All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
All Classes All Packages
- ABS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Absolute value.
- ABSTRACT_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
An abstract sort.
- ADD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arithmetic addition.
- addAnyConstant(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
to be an arbitrary constant. - addAnyVariable(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
to be any input variable to correspondingsynth-fun
with the same sort asntSymbol
. - addConstructor(DatatypeConstructorDecl) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
Add datatype constructor declaration.
- addRule(Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
to the set of rules corresponding tontSymbol
. - addRules(long, long, long[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
- addRules(Term, Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
to the set of rules corresponding tontSymbol
. - addSelector(String, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
Add datatype selector declaration.
- addSelectorSelf(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
Add datatype selector declaration whose codomain type is the datatype itself.
- addSelectorUnresolved(String, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
Add datatype selector declaration whose codomain sort is an unresolved datatype with the given name.
- addSygusAssume(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Add a forumla to the set of Sygus assumptions.
- addSygusConstraint(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Add a forumla to the set of Sygus constraints.
- addSygusInvConstraint(Term, Term, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Add a set of Sygus constraints to the current state that correspond to an invariant synthesis problem.
- ALETHE - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Output Alethe proof.
- ALETHE_RULE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
External – Alethe Place holder for Alethe rules.
- ALF - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Output AletheLF proof using the cvc5 signatures.
- ALPHA_EQUIV - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Quantifiers – Alpha equivalence
Notice that this rule is correct only when are not contained in , where are the free variables of . - AND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Logical conjunction.
- AND_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – And elimination
- AND_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – And introduction
- andTerm(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Boolean and.
- ANNOTATION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Annotation
The terms can be anything used to annotate the proof node, one example is where is a theory.InferenceId. - appendIncrementalStringInput(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Append string to the input being parsed by this parser.
- apply(Term[]) - Method in interface io.github.cvc5.IOracle
- APPLY_CONSTRUCTOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Datatype constructor application.
- APPLY_SELECTOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Datatype selector application.
- APPLY_TESTER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Datatype tester application.
- APPLY_UF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Application of an uninterpreted function.
- APPLY_UPDATER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Datatype update application.
- ARCCOSECANT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc cosecant function.
- ARCCOSINE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc cosine function.
- ARCCOTANGENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc cotangent function.
- ARCSECANT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc secant function.
- ARCSINE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc sine function.
- ARCTANGENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arc tangent function.
- ARITH_MULT_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Multiplication with negative factor
where is a relation symbol and the inverted relation symbol. - ARITH_MULT_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Multiplication with positive factor
where is a relation symbol. - ARITH_MULT_SIGN - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Sign inference
where are variables compared to zero (less, greater or not equal), is a monomial from these variables and is the comparison (less or equal) that results from the signs of the variables. - ARITH_MULT_TANGENT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Multiplication tangent plane
where are real terms (variables or extended terms), (possibly under rewriting), are real constants, and is the tangent plane of at . - ARITH_NL_COVERING_DIRECT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Coverings – Direct conflict We use
for an IndexedRootPredicate that is defined as the 'th root of the polynomial . - ARITH_NL_COVERING_RECURSIVE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Coverings – Recursive interval See ARITH_NL_COVERING_DIRECT <cvc5.
> for the necessary definitions. - ARITH_OP_ELIM_AXIOM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Operator elimination
- ARITH_POLY_NORM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Polynomial normalization
where . - ARITH_SUM_UB - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Sum upper bounds
where has the form and . - ARITH_TRANS_EXP_APPROX_ABOVE_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp is approximated from above for negative values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term and are lower and upper bounds on . - ARITH_TRANS_EXP_APPROX_ABOVE_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp is approximated from above for positive values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term and are lower and upper bounds on . - ARITH_TRANS_EXP_APPROX_BELOW - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp is approximated from below
where is an odd positive number, an arithmetic term and is the 'th taylor polynomial at zero (also called the Maclaurin series) of the exponential function evaluated at . - ARITH_TRANS_EXP_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp at negative values
- ARITH_TRANS_EXP_POSITIVITY - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp is always positive
- ARITH_TRANS_EXP_SUPER_LIN - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp grows super-linearly for positive values
- ARITH_TRANS_EXP_ZERO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Exp at zero
- ARITH_TRANS_PI - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Assert bounds on Pi
where are valid lower and upper bounds on . - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_APPROX_ABOVE_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is approximated from above for negative values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term, are symbolic lower and upper bounds on (possibly containing ) and the evaluated lower and upper bounds on . - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_APPROX_ABOVE_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is approximated from above for positive values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term, an arithmetic constant and are symbolic lower and upper bounds on (possibly containing ). - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_APPROX_BELOW_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is approximated from below for negative values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term, an arithmetic constant and are symbolic lower and upper bounds on (possibly containing ). - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_APPROX_BELOW_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is approximated from below for positive values
where is an even positive number, an arithmetic term, are symbolic lower and upper bounds on (possibly containing ) and the evaluated lower and upper bounds on . - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_BOUNDS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is always between -1 and 1
- ARITH_TRANS_SINE_SHIFT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is shifted to -pi...pi
where is the argument to sine, is a new real skolem that is shifted into and is a new integer slolem that is the number of phases is shifted. - ARITH_TRANS_SINE_SYMMETRY - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is symmetric with respect to negation of the argument
- ARITH_TRANS_SINE_TANGENT_PI - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is bounded by the tangents at -pi and pi ..
- ARITH_TRANS_SINE_TANGENT_ZERO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Transcendentals – Sine is bounded by the tangent at zero ..
- ARITH_TRICHOTOMY - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Trichotomy of the reals
where are in some order. - ARRAY_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
An array sort, whose argument sorts are the index and element sorts of the array.
- ARRAYS_EQ_RANGE_EXPAND - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arrays – Expansion of array range equality
- ARRAYS_EXT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arrays – Arrays extensionality
where is . - ARRAYS_READ_OVER_WRITE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arrays – Read over write
- ARRAYS_READ_OVER_WRITE_1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arrays – Read over write 1
- ARRAYS_READ_OVER_WRITE_CONTRA - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arrays – Read over write, contrapositive
- assertFormula(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Assert a formula.
- ASSUME - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Assumption (a leaf)
This rule has special status, in that an application of assume is an open leaf in a proof that is not (yet) justified.
- BAG_CARD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag cardinality.
- BAG_CHOOSE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag choose.
- BAG_COUNT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag element multiplicity.
- BAG_DIFFERENCE_REMOVE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag difference remove.
- BAG_DIFFERENCE_SUBTRACT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag difference subtract.
- BAG_EMPTY - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Empty bag.
- BAG_FILTER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag filter.
- BAG_FOLD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag fold.
- BAG_INTER_MIN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag intersection (min).
- BAG_MAKE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag make.
- BAG_MAP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag map.
- BAG_MEMBER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag membership predicate.
- BAG_PARTITION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag partition.
- BAG_SETOF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag setof.
- BAG_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A bag sort, whose argument sort is the element sort of the bag.
- BAG_SUBBAG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag inclusion predicate.
- BAG_UNION_DISJOINT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag disjoint union (sum).
- BAG_UNION_MAX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bag max union.
- BaseInfo() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.BaseInfo
- BETA_REDUCE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Beta reduction
The right hand side of the equality in the conclusion is computed using standard substitution via Node.substitute. - BITVECTOR_ADD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Addition of two or more bit-vectors.
- BITVECTOR_AND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise and.
- BITVECTOR_ASHR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector arithmetic shift right.
- BITVECTOR_COMP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Equality comparison (returns bit-vector of size
). - BITVECTOR_CONCAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Concatenation of two or more bit-vectors.
- BITVECTOR_EXTRACT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector extract.
