings to Strings.
        • Number of skolem indices: 1
          • 1: the original function f, with BV sorts.
        • Sort: `(-> T1' ... ( -> Tn' T')...)` Where f has sort (->T1 ... (-> Tn T)...) and Ti' (T') is `Int` if Ti (T) is `BV` and Ti' (T') is just Ti (T) otherwise.
      • NONE

        public static final SkolemId NONE
        Indicates this is not a skolem.
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static SkolemId[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (SkolemId c : SkolemId.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static SkolemId valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null
      • getValue

        public int getValue()