Basic String Term Builders
- cvc5.pythonic. StringSort ( ctx = None )
Return the string sort in the given context. If ctx=None , then the global context is used.
>>> StringSort() String >>> a = Const('a', StringSort()) >>> a.sort() == StringSort() True
- cvc5.pythonic. String ( name , ctx = None )
Return a string constant named name . If ctx=None , then the global context is used.
>>> s = String('s') >>> s.sort() String
- cvc5.pythonic. Strings ( names , ctx = None )
Return a tuple of string constants.
>>> x, y, z = Strings('x y z') >>> Concat(x,y,z) +(x, y, z) >>> Concat(x,y,z).sort() String
- cvc5.pythonic. StringVal ( val , ctx = None )
Return an SMT String value.
- val is a string value
If ctx=None , then the global context is used.
>>> StringVal('hello') "hello" >>> StringVal('hello').sort() String
String Operators
- cvc5.pythonic. Length ( s , ctx = None )
obtain the length of a string or sequence s
>>> s = StringVal('s') >>> l = Length(s) >>> simplify(l) 1
- cvc5.pythonic. SubString ( s , offset , length , ctx = None )
Extract substring starting at offset of size length
>>> simplify(SubString('hello',3,2)) "lo" >>> simplify(SubString(StringVal('hello'),3,2)) "lo"
- cvc5.pythonic. Contains ( a , b , ctx = None )
check if a contains b
>>> simplify(Contains('ab','a')) True >>> a,b,c = Strings("a b c") >>> s = Contains(a+b+c,b) >>> simplify(s) True
- cvc5.pythonic. PrefixOf ( a , b , ctx = None )
check if a is a prefix of b
>>> s1 = PrefixOf("ab","abc") >>> simplify(s1) True >>> s2 = PrefixOf("bc","abc") >>> simplify(s2) False
- cvc5.pythonic. SuffixOf ( a , b , ctx = None )
check if a is a suffix of b
>>> s1 = SuffixOf("ab","abc") >>> simplify(s1) False >>> s2 = SuffixOf("bc","abc") >>> simplify(s2) True
- cvc5.pythonic. IndexOf ( s , substr , offset = None )
retrieves the index of substr in s starting at offset, if offset is missing retrieves the first occurence
>>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc")) 1 >>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 0)) 1 >>> simplify(IndexOf("abcabc", "bc", 2)) 4
- cvc5.pythonic. Replace ( s , src , dst )
Replace the first occurence of src with dst in s
>>> simplify(Replace('hello','l','?')) "he?lo" >>> seq = Concat(Unit(IntVal(1)),Unit(IntVal(2))) >>> seq Concat(Unit(1), Unit(2)) >>> simplify(Replace(seq,Unit(IntVal(1)),Unit(IntVal(5)))) (seq.++ (seq.unit 5) (seq.unit 2))()
- cvc5.pythonic. StrToInt ( s )
Convert string expression to int
>>> a = StrToInt('1') >>> simplify(a==1) True >>> b = StrToInt('123') >>> simplify(b) 123
- cvc5.pythonic. IntToStr ( s )
Convert integer expression to string
>>> b = IntToStr(55) >>> simplify(b) "55" >>> b = IntToStr(-5) >>> simplify(b) ""
- cvc5.pythonic. StrToCode ( s )
Convert a unit length string to integer code
>>> simplify(StrToCode('a')) 97 >>> simplify(StrToCode('*')) 42
- cvc5.pythonic. StrFromCode ( c )
Convert code to a string
>>> a = StrFromCode(97) >>> simplify(a == 'a') True
See the following operator overload for string terms:
get character (special case of SubString):
Basic Regular Expression Term Builders
- cvc5.pythonic. Re ( s , ctx = None )
The regular expression that accepts the string s
>>> re = Re('a') >>> simplify(InRe('a',re)) True >>> simplify(InRe('b',re)) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Full ( ctx = None )
Create the regular expression that accepts the universal language
>>> e = Full() >>> print(e) Full() >>> s = String('s') >>> simplify(InRe(s,e)) True
- cvc5.pythonic. Option ( re )
Create the regular expression that optionally accepts the argument.