- BITVECTOR_ITE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector if-then-else.
- BITVECTOR_LSHR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector logical shift right.
- BITVECTOR_MULT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Multiplication of two or more bit-vectors.
- BITVECTOR_NAND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise nand.
- BITVECTOR_NEG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Negation of a bit-vector (two's complement).
- BITVECTOR_NEGO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector negation overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_NOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise nor.
- BITVECTOR_NOT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise negation.
- BITVECTOR_OR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise or.
- BITVECTOR_REDAND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector redand.
- BITVECTOR_REDOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector redor.
- BITVECTOR_REPEAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector repeat.
- BITVECTOR_ROTATE_LEFT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector rotate left.
- BITVECTOR_ROTATE_RIGHT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector rotate right.
- BITVECTOR_SADDO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed addition overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_SDIV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Signed bit-vector division.
- BITVECTOR_SDIVO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed division overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_SGE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed greater than or equal.
- BITVECTOR_SGT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed greater than.
- BITVECTOR_SHL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector shift left.
- BITVECTOR_SIGN_EXTEND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector sign extension.
- BITVECTOR_SLE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed less than or equal.
- BITVECTOR_SLT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed less than.
- BITVECTOR_SLTBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed less than returning a bit-vector of size
. - BITVECTOR_SMOD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Signed bit-vector remainder (sign follows divisor).
- BITVECTOR_SMULO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed multiplication overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A bit-vector sort, parameterized by an integer denoting its bit-width.
- BITVECTOR_SREM - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Signed bit-vector remainder (sign follows dividend).
- BITVECTOR_SSUBO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector signed subtraction overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_SUB - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Subtraction of two bit-vectors.
- BITVECTOR_TO_NAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector conversion to (non-negative) integer.
- BITVECTOR_UADDO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned addition overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_UDIV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Unsigned bit-vector division.
- BITVECTOR_UGE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned greater than or equal.
- BITVECTOR_UGT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned greater than.
- BITVECTOR_ULE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned less than or equal.
- BITVECTOR_ULT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned less than.
- BITVECTOR_ULTBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned less than returning a bit-vector of size 1.
- BITVECTOR_UMULO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned multiplication overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_UREM - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Unsigned bit-vector remainder.
- BITVECTOR_USUBO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector unsigned subtraction overflow detection.
- BITVECTOR_XNOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise xnor, left associative.
- BITVECTOR_XOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-wise xor.
- BITVECTOR_ZERO_EXTEND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bit-vector zero extension.
- blockModel(BlockModelsMode) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Block the current model.
- BlockModelsMode - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- blockModelValues(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Block the current model values of (at least) the values in terms.
- BOOLEAN_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The Boolean sort.
- booleanValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
Obtain the current value as a Boolean.
- BV_BITBLAST_STEP - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Bit-vectors – Bitblast bit-vector constant, variable, and terms For constant and variables:
For terms: where is . - BV_EAGER_ATOM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Bit-vectors – Bit-vector eager atom
where is of kindBITVECTOR_EAGER_ATOM
- CARDINALITY_CONSTRAINT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Cardinality constraint on uninterpreted sort.
- CHAIN_RESOLUTION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – N-ary Resolution
where let be nodes viewed as clauses, as defined above let represent the resolution of with with pivot and polarity , as defined above let , for each , let Note the list of polarities and pivots are provided as s-expressions. - checkSat() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Check satisfiability.
- checkSatAssuming(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Check satisfiability assuming the given formula.
- checkSatAssuming(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Check satisfiability assuming the given formulas.
- checkSynth() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Try to find a solution for the synthesis conjecture corresponding to the current list of functions-to-synthesize, universal variables and constraints.
- checkSynthNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Try to find a next solution for the synthesis conjecture corresponding to the current list of functions-to-synthesize, universal variables and constraints.
- CNF_AND_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – And Negative
- CNF_AND_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – And Positive
- CNF_EQUIV_NEG1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Equiv Negative 1
- CNF_EQUIV_NEG2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Equiv Negative 2
- CNF_EQUIV_POS1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Equiv Positive 1
- CNF_EQUIV_POS2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Equiv Positive 2
- CNF_IMPLIES_NEG1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Implies Negative 1
- CNF_IMPLIES_NEG2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Implies Negative 2
- CNF_IMPLIES_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Implies Positive
- CNF_ITE_NEG1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Negative 1
- CNF_ITE_NEG2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Negative 2
- CNF_ITE_NEG3 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Negative 3
- CNF_ITE_POS1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Positive 1
- CNF_ITE_POS2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Positive 2
- CNF_ITE_POS3 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – ITE Positive 3
- CNF_OR_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Or Negative
- CNF_OR_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – Or Positive
- CNF_XOR_NEG1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – XOR Negative 1
- CNF_XOR_NEG2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – XOR Negative 2
- CNF_XOR_POS1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – XOR Positive 1
- CNF_XOR_POS2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – CNF – XOR Positive 2
- Command - Class in io.github.cvc5
- compareTo(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Comparison for ordering on sorts.
- compareTo(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Comparison for ordering on terms.
- CONCAT_CONFLICT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation conflict
where indicates if the direction is reversed, are constants such that is null, in other words, neither is a prefix of the other. - CONCAT_CONFLICT_DEQ - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation conflict for disequal characters
where $t_1$ and $s_1$ are constants of length one, or otherwise one side of the equality is the empty sequence and $t_1$ or $s_1$ corresponding to that side is the empty sequence. - CONCAT_CPROP - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation constant propagation
where are words, is , is , and is . - CONCAT_CSPLIT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation split for constants
where is . - CONCAT_EQ - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation equality
where stands for string concatenation and indicates if the direction is reversed. - CONCAT_LPROP - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation length propagation
where is . - CONCAT_SPLIT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation split
where is and is . - CONCAT_UNIFY - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Concatenation unification
where indicates if the direction is reversed. - CONG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Congruence
where is the application kind. - CONST_ARRAY - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Constant array.
- CONST_BITVECTOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Fixed-size bit-vector constant.
- CONST_BOOLEAN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Boolean constant.
- CONST_FINITE_FIELD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Finite field constant.
- CONST_FLOATINGPOINT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point constant, created from IEEE-754 bit-vector representation of the floating-point value.
- CONST_INTEGER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arbitrary-precision integer constant.
- CONST_RATIONAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arbitrary-precision rational constant.
- CONST_ROUNDINGMODE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
RoundingMode constant.
- CONST_SEQUENCE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Constant sequence.
- CONST_STRING - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Constant string.
- CONSTANT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Free constant symbol.
- CONSTANT_PROP - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
An internal literal that can be made into a constant propagation for an input term.
- ConstIterator() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Datatype.ConstIterator
- ConstIterator() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor.ConstIterator
- ConstIterator() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Statistics.ConstIterator
- ConstIterator() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Term.ConstIterator
- ConstIterator(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Statistics.ConstIterator
- Context - Class in io.github.cvc5
- Context() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Context
- CONTRA - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Contradiction
- COSECANT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Cosecant function.
- COSINE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Cosine function.
- COTANGENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Cotangent function.
- CVC5ApiException - Exception in io.github.cvc5
- CVC5ApiException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.cvc5.CVC5ApiException
- CVC5ApiOptionException - Exception in io.github.cvc5
- CVC5ApiOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.cvc5.CVC5ApiOptionException
- CVC5ApiRecoverableException - Exception in io.github.cvc5
- CVC5ApiRecoverableException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.cvc5.CVC5ApiRecoverableException
- CVC5ParserException - Exception in io.github.cvc5
- CVC5ParserException(String) - Constructor for exception io.github.cvc5.CVC5ParserException
- Datatype - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 datatype.
