Class SynthResult

  • public class SynthResult
    extends java.lang.Object
    Encapsulation of a solver synth result. This is the return value of the API methods: - Solver.checkSynth() - Solver.checkSynthNext() which we call synthesis queries. This class indicates whether the synthesis query has a solution, has no solution, or is unknown.
    • Field Detail

      • pointer

        protected long pointer
    • Constructor Detail

      • SynthResult

        public SynthResult()
        Null synthResult
    • Method Detail

      • deletePointer

        protected void deletePointer​(long pointer)
      • isNull

        public boolean isNull()
        True if SynthResult is empty, i.e., a nullary SynthResult, and not an actual result returned from a synthesis query.
      • hasSolution

        public boolean hasSolution()
        True if the synthesis query has a solution.
      • hasNoSolution

        public boolean hasNoSolution()
        True if the synthesis query has no solution. In this case, it was determined there was no solution.
      • isUnknown

        public boolean isUnknown()
        True if the result of the synthesis query could not be determined.
      • toString

        protected java.lang.String toString​(long pointer)
        A string representation of this result.
      • getPointer

        public long getPointer()
      • deletePointer

        public void deletePointer()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object