>>> re = Option(Re("a")) >>> print(simplify(InRe("a", re))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Range ( lo , hi , ctx = None )
Create the range regular expression over two sequences of length 1
>>> range = Range("a","z") >>> print(simplify(InRe("b", range))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("bb", range))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. AllChar ( )
Create a regular expression that accepts all single character strings
>>> re = AllChar() >>> simplify(InRe('a',re)) True >>> simplify(InRe('',re)) False >>> simplify(InRe('ab',re)) False
Regular Expression Operators
- cvc5.pythonic. InRe ( s , re )
Create regular expression membership test
>>> re = Union(Re("a"),Re("b")) >>> print (simplify(InRe("a", re))) True >>> print (simplify(InRe("b", re))) True >>> print (simplify(InRe("c", re))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Union ( * args )
create union of regular expressions
>>> re = Union(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c")) >>> simplify(InRe('a',re)) True >>> print (simplify(InRe("d", re))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Intersect ( * args )
Create intersection of regular expressions.
>>> re = Intersect(Re("a"), Re("b"), Re("c")) >>> simplify(InRe('',re)) False >>> re2 = Intersect(Star(Re("a")), Star(Re("b")), Star(Re("c"))) >>> simplify(InRe('',re2)) True
- cvc5.pythonic. Complement ( re )
Create the complement regular expression.
>>> re = Re('a') >>> comp_re = Complement(re) >>> simplify(InRe('a',comp_re)) False >>> simplify(InRe('aa',comp_re)) True
- cvc5.pythonic. Plus ( re )
Create the regular expression accepting one or more repetitions of argument.
>>> re = Plus(Re("a")) >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re))) False >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Star ( re )
Create the regular expression accepting zero or more repetitions of argument.
>>> re = Star(Re("a")) >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("ab", re))) False >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re))) True
- cvc5.pythonic. Loop ( re , lo , hi = 0 )
Create the regular expression accepting between a lower and upper bound repetitions
>>> re = Loop(Re("a"), 1, 3) >>> print(simplify(InRe("aa", re))) True >>> print(simplify(InRe("aaaa", re))) False >>> print(simplify(InRe("", re))) False
- cvc5.pythonic. Diff ( a , b , ctx = None )
Create the difference regular expression
>>> r1 = Re('a') >>> r2 = Re('a') + Re('b') >>> simplify(InRe('a',Diff(r2,r1))) False >>> simplify(InRe('b',Diff(r2,r1))) True
Classes (with overloads)
- class cvc5.pythonic. StringSortRef ( ast , ctx = None )
String sort.
- cast ( val )
Try to cast val as a String.
>>> string_sort = StringSort() >>> string_sort.cast(10) "10" >>> string_sort.cast('hello') "hello" >>> string_sort.cast(10.5) "10.5" >>> string_sort.cast(RealVal(1.5)) "3/2" >>> string_sort.cast(RealVal(1.5)).sort() String
- class cvc5.pythonic. StringRef ( ast , ctx = None , reverse_children = False )
String expressions
- __ge__ ( other )
Create the SMT expression other <= self based on a lexiographic ordering.
>>> s,t = Strings('s t') >>> s >= t t <= s
- __getitem__ ( i )
Return string character at i
>>> StringVal("hello")[0] At("hello", 0) >>> simplify(StringVal("hello")[0]) "h"
- __gt__ ( other )
Create the SMT expression other < self based on a lexiographic ordering.
>>> s,t = Strings('s t') >>> s > t t < s
- __le__ ( other )
Create the SMT expression self <= other based on a lexiographic ordering.
>>> s,t = Strings('s t') >>> s <= t s <= t
- __lt__ ( other )
Create the SMT expression self < other based on a lexiographic ordering.
>>> s,t = Strings('s t') >>> s < t s < t
- at ( i )
Return the sequence at index i
>>> seq = Const('seq',SeqSort(IntSort())) >>> At(seq, 0) >>> (Seq Int)