- DATATYPE_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A datatype sort.
- Datatype.ConstIterator - Class in io.github.cvc5
- DatatypeConstructor - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 datatype constructor.
- DatatypeConstructor.ConstIterator - Class in io.github.cvc5
- DatatypeConstructorDecl - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 datatype constructor declaration.
- DatatypeDecl - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 datatype declaration.
- DatatypeDecl() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
Null datatypeDecl
- DatatypeSelector - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 datatype selector.
- declareDatatype(String, DatatypeConstructorDecl[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create datatype sort.
- declareFun(String, Sort[], Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare n-ary function symbol.
- declareFun(String, Sort[], Sort, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare n-ary function symbol.
- declareOracleFun(String, Sort[], Sort, IOracle) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare an oracle function with reference to an implementation.
- declarePool(String, Sort, Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare a symbolic pool of terms with the given initial value.
- declareSepHeap(Sort, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
When using separation logic, this sets the location sort and the datatype sort to the given ones.
- declareSort(String, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare uninterpreted sort.
- declareSort(String, int, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Declare uninterpreted sort.
- declareSygusVar(String, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
to the current list of universal variables. - DEFAULT - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Use the proof format mode set in the solver options.
- defineFun(String, Term[], Sort, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define n-ary function in the current context.
- defineFun(String, Term[], Sort, Term, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define n-ary function.
- defineFunRec(Term, Term[], Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive function in the current context.
- defineFunRec(Term, Term[], Term, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive function.
- defineFunRec(String, Term[], Sort, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive function in the current context.
- defineFunRec(String, Term[], Sort, Term, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive function.
- defineFunsRec(Term[], Term[][], Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive functions in the current context.
- defineFunsRec(Term[], Term[][], Term[], boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Define recursive functions.
- deletePointer() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Command
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- deletePointer(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- deletePointers() - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Context
Delete all cpp pointers for terms, sorts, etc
- DISTINCT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
- DIVISIBLE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Operator for the divisibility-by-
predicate. - DIVISION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Real division, division by 0 undefined, left associative.
- done() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
- DOT - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Output DOT proof.
- doubleValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
Obtain the current value as a double.
- DSL_REWRITE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – DSL rewrite
where the DSL rewrite rule with the given identifier is \(\forall x_1 \dots x_n. - DT_CLASH - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Datatypes – Clash
- DT_COLLAPSE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Datatypes – Collapse
where is a constructor, is if is a correctly applied selector, or{@link TypeNode#mkGroundTerm()}
of the proper type otherwise. - DT_INST - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Datatypes – Instantiation
where is the constructor of the type of t, and is the discriminator (tester) for . - DT_SPLIT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Datatypes – Split
where are all the constructors of the type of . - DT_UNIF - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Datatypes – Unification
where is a constructor.
- ENCODE_PRED_TRANSFORM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Encode predicate transformation
where and are equivalent up to their encoding in an external proof format. - ENUM - io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Find the next term in the enumeration of the target grammar.
- EQ_RANGE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Equality over arrays
and over a given range , i.e., \[ \forall k . - EQ_RESOLVE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Equality resolution
Note this can optionally be seen as a macro for EQUIV_ELIM1 <cvc5.ProofRule.EQUIV_ELIM1
>. - eqTerm(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- EQUAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Equality, chainable.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
Syntactic equality operator.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Pair
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
Operator overloading for equality of two results.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Comparison for structural equality.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Syntactic equality operator.
- equals(Object) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Triplet
- EQUIV_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Equivalence elimination version 1
- EQUIV_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Equivalence elimination version 2
- EVALUATE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Evaluate
Note this is equivalent to:(REWRITE t {@link MethodId#RW_EVALUATE)}
. - EXISTS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Existentially quantified formula.
- EXPONENTIAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Exponential function.
- FACTORING - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Factoring
where is the clause , but every occurence of a literal after its first occurence is omitted. - FALSE_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – False elim
- FALSE_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – False intro
- findSynth(FindSynthTarget) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Find a target term of interest using sygus enumeration, with no provided grammar.
- findSynth(FindSynthTarget, Grammar) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Find a target term of interest using sygus enumeration with a provided grammar.
- findSynthNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Try to find a next target term of interest using sygus enumeration.
- FindSynthTarget - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- FINITE_FIELD_ADD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Addition of two or more finite field elements.
- FINITE_FIELD_BITSUM - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Bitsum of two or more finite field elements: x + 2y + 4z + ...
- FINITE_FIELD_MULT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Multiplication of two or more finite field elements.
- FINITE_FIELD_NEG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Negation of a finite field element (additive inverse).
- FINITE_FIELD_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A finite field sort, parameterized by a size.
- first - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Pair
- first - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Triplet
- FLOATINGPOINT_ABS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point absolute value.
- FLOATINGPOINT_ADD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point addition.
- FLOATINGPOINT_DIV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point division.
- FLOATINGPOINT_EQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point equality.
- FLOATINGPOINT_FMA - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point fused multiply and add.
- FLOATINGPOINT_FP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Create floating-point literal from bit-vector triple.
- FLOATINGPOINT_GEQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point greater than or equal.
- FLOATINGPOINT_GT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point greater than.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_INF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is infinite tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_NAN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is NaN tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_NEG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is negative tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_NORMAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is normal tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_POS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is positive tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_SUBNORMAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is sub-normal tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_IS_ZERO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point is zero tester.
- FLOATINGPOINT_LEQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point less than or equal.
- FLOATINGPOINT_LT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point less than.
- FLOATINGPOINT_MAX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point maximum.
- FLOATINGPOINT_MIN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point minimum.
- FLOATINGPOINT_MULT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point multiply.
- FLOATINGPOINT_NEG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point negation.
- FLOATINGPOINT_REM - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point remainder.
- FLOATINGPOINT_RTI - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point round to integral.
- FLOATINGPOINT_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A floating-point sort, parameterized by two integers denoting its exponent and significand bit-widths.
- FLOATINGPOINT_SQRT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point square root.
- FLOATINGPOINT_SUB - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Floating-point sutraction.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FROM_FP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to floating-point from floating-point.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FROM_IEEE_BV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to floating-point from IEEE-754 bit-vector.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FROM_REAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to floating-point from Real.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FROM_SBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to floating-point from signed bit-vector.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_FP_FROM_UBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to floating-point from unsigned bit-vector.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_REAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to Real from floating-point.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_SBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to signed bit-vector from floating-point.
- FLOATINGPOINT_TO_UBV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion to unsigned bit-vector from floating-point.
- FORALL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Universally quantified formula.
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.Kind
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.SortKind
- fromInt(int) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
- FULL - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
A proof of false whose free assumptions are a subset of the input formulas F1), ...
- FUNCTION_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A function sort with given domain sorts and codomain sort.
- GEQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Greater than or equal, chainable.
- get(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
Get the index at position
. - get(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics
Retrieve the statistic with the given name.
- getAbduct(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get an abduct.
- getAbduct(Term, Grammar) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get an abduct.
- getAbductNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the next abduct.
- getAbstractedKind() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getAliases() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- getArguments() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- getArrayElementSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getArrayIndexSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getAssertions() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the list of asserted formulas.
- getBagElementSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getBaseInfo() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- getBitVectorSize() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getBitVectorValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isBitVectorValue().
- getBitVectorValue(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Get the string representation of a bit-vector value.
- getBooleanSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the Boolean sort.
- getBooleanValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isBooleanValue().
- getCardinalityConstraint() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isCardinalityConstraint().
- getChild(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Get the child term at a given index.
- getChildren() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- getCodomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
- getCommandName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Command
Get the name for this command, e.g.
- getConstArrayBase() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isConstArray().
- getConstructor(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
Get the datatype constructor at a given index.
- getConstructor(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
Get the datatype constructor with the given name.
- getCurrentValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.ValueInfo
- getDatatype() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeArity() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeConstructorArity() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeConstructorCodomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeConstructorDomainSorts() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeSelectorCodomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeSelectorDomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeTesterCodomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDatatypeTesterDomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getDefaultValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.ValueInfo
- getDifficulty() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a difficulty estimate for an asserted formula.
- getDouble() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Return the double value.
- getFiniteFieldSize() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getFiniteFieldValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Get the string representation of a finite field value.
- getFloatingPointExponentSize() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getFloatingPointSignificandSize() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getFloatingPointValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isFloatingPointValue().
- getFunctionArity() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getFunctionCodomainSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getFunctionDomainSorts() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getHistogram() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Return the histogram value.
- getId() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get info from the solver.
- getInstantiatedParameters() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Get the sorts used to instantiate the sort parameters of a parametric sort (parametric datatype or uninterpreted sort constructor sort, see
). - getInstantiatedTerm(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
Get the constructor term of this datatype constructor whose return type is
. - getInstantiations() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a string that contains information about all instantiations made by the quantifiers module.
- getInt() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Return the integer value.
- getIntegerSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the integer sort.
- getIntegerSort(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
- getIntegerValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isIntegerValue().
- getInterpolant(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get an interpolant SMT-LIB:
( get-interpolant <conj> )
Requires optionproduce-interpolants
to be set to a mode different fromnone
. - getInterpolant(Term, Grammar) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get an interpolant SMT-LIB:
( get-interpolant <conj> <g> )
Requires optionproduce-interpolants
to be set to a mode different fromnone
. - getInterpolantNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the next interpolant.
- getKind() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- getKind() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getKind() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getLearnedLiterals() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a list of input literals that are entailed by the current set of assertions.
- getLearnedLiterals(LearnedLitType) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a list of literals that are entailed by the current set of assertions.
- getLogic() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the logic set the solver.
- getLogic() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- getMaximum() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.NumberInfo
- getMinimum() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.NumberInfo
- getModel(Sort[], Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the model SMT-LIB:
( get-model )
Requires to enable optionproduce-models
. - getModelDomainElements(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the domain elements of uninterpreted sort s in the current model.
- getModes() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.ModeInfo
- getName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- getName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- getName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
- getName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
- getName() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- getNullableElementSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getNumChildren() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getNumConstructors() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- getNumConstructors() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
Get the number of constructors (so far) for this Datatype declaration.
- getNumIndices() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- getNumSelectors() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- getOp() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getOption(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the value of a given option.
- getOptionInfo(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get some information about the given option.
- getOptionNames() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get all option names that can be used with
Solver.setOption(String, String)
. - getPairs(Pair<K, ? extends AbstractPointer>[]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- getParameters() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- getPointer() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- getPointers(IPointer[]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- getPointers(IPointer[][]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- getProof() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get refutation proof for the most recent call to checkSat.
- getProof(ProofComponent) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a proof associated with the most recent call to checkSat.
- getProofs(long[]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
return proofs array from array of pointers
- getQuantifierElimination(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Do quantifier elimination.
- getQuantifierEliminationDisjunct(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Do partial quantifier elimination, which can be used for incrementally computing the result of a quantifier elimination.
- getRational(Pair<BigInteger, BigInteger>) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
Convert a pair of BigIntegers to a rational string a/b
- getRational(String) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
Convert a rational string a/b to a pair of BigIntegers
- getRealAlgebraicNumberDefiningPolynomial(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isRealAlgebraicNumber().
- getRealAlgebraicNumberLowerBound() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isRealAlgebraicNumber().
- getRealAlgebraicNumberUpperBound() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isRealAlgebraicNumber().
- getRealOrIntegerValueSign() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Get integer or real value sign.
- getRealSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the real sort.
- getRealValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isRealValue().
- getRegExpSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the regular expression sort.
- getResult() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- getRoundingModeSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the floating-point rounding mode sort.
- getRoundingModeValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isRoundingModeValue().
- getRule() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- getSelector(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
Get the DatatypeSelector at the given index
- getSelector(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
Get the datatype constructor with the given name.
- getSelector(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
Get the datatype selector with the given name.
- getSequenceElementSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getSequenceValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isSequenceValue().
- getSetByUser() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- getSetElementSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getSetValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isSetValue().
- getSolver() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
- getSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getSorts(long[]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- getStatistics() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a snapshot of the current state of the statistic values of this solver.
- getString() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Return the string value.
- getStringSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the string sort.
- getStringValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- getSygusAssumptions() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the list of sygus assumptions.
- getSygusConstraints() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the list of sygus constraints.
- getSymbol() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getSymbol() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts hasSymbol().
- getSymbolManager() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
- getSynthSolution(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the synthesis solution of the given term.
- getSynthSolutions(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the synthesis solutions of the given terms.
- getTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
Get the constructor term of this datatype constructor.
- getTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
Get the selector term of this datatype selector.
- getTerms(long[]) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- getTesterTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
Get the tester term of this datatype constructor.
- getTimeoutCore() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a timeout core, which computes a subset of the current assertions that cause a timeout.
- getTimeoutCoreAssuming(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a timeout core, which computes a subset of the given assumptions that cause a timeout when added to the current assertions.
- getTupleLength() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getTupleSorts() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getTupleValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isTupleValue().
- getUninterpretedSortConstructor() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Get the associated uninterpreted sort constructor of an instantiated uninterpreted sort.
- getUninterpretedSortConstructorArity() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- getUninterpretedSortValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Asserts isUninterpretedSortValue().
- getUnknownExplanation() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- getUnsatAssumptions() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the set of unsat ("failed") assumptions.
- getUnsatCore() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the unsatisfiable core.
- getUnsatCoreLemmas() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the lemmas used to derive unsatisfiability.
- getUpdaterTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
Get the updater term of this datatype selector.
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.Kind
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.SortKind
- getValue() - Method in enum io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
- getValue(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the value of the given term in the current model.
- getValue(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get the values of the given terms in the current model.
- getValueSepHeap() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
When using separation logic, obtain the term for the heap.
- getValueSepNil() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
When using separation logic, obtain the term for nil.
- getVersion() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Get a string representation of the version of this solver.
- Grammar - Class in io.github.cvc5
A Sygus Grammar.
- Grammar(Grammar) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
- GT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Greater than, chainable.
- hasNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype.ConstIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor.ConstIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics.ConstIterator
- hasNext() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term.ConstIterator
- hasNoSolution() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- hasOp() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- hasSolution() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- hasSymbol() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- hasSymbol() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- HO_APP_ENCODE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Higher-order application encoding
For example, this rule concludes , where istheHO_APPLY
kind. - HO_APPLY - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Higher-order applicative encoding of function application, left associative.
- HO_CONG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Higher-order congruence
Notice that this rule is only used when the application kind is either `cvc5.Kind.APPLY_UF` or `cvc5.Kind.HO_APPLY`.
- IAND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Integer and.
- IMPLIES - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Logical implication.
- IMPLIES_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Implication elimination
- impTerm(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Boolean implication.
- INCOMPLETE - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Incomplete theory solver.
- INPUT - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
A literal from the preprocessed set of input formulas that does not occur at top-level after preprocessing.
- InputLanguage - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- InputParser - Class in io.github.cvc5
This class is the main interface for retrieving commands and expressions from an input using a parser.
- InputParser(Solver) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Construct an input parser with an initially empty symbol manager.
- InputParser(Solver, SymbolManager) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Construct an input parser
- INST_ADD_TO_POOL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
A instantantiation-add-to-pool annotation.
- INST_ATTRIBUTE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Instantiation attribute.
- INST_NO_PATTERN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Instantiation no-pattern.
- INST_PATTERN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Instantiation pattern.
- INST_PATTERN_LIST - io.github.cvc5.Kind
A list of instantiation patterns, attributes or annotations.
- INST_POOL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Instantiation pool annotation.
- instantiate(Sort[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Instantiate a parameterized datatype sort or uninterpreted sort constructor sort.
- INSTANTIATE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Quantifiers – Instantiation
The list of terms to instantiate is provided as an s-expression as the first argument. - INT_TIGHT_LB - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Tighten strict integer lower bounds
where has integer type. - INT_TIGHT_UB - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Tighten strict integer upper bounds
where has integer type. - INT_TO_BITVECTOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion from Int to bit-vector.
- INTEGER_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The integer sort.
- INTERNAL - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
Any internal literal that does not fall into the above categories.
- INTERNAL_KIND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Internal kind.
- INTERNAL_SORT_KIND - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Internal kind.
- INTERRUPTED - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Solver was interrupted.
- INTS_DIVISION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Integer division, division by 0 undefined, left associative.
- INTS_MODULUS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Integer modulus, modulus by 0 undefined.
- intValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
Obtain the current value as as int.
- invoke(Solver, SymbolManager) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Command
Invoke the command on the solver and symbol manager sm, prints the result to output stream out.
- io.github.cvc5 - package io.github.cvc5
- io.github.cvc5.modes - package io.github.cvc5.modes
- IOracle - Interface in io.github.cvc5
- IS_INTEGER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Is-integer predicate.
- isAbstract() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is an abstract sort.
- isArray() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is an array sort.
- isBag() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a Bag sort.
- isBitVector() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a bit-vector sort (SMT-LIB:
(_ BitVec i)
). - isBitVectorValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isBoolean() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the Boolean sort (SMT-LIB:
). - isBooleanValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isCardinalityConstraint() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isCodatatype() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isConstArray() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isDatatype() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a datatype sort.
- isDatatypeConstructor() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a datatype constructor sort.
- isDatatypeSelector() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a datatype selector sort.
- isDatatypeTester() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a datatype tester sort.
- isDatatypeUpdater() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a datatype updater sort.
- isDefault() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Does this value hold the default value?
- isDouble() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Is this value a double?
- isFinite() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isFiniteField() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a finite field sort (SMT-LIB:
(_ FiniteField i)
). - isFiniteFieldValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPoint() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a floatingpoint sort (SMT-LIB:
(_ FloatingPoint eb sb)
). - isFloatingPointNaN() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPointNegInf() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPointNegZero() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPointPosInf() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPointPosZero() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFloatingPointValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isFunction() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a function sort.
- isHistogram() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Is this value a histogram?
- isIndexed() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- isInstantiated() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is an instantiated (parametric datatype or uninterpreted sort constructor) sort.
- isInt() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Is this value an integer?
- isInteger() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the integer sort (SMT-LIB:
). - isIntegerValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isInternal() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Is this value intended for internal use only?
- isLogicSet() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Is logic set? Returns whether we called setLogic yet for this solver.
- isLogicSet() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- isModelCoreSymbol(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
This returns false if the model value of free constant
was not essential for showing the satisfiability of the last call toSolver.checkSat()
using the current model. - isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Command
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the null sort.
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- isNull() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isNullable() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this a nullable sort.
- isParametric() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isParametric() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
Determine if this datatype declaration is parametric.
- isPredicate() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a predicate sort.
- isReal() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the real sort (SMT-LIB:
). - isRealAlgebraicNumber() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isRealValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isRecord() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isRecord() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a record sort.
- isRegExp() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the regular expression sort (SMT-LIB:
). - isRoundingMode() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the rounding mode sort (SMT-LIB:
). - isRoundingModeValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isSat() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- isSequence() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a Sequence sort.
- isSequenceValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isSet() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is a Set sort.
- isSetValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isString() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is the string sort (SMT-LIB:
).. - isString() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
Is this value a string?
- isStringValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isTuple() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- isTuple() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this a tuple sort.
- isTupleValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isUninterpretedSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is an uninterpreted sort.
- isUninterpretedSortConstructor() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Determine if this is an uninterpreted sort constructor.
- isUninterpretedSortValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- isUnknown() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- isUnknown() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- isUnsat() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- isWellFounded() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
Is this datatype well-founded? If this datatype is not a codatatype, this returns false if there are no values of this datatype that are of finite size.
- ITE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
- ITE_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – ITE elimination version 1
- ITE_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – ITE elimination version 2
- iterator() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- iterator() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- iterator() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics
- iterator() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- iterator(boolean, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics
- iteTerm(Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
If-then-else with this term as the Boolean condition.
- Kind - Enum in io.github.cvc5
- LAMBDA - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Lambda expression.
- LAST_KIND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Marks the upper-bound of this enumeration.
- LAST_SORT_KIND - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Marks the upper-bound of this enumeration.
- LearnedLitType - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- LEQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Less than or equal, chainable.
- LFSC - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Output LFSC proof.
- LFSC_RULE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
External – LFSC Place holder for LFSC rules.
- LITERALS - io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
Block models based on the SAT skeleton.
- loadLibraries() - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
Load cvc5 jni library.
- LT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Less than, chainable.
- MACRO_ARITH_SCALE_SUM_UB - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Arithmetic – Adding inequalities An arithmetic literal is a term of the form
where , a polynomial and a rational constant. - MACRO_BV_BITBLAST - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Bit-vectors – (Macro) Bitblast
represents the result of the bit-blasted term as a bit-vector consisting of the output bits of the bit-blasted circuit representation of the term. - MACRO_RESOLUTION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – N-ary Resolution + Factoring + Reordering
where let be nodes viewed as clauses, as defined in RESOLUTION <cvc5.ProofRule.RESOLUTION
> let represent the resolution of with with pivot and polarity , as defined in RESOLUTION <cvc5.ProofRule.RESOLUTION
> let be equal, in its set representation, to , for each , let be equal, in its set representation, to The result of the chain resolution is , which is equal, in its set representation, to - MACRO_RESOLUTION_TRUST - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – N-ary Resolution + Factoring + Reordering unchecked Same as :cpp:enumerator:`MACRO_RESOLUTION <cvc5.
>`, but not checked by the internal proof checker. - MACRO_REWRITE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Rewrite
where is a MethodId identifier, which determines the kind of rewriter to apply, e.g. - MACRO_SR_EQ_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Substitution + Rewriting equality introduction In this rule, we provide a term
and conclude that it is equal to its rewritten form under a (proven) substitution. - MACRO_SR_PRED_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Substitution + Rewriting predicate elimination
where and are method identifiers. - MACRO_SR_PRED_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Substitution + Rewriting predicate introduction In this rule, we provide a formula
and conclude it, under the condition that it rewrites to true under a proven substitution. - MACRO_SR_PRED_TRANSFORM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Substitution + Rewriting predicate elimination
where . - MACRO_STRING_INFERENCE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – (Macro) String inference
used to bookkeep an inference that has not yet been converted via . - MATCH - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Match expression.
- MATCH_BIND_CASE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Match case with binders, for constructors with selectors and variable patterns.
- MATCH_CASE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Match case for nullary constructors.
- MEMOUT - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Memory limit reached.
- mkAbstractSort(SortKind) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an abstract sort.
- mkArraySort(Sort, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an array sort.
- mkBagSort(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bag sort.
- mkBitVector(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bit-vector constant of given size and value = 0.
- mkBitVector(int, long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bit-vector constant of given size and value.
- mkBitVector(int, String, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bit-vector constant of a given bit-width from a given string of base 2, 10 or 16.
- mkBitVectorSort(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bit-vector sort.
- mkBoolean(boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a Boolean constant.
- mkCardinalityConstraint(Sort, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a cardinality constraint for an uninterpreted sort.
- mkConst(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a free constant with a default symbol name.
- mkConst(Sort, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a free constant.
- mkConstArray(Sort, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a constant array with the provided constant value stored at every index
- mkDatatypeConstructorDecl(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype constructor declaration.
- mkDatatypeDecl(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype declaration.
- mkDatatypeDecl(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype declaration.
- mkDatatypeDecl(String, Sort[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype declaration.
- mkDatatypeDecl(String, Sort[], boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype declaration.
- mkDatatypeSort(DatatypeDecl) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a datatype sort.
- mkDatatypeSorts(DatatypeDecl[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a vector of datatype sorts.
- mkEmptyBag(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a constant representing an empty bag of the given sort.
- mkEmptySequence(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an empty sequence of the given element sort.
- mkEmptySet(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a constant representing an empty set of the given sort.
- mkFalse() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a Boolean
constant. - mkFiniteFieldElem(String, Sort, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a finite field constant in a given field and for a given value.
- mkFiniteFieldSort(String, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a finite field sort.
- mkFloatingPoint(int, int, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a floating-point value from a bit-vector given in IEEE-754 format.
- mkFloatingPoint(Term, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a floating-point value from its three IEEE-754 bit-vector value components (sign bit, exponent, significand).
- mkFloatingPointNaN(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a not-a-number floating-point constant (SMT-LIB:
). - mkFloatingPointNegInf(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a negative infinity floating-point constant (SMT-LIB:
). - mkFloatingPointNegZero(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a negative zero floating-point constant (SMT-LIB:
). - mkFloatingPointPosInf(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a positive infinity floating-point constant (SMT-LIB:
). - mkFloatingPointPosZero(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a positive zero floating-point constant (SMT-LIB:
). - mkFloatingPointSort(int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a floating-point sort.
- mkFunctionSort(Sort[], Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create function sort.
- mkFunctionSort(Sort, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create function sort.
- mkGrammar(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a Sygus grammar.
- mkInteger(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an integer constant from a C++
. - mkInteger(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an integer constant from a string.
- mkNullableIsNull(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a null tester for a nullable term.
- mkNullableIsSome(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a some tester for a nullable term.
- mkNullableLift(Kind, Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a term that lifts kind to nullable terms.
- mkNullableNull(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a constant representing an null of the given sort.
- mkNullableSome(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a nullable some term.
- mkNullableSort(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a nullable sort.
- mkNullableVal(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a selector for nullable term.
- mkOp(Kind) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an operator for a builtin Kind The Kind may not be the Kind for an indexed operator (e.g.,
). - mkOp(Kind, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
for a description of the parameters. - mkOp(Kind, int[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create operator of Kind: TUPLE_PROJECT See enum
for a description of the parameters. - mkOp(Kind, int, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
for a description of the parameters. - mkOp(Kind, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create operator of kind:
(to support arbitrary precision integers) See enumKind
for a description of the parameters. - mkParamSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a sort parameter.
- mkParamSort(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a sort parameter.
- mkPi() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a constant representing the number Pi.
- mkPredicateSort(Sort[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a predicate sort.
- mkReal(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a real constant from an integer.
- mkReal(long, long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a real constant from a rational.
- mkReal(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a real constant from a string.
- mkRecordSort(Pair<String, Sort>[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a record sort
- mkRegexpAll() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a regular expression all (
) term. - mkRegexpAllchar() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a regular expression allchar (
) term. - mkRegexpNone() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a regular expression none (
) term. - mkRoundingMode(RoundingMode) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a rounding mode constant.
- mkSepEmp() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a separation logic empty term.
- mkSepNil(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a separation logic nil term.
- mkSequenceSort(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a sequence sort.
- mkSetSort(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a set sort.
- mkString(int[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a String constant.
- mkString(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a String constant.
- mkString(String, boolean) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a String constant.
- mkTerm(Kind) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create 0-ary term of given kind.
- mkTerm(Kind, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a unary term of given kind.
- mkTerm(Kind, Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create n-ary term of given kind.
- mkTerm(Kind, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create binary term of given kind.
- mkTerm(Kind, Term, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create ternary term of given kind.
- mkTerm(Op) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create nullary term of given kind from a given operator.
- mkTerm(Op, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create unary term of given kind from a given operator.
- mkTerm(Op, Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create n-ary term of given kind from a given operator.
- mkTerm(Op, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create binary term of given kind from a given operator.
- mkTerm(Op, Term, Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create ternary term of given kind from a given operator.
- mkTrue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a Boolean
constant. - mkTuple(Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a tuple term.
- mkTupleSort(Sort[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a tuple sort.
- mkUninterpretedSort() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an uninterpreted sort.
- mkUninterpretedSort(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an uninterpreted sort.
- mkUninterpretedSortConstructorSort(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a sort constructor sort.
- mkUninterpretedSortConstructorSort(int, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a sort constructor sort.
- mkUniverseSet(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a universe set of the given sort.
- mkUnresolvedDatatypeSort(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an unresolved datatype sort.
- mkUnresolvedDatatypeSort(String, int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create an unresolved datatype sort.
- mkVar(Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bound variable to be used in a binder (i.e., a quantifier, a lambda, or a witness binder).
- mkVar(Sort, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Create a bound variable to be used in a binder (i.e., a quantifier, a lambda, or a witness binder).
- ModeInfo(String, String, String[]) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.ModeInfo
- MODUS_PONENS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Modus Ponens
Note this can optionally be seen as a macro for IMPLIES_ELIM <cvc5.ProofRule.IMPLIES_ELIM
>. - MULT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arithmetic multiplication.
- NARY_CONG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – N-ary Congruence
where is the application kind. - NEG - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arithmetic negation.
- next() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype.ConstIterator
- next() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor.ConstIterator
- next() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics.ConstIterator
- next() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term.ConstIterator
- nextCommand() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Parse and return the next command.
- nextTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Parse and return the next term.
- NONE - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Do not translate proof output.
- NOT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Logical negation.
- NOT_AND - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – De Morgan – Not And
- NOT_EQUIV_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not Equivalence elimination version 1
- NOT_EQUIV_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not Equivalence elimination version 2
- NOT_IMPLIES_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not Implication elimination version 1
- NOT_IMPLIES_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not Implication elimination version 2
- NOT_ITE_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not ITE elimination version 1
- NOT_ITE_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not ITE elimination version 2
- NOT_NOT_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Double negation elimination
- NOT_OR_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not Or elimination
- NOT_XOR_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not XOR elimination version 1
- NOT_XOR_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Not XOR elimination version 2
- notTerm() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Boolean negation.
- NULL_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Null kind.
- NULL_TERM - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Null kind.
- NULLABLE_LIFT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Lifting operator for nullable terms.
- NULLABLE_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A nullable sort, whose argument sort denotes the sort of the direct child of the nullable.
- NumberInfo(T, T, T, T) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.NumberInfo
- Op - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 operator.
- Op() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Op
Null op
- OptionInfo - Class in io.github.cvc5
Holds some description about a particular option, including its name, its aliases, whether the option was explicitly set by the user, and information concerning its value.
- OptionInfo.BaseInfo - Class in io.github.cvc5
Abstract class for OptionInfo values
- OptionInfo.ModeInfo - Class in io.github.cvc5
- OptionInfo.NumberInfo<T> - Class in io.github.cvc5
Default value, current value, minimum and maximum of a numeric value
- OptionInfo.ValueInfo<T> - Class in io.github.cvc5
Has the current and the default value
- OptionInfo.VoidInfo - Class in io.github.cvc5
Has no value information
- OR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Logical disjunction.
- orTerm(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Boolean or.
- OTHER - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Other reason.
- Pair<K,V> - Class in io.github.cvc5
- Pair(K, V) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Pair
- PI - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Pi constant.
- pointer - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Proof
- pop() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Pop a level from the assertion stack.
- pop(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Pop (a) level(s) from the assertion stack.
- POW - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arithmetic power.
- POW2 - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Power of two.
- PREPROCESS - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
A top-level literal (unit clause) from the preprocessed set of input formulas.
- PREPROCESS - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
Proofs of Gu1 ...
- PREPROCESS_SOLVED - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
An equality that was turned into a substitution during preprocessing.
- Proof - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 Proof.
- ProofComponent - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- ProofFormat - Enum in io.github.cvc5.modes
- ProofRule - Enum in io.github.cvc5
- proofToString(Proof) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Prints a proof into a string with a slected proof format mode.
- proofToString(Proof, ProofFormat) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Prints a proof into a string with a slected proof format mode.
- push() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Push a level to the assertion stack.
- push(int) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Push (a) level(s) to the assertion stack.
- QUERY - io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Find a query over the given grammar.
- RAW_PREPROCESS - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
Proofs of G1 ...
- RE_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Regular expressions – Elimination
where is a Boolean indicating whether we are using aggressive eliminations. - RE_INTER - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Regular expressions – Intersection
- RE_UNFOLD_NEG - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Regular expressions – Negative Unfold
corresponding to the one-step unfolding of the premise. - RE_UNFOLD_NEG_CONCAT_FIXED - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Regular expressions – Unfold negative concatenation, fixed
where , corresponding to the one-step unfolding of the premise, optimized for fixed length of component of the regular expression concatenation . - RE_UNFOLD_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Regular expressions – Positive Unfold
corresponding to the one-step unfolding of the premise. - REAL_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The real sort.
- REFL - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Reflexivity
- REGEXP_ALL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression all.
- REGEXP_ALLCHAR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression all characters.
- REGEXP_COMPLEMENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression complement.
- REGEXP_CONCAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression concatenation.
- REGEXP_DIFF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression difference.
- REGEXP_INTER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression intersection.
- REGEXP_LOOP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression loop.
- REGEXP_NONE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression none.
- REGEXP_OPT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression ?.
- REGEXP_PLUS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression +.
- REGEXP_RANGE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression range.
- REGEXP_REPEAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Operator for regular expression repeat.
- REGEXP_STAR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression \*.
- REGEXP_UNION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Regular expression union.
- REGLAN_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The regular language sort.
- RELATION_AGGREGATE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation aggregate operator has the form \(((\_ \; rel.aggr \; n_1 ...
- RELATION_GROUP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation group
partitions tuples of relation such that tuples that have the same projection with indices are in the same part. - RELATION_IDEN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation identity.
- RELATION_JOIN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation join.
- RELATION_JOIN_IMAGE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation join image.
- RELATION_PRODUCT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation cartesian product.
- RELATION_PROJECT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation projection operator extends tuple projection operator to sets.
- RELATION_TCLOSURE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation transitive closure.
- RELATION_TRANSPOSE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Relation transpose.
- REMOVE_TERM_FORMULA_AXIOM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Processing rules – Remove Term Formulas Axiom
- REORDERING - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Reordering
where the set representations of and are the same and the number of literals in is the same of that of . - REQUIRES_CHECK_AGAIN - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Requires another satisfiability check
- REQUIRES_FULL_CHECK - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Full satisfiability check required (e.g., if only preprocessing was performed).
- resetAssertions() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Remove all assertions.
- RESOLUTION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Resolution
where and are nodes viewed as clauses, i.e., either anOR
node with each children viewed as a literal or a node viewed as a literal. - RESOURCEOUT - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Resource limit reached.
- Result - Class in io.github.cvc5
Encapsulation of a three-valued solver result, with explanations.
- Result() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Result
Null result
- REWRITE - io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Find a pair of terms (t,s) in the target grammar which are equivalent but do not rewrite to the same term in the given rewriter (--sygus-rewrite=MODE).
- REWRITE_INPUT - io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Find a rewrite between pairs of terms (t,s) that are matchable with terms in the input assertions where t and s are equivalent but do not rewrite to the same term in the given rewriter (--sygus-rewrite=MODE).
- REWRITE_UNSOUND - io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Find a term t in the target grammar which rewrites to a term s that is not equivalent to it.
- ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_AWAY - io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Round to the nearest number away from zero.
- ROUND_NEAREST_TIES_TO_EVEN - io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Round to the nearest even number.
- ROUND_TOWARD_NEGATIVE - io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Round towards negative infinity (
). - ROUND_TOWARD_POSITIVE - io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Round towards positive infinity (SMT-LIB:
). - ROUND_TOWARD_ZERO - io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Round towards zero.
- RoundingMode - Enum in io.github.cvc5
- ROUNDINGMODE_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The rounding mode sort.
- SAT - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
A proof of false whose free assumptions are Gu1, ...
- SAT_REFUTATION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
SAT Refutation for assumption-based unsat cores
where correspond to the unsat core determined by the SAT solver. - SCOPE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Scope (a binder for assumptions)
This rule has a dual purpose with :cpp:enumerator:`ASSUME <cvc5.ProofRule.ASSUME
>`. - SECANT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Secant function.
- second - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Pair
- second - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Triplet
- SELECT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Array select.
- SEP_EMP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Separation logic empty heap.
- SEP_NIL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Separation logic nil.
- SEP_PTO - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Separation logic points-to relation.
- SEP_STAR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Separation logic star.
- SEP_WAND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Separation logic magic wand.
- SEQ_AT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence element at.
- SEQ_CONCAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence concat.
- SEQ_CONTAINS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence contains.
- SEQ_EXTRACT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence extract.
- SEQ_INDEXOF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence index-of.
- SEQ_LENGTH - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence length.
- SEQ_NTH - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence nth.
- SEQ_PREFIX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence prefix-of.
- SEQ_REPLACE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence replace.
- SEQ_REPLACE_ALL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence replace all.
- SEQ_REV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence reverse.
- SEQ_SUFFIX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence suffix-of.
- SEQ_UNIT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence unit.
- SEQ_UPDATE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sequence update.
- SEQUENCE_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A sequence sort, whose argument sort is the element sort of the sequence.
- SET_CARD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set cardinality.
- SET_CHOOSE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set choose.
- SET_COMPLEMENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set complement with respect to finite universe.
- SET_COMPREHENSION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set comprehension A set comprehension is specified by a variable list \(x_1 ...
- SET_EMPTY - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Empty set.
- SET_FILTER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set filter.
- SET_FOLD - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set fold.
- SET_INSERT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
The set obtained by inserting elements; Arity:
n > 0
Terms of any Sort (must match the element sort of the given set Term)n:
Term of set Sort Create Term of this Kind with:Solver.mkTerm(Kind, Term[])
Solver.mkTerm(Op, Term[])
Create Op of this kind with:Solver.mkOp(Kind, int[])
- SET_INTER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set intersection.
- SET_IS_SINGLETON - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set is singleton tester.
- SET_MAP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set map.
- SET_MEMBER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set membership predicate.
- SET_MINUS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set subtraction.
- SET_SINGLETON - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Singleton set.
- SET_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A set sort, whose argument sort is the element sort of the set.
- SET_SUBSET - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Subset predicate.
- SET_UNION - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Set union.
- SET_UNIVERSE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Finite universe set.
- setFileInput(InputLanguage, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Set the input for the given file.
- setIncrementalStringInput(InputLanguage, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Set that we will be feeding strings to this parser via appendIncrementalStringInput below.
- setInfo(String, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Set info.
- setLogic(String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Set logic.
- setOption(String, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Set option.
- setStringInput(InputLanguage, String, String) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
Set the input to the given concrete input string.
- SEXPR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Symbolic expression.
- simplify(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Simplify a formula without doing "much" work.
- SINE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Sine function.
- SKOLEM_ADD_TO_POOL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
A skolemization-add-to-pool annotation.
- SKOLEM_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Quantifiers – Skolem introduction
where is the unpurified form of skolem . - SKOLEMIZE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Quantifiers – Skolemization
or where maps to their representative skolems obtained bySkolemManager.mkSkolemize
, returned in the skolems argument of that method. - SMT_LIB_2_6 - io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
The SMT-LIB version 2.6 language
- SOLVABLE - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
An internal literal that is solvable for an input variable.
- Solver - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 solver.
- Solver() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Solver
- Sort - Class in io.github.cvc5
The sort of a cvc5 term.
- Sort() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Null sort
- SortKind - Enum in io.github.cvc5
- SPLIT - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – Split
- SQRT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Square root.
- Stat - Class in io.github.cvc5
Represents a snapshot of a single statistic value.
- Statistics - Class in io.github.cvc5
- Statistics.ConstIterator - Class in io.github.cvc5
- STORE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Array store.
- STRING_CHARAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String character at.
- STRING_CODE_INJ - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Code points
- STRING_CONCAT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String concat.
- STRING_CONTAINS - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String contains.
- STRING_DECOMPOSE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – String decomposition
or alternatively for the reverse: where is and is . - STRING_EAGER_REDUCTION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Extended functions – Eager reduction
where is . - STRING_FROM_CODE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String from code.
- STRING_FROM_INT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion from Int to String.
- STRING_IN_REGEXP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String membership.
- STRING_INDEXOF - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String index-of.
- STRING_INDEXOF_RE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String index-of regular expression match.
- STRING_IS_DIGIT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String is-digit.
- STRING_LENGTH - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String length.
- STRING_LENGTH_NON_EMPTY - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Length non-empty
- STRING_LENGTH_POS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Core rules – Length positive
- STRING_LEQ - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String less than or equal.
- STRING_LT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String less than.
- STRING_PREFIX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String prefix-of.
- STRING_REDUCTION - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Extended functions – Reduction
where is . - STRING_REPLACE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String replace.
- STRING_REPLACE_ALL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String replace all.
- STRING_REPLACE_RE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String replace regular expression match.
- STRING_REPLACE_RE_ALL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String replace all regular expression matches.
- STRING_REV - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String reverse.
- STRING_SEQ_UNIT_INJ - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Strings – Sequence unit
Also applies to the case where is a constant sequence of length one. - STRING_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
The string sort.
- STRING_SUBSTR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String substring.
- STRING_SUFFIX - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String suffix-of.
- STRING_TO_CODE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String to code.
- STRING_TO_INT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String to integer (total function).
- STRING_TO_LOWER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String to lower case.
- STRING_TO_REGEXP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Conversion from string to regexp.
- STRING_TO_UPPER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String to upper case.
- STRING_UPDATE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
String update.
- stringValue() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
Obtain the current value as a string.
- SUB - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Arithmetic subtraction, left associative.
- SUBS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Builtin theory – Substitution
where are substitutions, which notice are applied in reverse order. - substitute(Sort[], Sort[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Simultaneous substitution of Sorts.
- substitute(Sort, Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
Substitution of Sorts.
- substitute(Term[], Term[]) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Simultaneously replace
in this term. - substitute(Term, Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
in this term. - SYGUS_2_1 - io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
The SyGuS version 2.1 language.
- SymbolManager - Class in io.github.cvc5
- SymbolManager(Solver) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- SYMM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Symmetry
or - synthFun(String, Term[], Sort) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Synthesize n-ary function.
- synthFun(String, Term[], Sort, Grammar) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
Synthesize n-ary function following specified syntactic constraints.
- SynthResult - Class in io.github.cvc5
Encapsulation of a solver synth result.
- SynthResult() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
Null synthResult
- TABLE_AGGREGATE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Table aggregate operator has the form \(((\_ \; table.aggr \; n_1 ...
- TABLE_GROUP - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Table group
partitions tuples of table such that tuples that have the same projection with indices are in the same part. - TABLE_JOIN - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Table join operator has the form
where are natural numbers, and are tables. - TABLE_PRODUCT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Table cross product.
- TABLE_PROJECT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Table projection operator extends tuple projection operator to tables.
- TANGENT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Tangent function.
- Term - Class in io.github.cvc5
A cvc5 Term.
- Term() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Term
Null term
- Term.ConstIterator - Class in io.github.cvc5
- THEORY_LEMMAS - io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
Proofs of L1 ...
- third - Variable in class io.github.cvc5.Triplet
- TIMEOUT - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Time limit reached.
- TO_INTEGER - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Convert Term of sort Int or Real to Int via the floor function.
- TO_REAL - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Convert Term of Sort Int or Real to Real.
- toString() - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Command
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Datatype
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructor
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeConstructorDecl
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeDecl
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.DatatypeSelector
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Grammar
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.InputParser
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Op
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Result
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Solver
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Sort
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Stat
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Statistics
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SymbolManager
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.SynthResult
- toString(long) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
- TRANS - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – Transitivity
- Triplet<A,B,C> - Class in io.github.cvc5
- Triplet(A, B, C) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Triplet
- TRUE_ELIM - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – True elim
- TRUE_INTRO - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Equality – True intro
- TRUST - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Trusted rule
where is an identifier and is a formula. - TRUST_THEORY_REWRITE - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Trusted rules – Theory rewrite
where is an equality of the form where is obtained by applying the kind of rewriting given by the method identifier , which is one of:RW_REWRITE_THEORY_PRE
. - TUPLE_PROJECT - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Tuple projection.
- TUPLE_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
A tuple sort, whose argument sorts denote the sorts of the direct children of the tuple.
- UNDEFINED_KIND - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Undefined kind.
- UNDEFINED_SORT_KIND - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Undefined kind.
- UNINTERPRETED_SORT - io.github.cvc5.SortKind
An uninterpreted sort.
- UNINTERPRETED_SORT_VALUE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
The value of an uninterpreted constant.
- UNKNOWN - io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
No language given.
- UNKNOWN - io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
Special case for when produce-learned-literals is not set.
- UNKNOWN - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
External – Alethe Place holder for Alethe rules.
- UNKNOWN_REASON - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
No specific reason given.
- UnknownExplanation - Enum in io.github.cvc5
- UNSUPPORTED - io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Unsupported feature encountered.
- Utils - Class in io.github.cvc5
- Utils() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- validateUnsigned(int[], String) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- validateUnsigned(int, String) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- validateUnsigned(long[], String) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- validateUnsigned(long, String) - Static method in class io.github.cvc5.Utils
- ValueInfo(T, T) - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.ValueInfo
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.Kind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.Kind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.FindSynthTarget
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.InputLanguage
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.LearnedLitType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofComponent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.modes.ProofFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.RoundingMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.SortKind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum io.github.cvc5.UnknownExplanation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
- VALUES - io.github.cvc5.modes.BlockModelsMode
Block models based on the concrete model values for the free variables.
- VARIABLE - io.github.cvc5.Kind
(Bound) variable.
- VARIABLE_LIST - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Variable list.
- VoidInfo() - Constructor for class io.github.cvc5.OptionInfo.VoidInfo
- XOR - io.github.cvc5.Kind
Logical exclusive disjunction, left associative.
- XOR_ELIM1 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – XOR elimination version 1
- XOR_ELIM2 - io.github.cvc5.ProofRule
Boolean – XOR elimination version 2
- xorTerm(Term) - Method in class io.github.cvc5.Term
Boolean exclusive or.
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